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1、Instructional Design for Module 5 Unit2&3 of NSE 3AI. 教材分析教1、知识目标 :1) 能掌握本课单词eleven, twelve和句型 How many ?学目标教学重点教学难点任务设计板书设计2) 能认读数字并运用数字描述物品的数量。2、技能目标 :通过网络收集有关数字运用的资料,让学生了解数字在生活中的运用。1、能较好掌握本课单词。2、能掌握和运用本课所学句型。1、能灵活认读数字并运用数字数数。2、能运用所学的数字和句型完成数数、统计等任务。同学们可通过校园网查找有关数字在生活中的运用的例子,小组成员一起讨论,总结数字应用的例子。3A

2、Module5 Unit2&3 Eleven. Stand up!1112Room/ Tel. NumberTimeReckonCountMonkeyII. 教学过程结构流程图BeginningCAI1.Warm-upSay the chant and singCAI2.Show the topicKnow about the taskCAI3.OrganizationLook for the numbers on net4.DiscussDiscuss togetherCAI5.OrganizationHave a competition1 / 7CAICAICAICAICAICAICAI6

3、.Sum-up7.Show some exercises8Talkaboutthecar numbers9. Talk about the tel.10. Show some money 11.Show some clocks12. Sum-up13. Make assignments EndCommunicationDo some reckonLearn to sayLearn to sayMake out moneyTalk about the timeSum-upFinish after the classIII. 教学过程结构与方法说明1. Warm-up(1) Sing a song

4、. Stand up!(2) Listen and do the action.T: Stand up, Mary. Point to the door. S1: (Do the actions.) The door.T: Sit down, please. Stand up, Jack. Point to the window.S2: (Do the actions.) The window.2 / 7T: Sit down, please. Point to ten. S3: (Point to the Bb.) Ten.T: Can you make an order? S1: Poin

5、t to 5.S2: (Do the actions.) Five.(3) Now let s sing another song, OK?(4) T: Look, they are fingers. Now how many fingers?Ss: Four fingers.T: Good. How many fingers?Ss: Seven.T: How many desks are there in Group2? Let s count.Ss: One, two, threeT: How many chairs? Ss: Twelve.2. Show the topic: Today

6、 we ll talktheabonumberst. 今天我们将谈论有关数字的话题。Numbers are very important in our lives. We can count, reckon and so on.生活中我们可利用数字数数、 计算等等做许许多多的事情。 Can you give some examples? You can lookup some message from Internet. And then please discuss in groups. OK? 同学们可通过校园网查找有关数字在生活中的运用的例子,小组成员一起讨论,总结数字应用的例子。3.C

7、ommunication.Ss: (Discuss in groups.)T: Which group can try to give some examples?G1: 我们从校园网班级学生的学籍库中了解同学们的家庭地址和电话号码,可以知道数字在生活中经常表示门牌号和电话号码。3 / 7T: Good! We know about the telephone numbers and room numbers. Any more? (记录 )G2: 我们小组通过查找小学数学学籍库,找到数字在数学算式中云运用,我们可以用数字进行计算。 (在黑板上做简单记录)T: Excellent! We ca

8、n reckon.G3: 我们小组查找了教师的签到表,发现生活中数字经常用于表示时间。(记录)T: Very clever! We can know the time.G4: 我们小组进入校园网英语动画 乐园,和有趣的卡通人物一起做数数游戏,我们发现数字的数数作用。(记录 )T: Yes. We can count.G5: 我们小组到索材库中找到各种国家的货币,发现各国货币上都有数字,可以知道币值。T: Oh, quite good! (记录 )4. T: Numbers are very important in our lives. Each group has given some ex

9、amples. Now let s discuss together, OK?5.1)T: Look, there is a picture. Now let s have a competition现在我.们来进行数数竞赛,看哪个小组能在规定时间2 分钟内,最快完成题目,并且统计数字最准确。我们将请完成最快最好的小组向大家介绍他们成功的秘诀。 The questions are: How many boys, girls, caps, cats, birds are there in the picture? Then please fill the form in your group.2

10、)Point, count and fill the form.3)Check-up.T: OK, Group X is the winner. Now let s check up.Each group asks the question, and Group4answers.G1: How many boys?4 / 7GX: Eight.T: Is it right?Ss: Yes. (课件突出图中所有小男孩的图象,让学生明确结果)G2: How many girls?GX: Six.Ss: No.T: OK, what s your opinion? G3: Seven girls.S

11、s: Yes.T: OK, let s count课件.(突出图中所有女孩的图象,让学生明确结果)6. 请数数又快又正确的小组派一名同学来介绍一下他们成功的秘诀,怎样分工才能达到较好的合作成果?7. 1)T: Look, (point to Bb) we can reckon with numbers. I think all of you are good at maths. Do you think so?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Here are some exercises. Can you try to do it? Ss: Yes.T: One and seven is eig

12、ht. Learn to say.T: Two and three isSs: Five.2)Practise in pairs.T: Two and three isS1: Five.5 / 78. T: (出示课件) OK. Look, this is Xipu Road. There are some cars.(Point and ask.) What s the car s number?S1: D 323647Learn to say.T: And what about the taxi s number?S2: D 53782(如有学生表达有困难,教师应帮助学生建立信心,允许学生

13、由单一数字的运用,渐渐过渡到能熟练掌握车牌号、电话号码的表达。)T: Do you pay attention to the house? Who can tell me the housenumber?s (Point to the house课.件中展现马路边房屋的门牌号 )S1: 482T: Good, the house s number is 482.9. T: And next let boutstalkthea phone number. This is my telephonenumber 5128825.(Repeat) Learn to say.Can you tell m

14、e your telephone numbers?S1: Yes. 5126732 (如果学生出现少说一位号码或者表达不够熟练的情况,教师可适当重复正确读法,不必刻意纠正。)T: Maybe I will call you ,OK? Ss: OK.T: Thank you.10. T: When you buy something, you need some money.Look, here is money. Can you make them out?(课件中出示一些人民币,让学生学会用英语表达它的币值)S1: One Yuan.S2: Two Yuan6 / 7T: What do y

15、ou find from internet? S1: I know about the dollar.T: Yes. 美元 Do you know about pound? Ss: No.T: OK. 英镑,英国货币。11. T: At last, let s talk about the time. Look here, what s the time now?S1: It s seven o clock.Learn to say.T: (Take out a clock.) Now the clock goes on. What s the time now?Ss: It s ten o clock.T: 谁想成为时间老人,来拨动时钟?S1: (拨动时钟 )Whats the time now?Ss: Ittwelves o clock.7 / 7


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