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1、写出思路清晰的英语文章 这些小技巧 帮你实现1. Say what you mean 说出你想表达的含义Overly fancy words are not necessarily direct words, and they often fail to state your point clearly. 使用过多奇幻的词汇是不必要的,并且这些词汇可能会干扰你清晰地表达自己 的观点。You should certainly be willing to improve your vocabulary, but there is an art to doing this without sound

2、ing like you re trying a bittoo hard. If you find that your writing sounds too vague or elementary, you must avoid going overboard with fancy-sounding words and, instead, try to find more precise words. 对于这种情况,你当然应该提高词汇量 , 这里有一种听起来不太费力的方法可以 改善这个问题。如果你发现你的写作听起来太过模糊或根底,你必须防止过量 使用听起来不切实际的词语 , 相反, 试着使用更

3、精确的词语。2. Give your readers a road map 为读者提供引导图Our brains like to receive messages in a tidy order. They don t liketo be surprised by a big point- which is why introductorystatements are important. When writing, it is generally a good idea to start broad and provide an overview of the information to

4、come.But don t worry so much about this on your first draft. 我们的大脑喜欢接受有次序的信息,而不是无序杂乱的信息,因此引言是非常 重要的。在写作时,从整体的角度对全文的信息做一个概述是个不错的想法。 但在写初稿时可以先不考虑概述。You should never expect to write all of your messages in the correct order on the very first try no matter what type of messages youare writing. You can r

5、eorder paragraphs and sentences for your final draft.在写初稿时,不管是哪种文章,我们都不能保证第一次写作就将文章顺序一次 调整好。可以在之后的修改当中重新调整段落和句子的顺序。3. Get to the point 适时切入主题As mentioned above, every paragraph should have an introductory statement. This is important to establish a context or a background for the main point of a par

6、agraph. But you should avoid overdoing it with the intro. Don t surround your point just introduce it and then go for it!像之前提到的,每一段落都应该有一句引言引出段落内容。这对于建立段落的 上下文背景是非常重要的。但应该防止引言过多。不要一直围绕主题表达,引 出主题然后直接展开论述。4. Cut the fat 去掉不需要的局部Every single writer who ever published a paper or a book has had to chop o

7、ff some paragraph, page, or chapter that they loved. But if it doesnt serve a purpose, it should go. But cutting the fat is healthy. 每个曾经发表过文章的人都有这样的经历,文章中作者喜欢的段落,页面,章 节可能会被删除。但如果这些内容没有为文章的主题效劳,那么这些内容应该 被删除。但剪切掉这些内容可以使文章更精简。5. Don t jolt the reader s brain 防止与读者的思路冲突You may have some excellent parag

8、raphs, but they are not going to be very pleasing to read if they jump awkwardly from topic to topic. As you revise your paper, be sure to order your paragraphs in a sensible fashion and create smooth transitions between them. It just takes a few minutes extra, but it s worth your time.你可能会有一些很好的段落,

9、但是这些内容从一个主题生硬地跳转到另一个主 题,不符合读者的阅读思路。在你修订自己的文章时,确保你的段落采用一种 适宜的组织顺序,且段落之间转换流畅。这些工作可能只花费几分钟的时间, 但收获却是值得的。6. Use meaningful examples 使用有意义的举例If you are attempting to explain something complicated to your reader, it is a good idea to provide examples that will clarify the subject. But make sure your examp

10、les are meaningful. 如果你尝试向读者解释一些复杂的事务,提供一些切合主题且说明主题的例 子。确信你的举例是有意义的。Imagery is a good tool for showing examples. Graphs and tables will work, but whatever you decide to use to clarify your point, try it out on a friend. Have a friend, parent, or teacher read the segment with the example and see if i

11、t makes sense to them. 图像是展例如证的得力工具。图表同样起作用,但不管你决定使用什么例子来 说明你的主题,试着让朋友,父母或老师来读这些例证材料来看看这些举例是 否对他们同样有效。7. Punctuate properly 合理添加标点Observe the difference between these statements: 观察下面的句子有哪些不同:I once saw a man-eating frog. 我曾看到过可供人食用的青蛙。I once saw a man eating frog.我曾看到过吃青蛙的人。You can change the meani

12、ng of a sentence pretty drastically when you leave out some punctuation marks. What about this: 遗漏一些标点可以彻底地改变句子的意思,比方下面这句:That that that that teacher wrote was incorrect.It s a little better when you punctuate with: 添加标点后句子会更易懂:That “that that that teacher wrote was incorrect. 那个老师写的“ that 是不正确的。Eve

13、n if those examples are a little goofy, they do demonstrate the importance of punctuating.尽管这些例子有一些夸张,它们却说明了标点符号的重要性。Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐,Ctrl + R 右对齐,Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择特殊字符中的 段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“人卩人卩,然后在 替换为输入框中用上面的方法插入一个 段落标记 一个“AP,再按下 全部替换按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z 是撤销,那复原呢?就是 Ctrl + Y ,撤销上一步撤销!比方我输入abc,按一下F4,就会自动再输入一遍 abc


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