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1、I .听句子,1. II .听句子,6. ! This is7.m OK.8.m you.9. you.10. s this选择正确答语(5分)a ball.Ia Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mi Mia Mi MiB Mi MiGood evening!B. Hi! Good morning.| Nice to meet you. :B. Nice to meet you,too.B. How areI How are you youj Thank you.B This is Ben.| What,s this | B. I* m Mary.C. YouareC. Goo

2、d evening.C. Thank you.welcome.C. You are welcome.C. Its a clock.英语人教七年级上综合测评STARTER UNITS 1-3(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第I卷听力部分(15分)选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)(5分)IH.听对话。,选择正确专案(5分)M: What color is your rulerW: Its black.11. What color is the girls rulerC. Its red.A. Its black.B. It s green.M: Hello, Alice ! Is this

3、 your pencil W: No, it isns Tonys.12. Whose pencil A. Its Bills.Tonys.is itB Its Alice,s.13. What* s this A. Its C.14. What* s theA. Her name isM: Hello, Gina! WhatsthisW: Its V.B. Its U.M:Whats your nameW:My name is Cindy.girls nameSandy. B. Her name is Cindy.C. Its V.C. Her name is Lucy.M: Good yo

4、u Mrs SmithW: Yes, I am.15. Whos the womanC. She is Mrs. Jones.1 . She is Mrs. Black. B. She is Mrs. Smith.第II卷 笔试部分,(85分)M单项选择(10分)16 .下列字母 与字母li含有相同的元音音素。A. RrB. GgC. YyD. Uu17 .下列各组字母中不含元音字母的是。D. 1 m n oA. a c d fB. g h k m C. j i n r18 .What color is the rulerA. Its a blue ruler.C. It is yellow.

5、19 .小号的衣服标识为A. SB. MB. It, s a blue.D. Its yellow ruler.C. LD. X20.在26个字母中 和 可以单独成词。A. R: EB. 0; U C. A: ID. P: T 21. Whats this in EnglishA. r m fineB. Its greenC. Its a key D. Its his book22. M-A-P.A. Whats thisC. What color is itSpell it, please. Its a map.23. Its A. a: an_ s B. an: aorange rrule

6、r.C. a: theD. an; the24. There is“ 一 min the word “name”,A. aB. anC. theD. /25. I can this song.A. speakB. haveC. likeD. singD.3Q yellow33.B. a orangeC. an orangeD. the orange34.TheC. AD.V .完形填空(10分)Good morning, everyone! I 绝 a is a s a nice29. is itand this in Englishlt* * s 33 s a ruler is 35 .26

7、.B. isC. areD./27. sB. ImC. HiD. This is28.B. penC. quiltD.ruler29.B. thisC. quiltD. old30.B. IsC. ItD.Its31.B. WhatsC. WhatD.Hows32. jacket B. jacketC. an jacket D. the jacket35.B. a blue one C. a blue D. blue(10 分)VI. STARTER UNITS 1-3综合测评VL从括号中选出恰当的单词完成句子36. How you (am, is, are)37. What this in

8、English (am, is, are)38. -How you (am, is, are)-I fine, thanks.39. Its orange. (/, a, an)40. Its red apple. (/, a, an)vn.句型转换(io分)41. This is a key,(对画线部分提问) this42. Bens bag is yellow_and_red,(对画线部分提问) is Ben,s bag43. My English teacher is fine.(改为同义句) My English teacher.44. Cindy Green is fine.(对画

9、线部分提问) Cindy Green45. Sit down, please.(写出应答句)VUL情景交际(15分)A)从II栏中找出I栏的对应答语(5分)III46. Whats this in EnglishA. Good morning!47. Good morning!B. Its orange.48. What color is that orange C. Fine, tKanks.49. How are youD. It* s an egg.50. Hello, Bob!E. Hello, Eric!B)补全对话(10 分)to meet you, too!m Li Lei.s

10、a pen.s blue.A: Hello!B: Hello! Im Ann.A: Nice to meet you!B:A: Can you speak EjiglishB: Yes, a s learn English together.A:B: Whats this in EnglishA:B: What color is itA:B: Yes, you are right.IX .根据图示回答问题(10分)s this in Englishit a jacketcojor is itdo you spell thatX .书面表达(20分)早上玛丽和汤姆见面了,互相问好后,玛丽问汤姆夹

11、克衫用英语怎么说,汤姆的夹克衫 是什么颜色的.汤姆一一作答。就此情景写一段对话,开头己经给出.Mary: Good morning Tom!Tom : rMary: Tom: rMary: 参考答案III.11-15ACCBBIV.16-25CBCACCBABDV. 26-35ABCADBACBDVI.36. are37. is38. are: am39.VIL41. Whatis 42.What color43.vm.trIX.56 It sa ruler.57 Yes, itis.60Her nameis Grace.II. 6- 10 CBACCan 40. ais OK 44. How is 45. Thank you58 Its red and yellow. 59QUILT.X.参考范文:Mary: Good_morning, Tom!Tom: Good morning, Mary!Mary: Whats this in EnglishTom: It s a jacket.Mary: What color is your jacket Tom: Its green.


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