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1、Adjust Ring & Pinion Gears,1,Carrier Adjustments,Carriers require four major adjustments during assembly: 1. Pinion bearing preload2. Pinion depth3. Carrier bearing preload4. Backlash,2,Pinion Gear Adjustments,Pinion Preload,Shims,Collapsible Spacer,Pinion Depth,Shim,Shim,Most pinion preload adjustm

2、ents are made using a collapsible spacer; some use selective shims.Most pinion depth shims are between the gear head and the bearing; some fit between the bearing cup and the carrier.,3,Crush Sleeve,The collapsible spacer, commonly called a crush sleeve, fits between the upper bearing and the lower

3、bearing or gear. Tightening the pinion shaft nut collapses the sleeve and increases the preload on the bearings. A new crush sleeve is used when the pinion gear is installed.,Nut Crush Sleeve,4,Checking Preload,The amount of torque required to rotate the pinion gear is being measured using a low-rea

4、ding torque wrench. If the amount is too low, the pinion nut will be tightened further to put more preload on the bearings.,Low-reading Torque Wrench,5,Shim Adjustment,A group of shims are placed between a step on the pinion shaft and the bearings. Thinner shims will increase the amount of bearing p

5、reload.,Pinion Gear,Pinion Preload Shims,6,Replacing Differential,The differential and ring gear with the carrier bearings has been placed into the carrier with the ring gear contacting the pinion gear. An adjusting shim is being inserted between the left bearing cup and the housing.,Shim,Carrier,Di

6、fferential Case,7,Carrier Bearing Preload,A shim is being inserted between the right side bearing cup and the housing. The thickness of this (right side) shim and the left side shim will determine carrier bearing preload and back lash. Carrier bearing preload occurs when the shims are thicker than t

7、he space.,Shim,8,Checking Back Lash,The dial indicator is set up using a flexible mount. The measuring stylus is against a ring gear tooth. Back lash is read on the dial indicator by rocking the ring gear back and forth while holding the pinion gear stationary.,Dial Indicator,Ring Gear,Flexible Moun

8、t,9,Ring Gear Tooth Names,The heel is the outer end of the ring gear tooth, and the toe is at the inner end. The pinion gear exerts driving pressure on the more vertical convex side of the tooth while the more slanted, concave side is called the coast side.,Heel Toe,Coast Side: Concave,Drive Side: C

9、onvex,10,Contact Pattern,Face Flank,Pinion Tooth Contact,Gear Marking Compound,To check gear contact, a thin film of gear marking compound is painted onto the tooth, and the gears are rotated. The rubbing action of the pinion gear should wipe off a contact area that is about one-half the length of t

10、he tooth.,11,Marking Compound,A very thin coating of gear marking compound is painted onto the ring gear teeth using a small brush. It is recommended to paint both sides of the gear teeth all the way around the gear.,Painted Teeth,Small Paint Brush,12,Running a Pattern,The pattern will be more disti

11、nct and realistic as more load is placed on the gears. The screwdriver is being used as a brake to retard the ring gear as the pinion gear is being turned. Note that all of the ring gear teeth should be painted to check the contact of all of the ring gear teeth.,Screwdriver,13,A Good Pattern,The dri

12、ve sides of these teeth show a good contact. The pattern is about one-half the length of the tooth and favors the toe. Under load, the tooth will deflect slightly, and the pattern should become centered.,Gear Contact,Marking Compound (yellow),(Photo Courtesy of Sean Boyle),14,Ideal Contact Location,

13、Toe,Heel,Drive Side,Coast Side,Gear Marking Compound,Pinion Tooth Contact,The contact pattern should be centered vertically and horizontally on the tooth and should not run off the tooth. Some technicians prefer that the pattern be shifted slightly toward the toe. Ideally, the pattern should have sh

14、arp edges without any smearing.,15,Ring & Pinion Gears,The carrier and pinion gear bearings must be adjusted to the proper preload before trying to run a contact pattern and adjusting pinion depth or backlash.,Pinion Bearings,Carrier Bearings,16,Pinion Too Shallow,This pattern which runs off of oppo

15、site ends of the tooth shows that the pinion gear needs to be moved toward the ring gear. This will require a different pinion depth shim.,Toe,Heel,Coast Side,Drive Side,17,Thicker Pinion Depth Shim,Thicker Pinion Depth Shim,A thicker pinion depth shim will move the pinion gear downward, deeper into

16、 the ring gear. Changing the shim requires that the carrier be disassembled completely and then reassembled.,18,Pinion Too Deep,This is the opposite problem from Slide 17 with the patterns running off the other ends of the teeth. This pinion gear is too deep and must be moved out of the ring gear a

17、slight amount.,Toe,Heel,Drive Side,Coast Side,19,Reduce Pinion Depth Shim,Thinner Pinion Depth Shim,A thinner pinion depth shim will move the pinion gear upward, less deep in the ring gear. Changing the shim requires that the carrier be disassembled completely and then reassembled.,20,Alternate Pini

18、on Depth Shim,Some drive axles use a removable pinion retainer with depth shims between the retainer and carrier. Pinion depth can be adjusted without disturbing pinion bearing preload.,Carrier,Pinion Retainer,Pinion Depth Shim,Pinion Gear,21,Insufficient Lash,Both patterns are off the toes of the t

19、eeth. This tells us that the ring gear is too close to the pinion gear, and there is not enough back lash.,Toe,Heel,Drive Side,Coast Side,22,Shift Carrier Bearing Shims, Increase Lash,Moving part of the shim pack from the left side to the right side will move the ring gear away from the pinion gear

20、and increase back lash.,Shim Movement,23,Excess Lash,Toe,Heel,Drive Side,Coast Side,Both patterns are off the heels of the teeth. This tells us that the ring gear is too far away from the pinion gear, and there is too much back lash.,24,Shift Carrier Bearing Shims, Reduce Lash,Moving part of the shi

21、m pack from the right side to the left side will move the ring gear closer to the pinion gear and reduce back lash.,Shim Movement,25,Threaded Lash Adjustment,This carrier has a threaded adjuster at each of the carrier bearings. These adjusters can be turned inward or outward to adjust carrier bearin

22、g preload and lash.,Adjuster Nut,Carrier,26,Completion,When the carrier has the proper back lash (at a minimum of four locations around the ring gear), the proper preload, and a good pattern all the way around the ring gear, the carrier bearing cap bolts should be tightened to the correct torque. The axle assembly can be assembled and filled with the proper lubricant to the correct level.,27,


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