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1、Unitl She goes to school on Mondays.教学目标知识目标:1 .理解并识记词汇 :goes,go to school,on,Monday,play,phone,on the phone,with,friend,at home,who,only,year。2 .能初步运用句型 :He/She goes to school on Mondays.Does he/she go to school on Mondays?3 .让学生初步感知第三人称单数。能力目标:能运用所学句型,简单谈论家庭成员的日常活动。情感目标:积极参与各种课堂学习活动,乐于了解国外人文风俗。教学重

2、点理解并识记本课单词、短语,能运用本课句型。教学难点第 3 页掌握动词第三人称单数形式的变化:gogoes,playplays等。教学用具PPT,pictures,CD-ROM and stickers.教学过程Stepl Warm-upI.Greeting.T:Class begins.Stand up!Ss:Good morning,Ms Gao.T:Good morning,boys and girls.2.Chant.T:Now let s say a chant together,OK?Ss:OK!(PPT 展示 chant 内容 )I like coffee. I like tea

3、.I like cats and they like me.I like coffee. I like tea.I don t like lions and they don t like me.Step2 Presentation1 .展示足球以及踢足球图片。T:He likes football.He is playing football.( 加上动作帮助学生理解)T:Do you play football? 引出并教学“play”。 (分组读 ,高低音读 ,开火车读 ,抽读 )2 .T:Do you play football on Mondays? 引出并教学“on Mondays

4、”。 (Read together and ingroups.)3 .引导学生回答:Yes,I do/No,I don t.T:Do you play football on Mondays?S1:Yes,I do. S2:No,I don t.T:Do you go to school on Mondays?教授“go to school”。 (搭配上背书包上学的动作,让学生加深记忆)Ss:Yes,I do./No,I don t.T:Does he/she go to school on Mondays?引导全班学生回答:Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn t

5、.Pick up two students and ask them to whisper the answers.T:OK.Now only I know the answer.Do you want to know?Ss:Yes!T:Ask me with the sentence I taught you.(PPT 上呈现该句子)Ss:Does he/she go to school on Mondays?T:Yes,he/she does./No,he/she doesn t.Step3 Learnthetext1 .PPT 上出现 little Tom 的照片。T:Look,who

6、s that boy?引出并教学 Who”。Ss:Little Tom.T:Does he go to school on Mondays?Ss:.T:Yes.He doesn t go to school on Mondays.Do you know why?( 课件示图)Because he sonly two years old.教学“only,two years old ” 。 (Read together and in groups.)2 .Listen and answer.A.Is Amy at home?( 引出 athome 并教学 )3 .Is Sam at home?Lo

7、ok at the cartoon and then choose some students to answer these questions.The student who answers right can get a little star.4 .Listen,point and find“goes,does”.5 .利用 PPT,单词卡以及实物新授phone,on the phone,with,friend ”。Ms Smart is on the phone with her friend.6 .T:Let s read after the CD and imitate the

8、intonation and emotion of them.7 .T:Stand up and read again.(Read together,read in groups and the best group can get a mark.)Step4 Practice1 .T:You did a good job!Now I ll give you 2 minutes to read the text with your partner.Then we ll have you do role play on the platform.(Pick 3 groups to come to

9、 perform on the platform.)T:Wonderful!I think your accent is good.Here s the sticker.(给予上台的同学贴纸奖励)2 .Do Activity 1.T:Look at the pictures and try to describe their activities in English or in Chinese.Ss:T:OK,now let s listen to the CD carefully.(请学生认真完整听一遍 )T:This time,please listen and tick the cor

10、rect answer.Check the answers together.T:Let s read it together,OK?(全班齐读句子)Step5 SummaryLet s review what we have learnt today.Step6 HomeworkI.Read the text twice.2.Search information about culture differences between China and foreign countries.板书设计Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays.He/She goes to school on Mondays.Does he/she go to school on Mondays?Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesn t.第4页


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