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1、人教九年级英语上册Unit8 It must belong to Carla知识梳理和复习九年级英语上册 Unit 8It must belong to Carla知识梳理与复习重点词汇1._hose谁的 2.att d出席;参加 3.val ble重的;很有用的;宝贯的4.pi ni 野餐5.an_b_dy任何人6.n se声音;噪音7.w f狼 8. sleep_困倦的;瞌睡的 9.t西服;套装:适合l医疗的;医学10.e_pr_ss表示;表达11.r_ce_vc 接受;收至U 12.medi15.nerg_f 力;力量13. p pose目的;目标 14.pr vent阻止;阻挠 16.

2、vict y胜利;成功重点短语1. pick捡起2. belong 属于3 . in the 在附近4 .a shower 淋浴5.the phone 在电话里6.after追赶;追逐必会语法1 .This Japanese dictionary Ellens. She is the only person learning Japanese inour Class.A. must be B. cant be C. may be D. can be2. -Whose book is this? -It must Jim. I saw him reading it just now.A. bel

3、ong to B. belong C. be belonged to D. be belonged3. They cant findA. strange anything B. anything strangeC. something strange D. strange something4. The traditional view is we sleep because our brain is programmedto makeus do so.A. when B. why C. whether D.that1 / 6人教九年级英语上册Unit8 It must belong to C

4、arla知识梳理和复习5. Not only my friends but also I interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.A. be B. am C. is D. are知识要点一:词汇一、词形转换1. usual(反义词)2. policeman(复数)3.big(比较级)4. different(名词)5. medicine(形容词)6. mystery(复数)7. health(形容词)8.rise(现在分词)9. whose(同音词)10.build(过去式)二、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. -W car

5、is this?一Its Amy s.2. Is it necessary for me to a the meeting?3. As a matter of fact, light is a form of e.4. Every single child will r a gift.5. Tm too s to watch the end of the show.三、根据所给汉语意思补全句子1. Dont take things that do not(属于)you.2. The children(玩得开心)in playing hide-and-seek.3. He spoiled the

6、 soup by putting(太多)salt in it.4. This pair of glasses 倩定不是)Jim s. He doesn wear glasses.5. He jogged out to see(EE在发生)outside.知识要点二:语法四、用所给单词的正确形式填空2 / 6人教九年级英语上册Unit8 It must belong to Carla知识梳理和复习1. This schoolbag might be(Linda).2. Christmas is a time of mirth(especial)for children.3. I saw him(

7、play )basketball on the playground.4. He might be running(catch)a bus to work.4.1 (attend) a concert yesterday.五、句型转换1. Both Li Lei and Tom are good at English.(同义句转换)Li Lei Tom good at English.2. This book could be Marys.(对画线部分提问) is this?3. Whats wrong?(写出同义句) the?4. The dictionary must be Cindys(

8、写出同义句)The dictionary Cindy.5. Mo Yan is her favorite author(对画线部分提问) her favorite author?六、改错()1. -Whose hat this is?一It must be Carlas.ABC D()2. Do you have valuable anything inyour schoolbag?ABCD()3. I tried to slop my father from smoke, but I failed.A BC D()4. Everyone in our town are feeling une

9、asy.3 / 6ABC D()5. This hair band should belong to Lindas.ABCD知识要点三:综合应用 七、补全对话A:1.B: It must be Toms. He loves basketball.A: How about this magazine?B:2.She loves reading and collecting magazines very much.A: And this book?B:3 Mo Yan is her favorite writer.A: OK. Here is a hair hand. Is it Linda s?

10、B:No,4 Her hair is too short. It could be Amy s. Amy has long hair.A: Er. Look. That tow rabbit must belong to Linda s little sister. 5.A. Shes the only little kid at the picnic.B. Whose basketball is this?C. It could not beD. This book might be Lindas.E. The magazine must belong to Helen.八、完形填空Our

11、neighborhood used to be very quiet.1.,these days,strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is 2.Zhou Gu, the local school teacher.,is 3. worried.When we interviewed him, he said, Every night we 4.strange noises outside our window.My wife thinks that it 5 .4 / 6人教九年级英语上册Unit8 It m

12、ust belong to Carla知识梳理和复习an animal, but my friends and I think it must be teenagers 6.fun.My parents called the police, but they cant find 7.strange. They think it might be the wind. I dont think so :Zhous next door neighbor Qi Hui is unhappy, 8.At first, I thought it might be a 9.,but I cant see a

13、 dog and I still hear the noises outsideEveryone in our neighborhood is worried, and they have 10.own ideas.But what is it?()1.A. However()2.A happy()3. A. very much()4.A. listen()5.A can be()6.A have()7.A something()8.A. either()9.A kitty()10.A.ourB. ButB. funB. muchB. hearB. could beB. hadB. anyth

14、ingB. tooB. dogB. herC. YetC.unhappyC. extremelyC. listened toC. perhaps beC. hasC.nothingC. alsoC. ducklingC. hisD. WhileD. moodyD. possibleD. heardD.maybeD. havingD. everythingD. as well asD. chickD. their参考答案一、1. unusual 2. policemen 3. bigger 4. difference 5. medical6. mysteries 7. healthy 8. ri

15、sing 9. whos 10. built二、1. Whose 2. attend 3. energy 4.receive 5. sleepy三、1. belong to 2. have fun 3. too much 4. cant be5. what was happening四、1. Linda s 2. especially 3. playing 4. to catch 5. attended2. Whose book五、 1. Not only, but also, is3. Whats, matter 4. must belong to 5. Who is六、1.B is this2.C anything valuable3. A smoking 4.C is 5.D Linda七、1 5BEDCA八、1 5 A CCBB 6 10 D B BB D6 / 6


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