人教新目标英语九年级Unit 14 Section B(2a2e)导学案(无答案).docx

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1、. Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.Section B2a-2e导学案第四课时【学习目的】1.单词:gentleman, graduation, ceremony, congratulate, thirsty, none, task, ahead of responsible, separate2. 短语: be responsible for, thank you for doing sth, first of all, deal with, be full of, grow up, be proud of sb, work

2、hard, over the last three years, along the way,in ones life, the beginning of, give up, make ones own choice, in a few years time, come back, set out, ahead of, it is time to do sth, it is hard to do sth, separate from, be thirsty for【学习过程】1、 课前预习1.预习第110-111页内容,写出以下短语,然后小组内互查。 1 对有责任 _ 2 首先 _ 3 充满;

3、满腹_ 4 长大_ 5在过去的三年_ 6 放弃_ 7为某人感到自豪_ 8 随着时间的推移_ 9在某人的一生中_ 10 作出某人的选择._ 11 动身,安排_ 12 渴望_2.翻译以下句子。 1 我以儿子的成功为荣。 _ 2 作为一名学生,你应当为自己的将来负责。 3 Tom一生过的很艰辛。 _ 4 这个穷孩子对知识的渴望深深地感动了我。 5 祝贺你获得好成绩。 _二、课上活动1. 复习热身 2a During the three years, you must have some special memories.Now , talk about:What is the most import

4、ant thing you have learned in junior high school?Who is your favorite teacher? Why ?引入话题,议论自己三年初中生活学习到的最重要的东西;自己最喜欢的老师是谁,为什么? 2. 阅读训练 2b&2cTask 1. 速读 学生速读文章,答复2b方框中的问题。1What kind of text is this? Is it a story , a speech or a notice? _2Who do you think wrote it?_3Who is it for?_Task 2. 细读2c阅读文章, 答复2

5、c中的问题。Task 3. 朗读 播放录音,学生 跟读,朗读,矫正了学生的读音,利于语言习得,同时形成良好的阅读习惯。学生应当注意发音。Task 4. 读后。1处理难点。学生再读课文,找出难点,组内解决,最后老师点拨。2 Exercises Deal with 2d3 处理2e。划出你喜欢的句子,然后翻译,并阐述喜欢的理由。老师可提醒学生,学会在写作中运用这些句子,也为下一课时打下根底三、 语言知识1. 因某事而祝贺某人_ _ _ _eg. I congratulate you on your great discovery.祝贺,庆贺_名词 eg. This is a matter for

6、congratulation.这是件值得庆贺的事情。2. 渴望,渴求_ _ _ eg. He is_ for money and power权利。3. 未能做某事_ _ _ sth. eg. He failed to lift the stone at last.4. 感谢,感谢_ _ _ eg. I am thankful to my teacher for helping me learn.5. 负责任_ _ _ eg. Everyone should be_for his work.6. 长大_ _ eg. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.7

7、. 出发,启程 _ _=set off eg. We set out with enough food and water. 常见短语: set up建立,创立 set free释放 set down放下,记下四、达标检测一用所给词的适当形式填空。1. -Whats your uncles job? -He is a hotel _ manage .2. After_ graduate, he lives on his own.3. Please accept my _ congratulate on your recovery. 4. She wants to be strong enough to overcome many _ difficult . 二用所给短语造句。1.be thirsty for _2.be proud of _3.It is time to do sth. _4.It is hard to . _5.be responsible for _*;第 2 页


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