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1、真诚为您提供优质参考资料,若有不当之处,请指正。年 级八年级学 科英语版 本人教版(新目标)(2012教材)课程标题八年级英语人教版(新目标)(2012教材)上学期期中复习二编稿老师张春燕一校张小雯二校黄楠审核潘亮一、学习目标1. 掌握本部分的单词2. 掌握本部分的短语3. 掌握本部分的句型二、重点、难点重点:单词:percent, mind, writer, almost, point短语:hardly ever, be different from句型:1)How often does he watch TV?2)Tina is more outgoing than Tara.难点:1.

2、频度副词2. 比较级一、单词领读percent n. 百分之point n. 得分;点mind n. 头脑;心智break v. (使)破;裂;碎;损坏writer n. 作者;作家laugh v. 笑;发笑 n. 笑声almost adv. 几乎;差不多二、重点单词【单词复习】1. percent n. 百分之【用法】也可写作per cent。它没有复数形式,和数字搭配使用时放在数字后面。【例句】The boy finished 30 percent of his homework last night.这个男孩昨天晚上完成了作业的百分之三十。【拓展】当percent作主语时,谓语动词要根据

3、其后所接名词的单复数来判断。【例句】Twenty percent of the students are from China in his class.他所在的班中百分之二十的学生来自中国。【考题链接】Sixty percent of the water in the lake _ clean and clear.A. are B. is C. was D. were答案:B思路分析:因为主语water为不可数名词,故谓语动词用单数形式。句意为“这湖中百分之六十的水是干净清洁的。”表示现在的状况,故用一般现在时,B项正确。2. mind n. 头脑;心智 【用法】作名词可构成短语:chang

4、e ones mind 改变主意;make up ones mind 下决心。【例句】I think nothing can change his mind. 我认为没什么可以改变他的主意。【拓展】mind可作动词,意为“介意”,其后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式;Would you mind doing something?意为“做某事你介意吗?”。回答可用“Never mind.”没关系/不介意。【例句】Would you mind opening the door? 你介意打开门吗?Sorry to trouble you. 抱歉,麻烦您一下 Never mind. What can

5、I do for you? 没关系我能为你做些什么? 【考题链接】Would you mind _more slowly? I cant follow you. A. speak B. spoke C. spoken D. speaking 答案:D思路分析:句意为“你介意说得慢点吗?我跟不上你。”mind作动词,后接动词的-ing形式。3. writer n. 作者;作家 【用法】1)它由write+ r构成。英语中有很多名词都是在相应的动词后加上er/ or构成的。read + er reader(读者);clean + er cleaner(清洁工);teach + er teacher

6、(教师);act + or actor(男演员);visit + or visitor(游客);invent + or inventor(发明家)2)write v. 写;写信,其过去式为wrote。write a letter to sb. / write sb. a letter, 意为“给某人写封信”;write an e-mail意为“写封电子邮件”。【例句】At last, his father became a writer. 最后,他爸爸成了一名作家。Last night he missed his mother and he wrote a letter to her.昨晚他想

7、念妈妈,他给她写了一封信。【考题链接】I want to be a _, so I have to _ some articles.A. writer; writer B. write; write C. writer; write D. write; writer答案:C思路分析:不定冠词a后接名词writer;have to后接动词原形write;句意为“我想当一名作家,所以我得写一些文章。”故选C项。4. almost adv. 几乎;差不多 【用法】可以与no, none, nobody, nothing, never等词连用。【例句】I almost dropped the plat

8、e. 我差点把盘子掉了。Almost no one believed her. 几乎没有人相信她。 They almost didnt catch the bus. 他们差点没赶上公共汽车。 【考题链接】差不多所有的客人都来了。_ all the guests _here.答案:Almost; are5. point n. 得分;点 【用法】可作名词,意为“得分”,也可意为“点;要点;意思”。【例句】If you answer the question correctly, you can get 5 points. 如果你正确地回答了这个问题,你就能得到5分。I cant see your

9、point. 我不明白你的意思。【拓展】point可作动词“指着”讲,point to / at sb. / sth. 指着某人/某物。【例句】He pointed to the door and there I saw a girl smiling at me. 他指向门,我发现那里有一位姑娘朝着我微笑。The teacher pointed at the map and told me where Britain was. 老师指着地图告诉我英国的位置。【考题链接】How many _ can you get in the English exam?A. point B. points C

10、. pointing D. pointed答案:B思路分析:how many 后接可数名词复数,故选B项。句意为:这次英语测试,你能得多少分?【即学即练】1. The test makes up _ of the final exam.A. 30 percents B. percent 30 C. percents 30 D. 30 percent2. After supper, the girl is busy _ an e-mail _ her friend.A. write; to B. writing; to C. write; for D. writing; for3. It is

11、impolite to _(指)at anyone with your chopsticks while eating meals.4. Doing exercise is good for our _(头脑)and body.5. We are _(几乎)late for school.答案:1. D 2. B 3. point 4. mind 5. almost思路分析:1. percent和数字连用时,数字在前,且percent没有复数形式,故选D项。2. write to sb. 是固定形式;be busy后接doing,故选B项。三、重点短语【短语复习】1. hardly ever

12、几乎从不;几乎没有【用法】否定意义的短语,表示事情发生的频率小。常放在系动词、助动词、情态动词后,实义动词前。【例句】Lucy is hardly ever late. 露西几乎从不迟到。【考题链接】I like going to school on foot. I_(几乎不)take a bus to school.答案:hardly ever2. be different from 与不同;与有差异【用法】be different from后接名词或代词。其反义词组是:be the same as 与一样。【例句】City life is very different from count

13、ry life. 都市生活和乡村生活是非常不同的。【考题链接】This school is different others. It has many out-of-class activities. A. as B. from C. of D. for答案:B思路分析:考查短语be different from的用法,意为“和不同”。故选B。【即学即练】1. My friends are not the same as me. (同义句转换)My friends are _ _ me.2. My friend is very outgoing. She _ shy.A. is hardly

14、ever B. hardly ever is C. hardly is ever D. ever hardly is答案:1. different from 2. A思路分析:2. hardly ever意为“几乎不”,放在系动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。故选A项。四、重点句型【句型复习】1. How often does he watch TV? 他多久看一次电视?【句析】本句是特殊疑问句。how often用来提问做事的频度。常见的频度副词有:always 总是; usually 通常;often 经常; sometimes 有时;hardly ever 几乎不;never 从

15、不。twice a week, once a month, three times a year等也表示频度。【例句】My mother often watches TV at night. 我妈妈经常在晚上看电视。Tom visits his grandmother once a week. 汤姆每周看望他的外祖母一次。【考题链接】My brother sometimes surfs the Internet on weekends. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ brother _ the Internet on weekends?答案:How often does your; sur

16、f2. Tina is more outgoing than Tara. 蒂娜比塔拉外向。【句析】more outgoing是比较级,用于两者之间的比较。【考题链接】_exercise you take, _youll be.A. The fewer, the fatterB. The less, the fatterC. The less, the more fatter D. Less; fatter 答案:B思路分析:句意为:你做的锻炼越少,你就会越胖。exercise作“锻炼”讲时是不可数名词,故用less修饰;fat的比较级是fatter,故选B项,D项缺少the。【即学即练】1.

17、_ do you arrive late for school?Never.A. How long B. How many C. How much D. How often2. In my city, its _ in July, but its _ in August.A. hot; hot B. hotter; hotter C. hot; hotter D. hotter; hot答案:1. D 2. C思路分析:1. 根据答语中的never(表示频度)可知问句中用how often提问。2. 第一空是说七月天气炎热;but表转折,说明“八月天气(比七月)更热”,故用比较级。C项正确。一

18、、谈论做某事的频率【交际用语】【适用情景】该组交际用语适用于同学、朋友、家人等,以询问某项活动或行为的频率。Questions:1. What do you usually do on weekends?2. How often do you go shopping?3. How often do you watch TV?4. How often do you eat junk food?5. How many times do you watch TV a week?Answer: On weekends I usually do some activities. On Saturday

19、morning I often go shopping. I go shopping once a week. I always watch TV on Saturday evening and Sunday evening. I like watching game shows. I only watch TV twice a week. I like to eat junk food, but I eat it only three times a week. On Sunday, I usually do my homework carefully. My teacher is very

20、 strict, so I must finish it. 二、谈论比较人物【交际用语】【适用情景】该组交际用语适用于谈论朋友之间的差异或相同处。Questions:1. Who is your best friend?2. Are you the same as her / him?3. Are you different from her / him?4. Does he / she work as hard as you?Answer:I have a best friend. Her name is Betty. In some ways we are different, in so

21、me ways were the same. For example, she is quieter than me, and Im more outgoing than her. She is taller than me and she does better in playing the violin. We both like English and I work as hard as her, but she gets better grades than me. 期中复习三一、预习新知1. 写出下列单词的含义carefully_; reporter_; beautifully_;

22、educational_; discussion_; meaningless_; appear_; unlucky_; lose_2. 写出下列短语的意思all kinds of_; go on_; try ones best _3. 翻译下列句子1)Whats the best movie theater? _2)What do you think of game shows? _二、预习点拨思考问题一:carefully是副词,其形容词是什么?care是什么意思,用法是什么?思考问题二:你能区别 all kinds of, a kind of和kind of吗?思考问题三:形容词和副词的最

23、高级的用法,你还记得吗?(答题时间:40分钟)期中复习二 重点单词. 单项选择1. Sally is not very healthy, _ she often exercises.A. because B. although C. but D. and2. _ he go to the movies this weekend.A. May be B. Maybe C. May D. Maybes3. Fifty _ of the students _ doing their homework.A. percent; are B. percents; is C. percent; is D.

24、percents; are4. Can I share your happiness _ you?A. to B. in C. on D. with. 根据句意和汉语提示完成单词1. My mother often does _(家务).2. They go to the zoo _(两次)a year.3. I dont _(介意)your coming late this time.4. Yesterday he _(几乎)ate nothing.5. How many _(得分)can we get?6. Its _(必要的)to tell students the importance

25、 of safety. 7. Last week he _(损坏)his arm and couldnt go to school.8. Now my son studies in a _(最初的)school.9. My sister is _(外向的)than me.10. The boy came into the classroom _(轻声地). 用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1. How many _(time)do you go to the library a week?2. His sister goes _(shop)twice a week.3. Lily sometime

26、s _(sleep)six hours a day.4. Please start _(exercise)before its too late.5. The boys parents both _(die)in a car accident last year.6. My best friend is _(serious)than me.7. Can you see the words on the blackboard _(clear)?8. Roses room is bigger than _(me).9. There are many _(different)between Jack

27、 and Rick.10. Kids should _(be)polite to the old.期中复习二 重点短语. 单项选择1. _ does Frank exercise?Five times a week.A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How soon2. _ me, a good friend likes doing the same things _me.A. For; with B. For; as C. With; as D. For; for3. I think Unit 3 isnt as _ as Unit 4. Its

28、 boring.A. interesting B. important C. more interesting D. more important4. Dont _! Its not polite to _ others when they make mistakes.A. laugh; laugh B. laugh at; laugh C. laugh; laugh at D. laugh at; laugh. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子1. 这个美国男孩几乎不说汉语。The American boy _ _ speaks Chinese.2. 你上学多久迟到一次?_ _ are you la

29、te for school?3. 他们一周看三到四次电视。They watch TV three _ four _ a week.4. 一个真正的朋友会向你伸出手,触及你的心灵。A true friend reaches for your hand and _your _.5. 你弟弟和你相似吗?Is your brother _ _ you?期中复习二 重点句型. 单项选择 1. Is Mr. Hand a writer or a dentist?_.A. Yes, he is B. A writer C. No, he isnt D. No, he is2. Life today is m

30、uch better than _ in the old days.A. that B. one C. it D. this. 句型转换1. They both study very hard. (同义句转换)_ _ _study very hard.2. She has longer hair than Emma. (同义句转换)Her hair is _ than _.3. Mr. Green has four English books. Mrs. Green has six English books. (合并为一句)Mr. Green has _English books_ Mrs.

31、 Green.4. Art is not as important as chemistry. (同义句转换)Chemistry is _ _ than art.5. I sometimes read storybooks. (对画线部分提问)_ _ _ you read storybooks?. 书面表达下周,你们班将组织一次以“我的朋友观”为主题的班会。你认为好朋友应该什么样子?他或她的性格和爱好是否应该和你相同?请从自身的实际出发,用英语写一篇60词左右的发言稿来阐述你的观点。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Good morning, everyone!_.Thats all. Than

32、ks for listening!期中复习二 情景交际补全对话(在对话空白处填上一个词或短语,使对话完整)A: Li Ping 1 my friend. Shes 2 outgoing than me. B: My friend and I are the 3 . We are 4 quiet. A: Do you 5 the same? B: 6 . Im a little taller 7 her. A: What 8 Lucys friend? B: Lucys friend is 9 from her 10 much more serious than her. 期中复习二 重点单词.

33、 1. B 解析:根据前半句句意“萨莉不是很健康”可知“虽然她经常锻炼”,故选B项。2. B 解析:浏览题干可知句中缺少状语,故选B项。A项在句中作谓语;C项是情态动词,其后不能接句子;D项本身有误。3. A 解析:percent没有复数形式,排除B, D两项;名词students是复数,谓语动词用复数形式,故选A项。4. 解析:D share sth. with sb.意为“与某人分享某物”。. 1. housework 2. twice 3. mind 4. almost 5. points 6. necessary 7. broke 8. primary 9. more outgoing

34、 10. quietly. 1. times 2. shopping 3. sleeps 4. exercising 5. died 6. more serious 7. clearly 8. mine 9. differences 10. be期中复习二 重点短语. 1. B 解析:根据答语“一周五次”(表示频度)可知问句用特殊疑问词how often,故B项正确。2. B 解析:根据the same as可知A, D两项错误;表示“对谁来说”用介词for。3. A 解析:在not as as中加形容词或副词的原级;根据后句“它难以读懂”说明“第三单元不如第四单元有趣”,故选A项。4. C

35、解析:laugh是不及物动词,可单独使用;如果接宾语,要先加介词at,故选C项。句意为“不要笑!当他人犯错误时,嘲笑他人是不礼貌的。”. 1. hardly ever 2. How often 3. to; times 4. touches; heart 5. similar to 期中复习二 重点句型. 1. B 解析:问句是选择疑问句,故答语二者选取其一,只有B项正确。2. A 解析:句意为“如今的生活比以前好多了。”,用that代替前面的life。. 1. Both of them 2. longer; Emmas 3. fewer; than 4. more important 5.

36、How often do.Good morning, everyone! Should friends be different or the same? Some people think good friends should have the same views and interests, but I dont think so. My best friend is more outgoing than me. She likes to play sports, but I like to sit there and watch her play. In my opinion, a good friend always makes me happy. Its not necessary to be the same. Thats all. Thanks for listening!期中复习二 情景交际1. is 2. more 3. same 4. both 5. look6. No 7. than 8. about 9. different 10. and12 / 12


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