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1、译林新版六年级下册 Unit7单元提优卷听力部分(30分)听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1.A. playB.pla nC. fan()2.A.soundB.roundC. fou nd()3.A.SayB.StayC. Way()4.A.travelB.travellerC. travelli ng()5.A.showB.snowC. slow二、听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择相应的答句。(10分)()1. A. She works in a hospital. B. Shegoing to PIay basketball.C. She likes play ing the Pi

2、a no.()2. A. No, it isn .B. YeSterday morning. C. At 9:00.()3. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he will.()4. A. They will go to the Ci nema. B. They are See ing a play.C. They work on a farm.()5. A. By pla ne.B. No, We won C. Yes, We will.三、听对话,判断下列句子是否相符,用“ T”或“ F”表示。(10分)()1.Su Hai will go to

3、 Hong Kong for the SUmmer holiday.()2. SU Hai WantS to ViSit OCea n Park.()3.Su Hai won go to DiSn eyla nd()4.Liu Tao is going to Sha nghai.()5. SU Hai will show some photos to LiU Tao after the holiday .笔试部分(70分)一、英汉互译(8分)1、回到伦敦 2、乘飞机去3、多长时间 4、呆在台北5、环游世界 6、至y家7、谈论 8暑假二、单项选择(10分)()1you going to See

4、a play?A. WillB. AreC. Do()2. Will you go to Sha nghai by train? No,A. I willB. you wontC. We wont()3. ItSunday today. What about a film?A. to WatChB. WatCh ingC. WatCheS()4. Im excited his pictures.A. aboutB. WithC. to()5. HOW Can We there?A. get toB. go toC. get()6. He like HOngKOng.A. travelli ng

5、B. travelsC. to travel()7. - We go to work by metro? -Ml right.A. willB. ShallC. Will()8. Beijing is the CaPitaI of China. LOndOn is the CaPitaI of .A. the USB. FranCeC. the UK()9.Look, the old woman is the bus. LetSheIP .A. gets onB. gett ing on; She C. gett ing on; her()10. NanCy is talking MiSS L

6、i her plans the Weekend.A. about; to; atB. to; about; forC. to; with; for三、从A栏选出B栏相对应的答句。(5分)BA. I will give her a gift.B. My Pare nts.C. The shopp ing centre.D. Certai nly.E. At a quarter to nine.A()1. Where will you go this after noon?()2. When will they meet?()3. Will Ya ng Ling go to Jin Shan Pa

7、rk?()4. Who will give me a gift?()5. What will you do for your teacher?四、 根据首字母提示,补全短文。(10分)Ann is an English g. She and her father W to China fiveyears ago. She _s English. She Can also SPeak a_l Chinese. AtWeekends, She U Plays games With her Chinese _f. Her fatherworks in Sha nghai. He t En glish

8、 in Ann school. Annand her fatherboth like Chinaand the Chinese P Very much. BUt they are going bto t COUntrynext year.五、用所给词的适当形式填空。(7分)1. I Want to be a (travel).2. LiSten, the birds (Sing) in the tree.3. ThiS road is not now. We must cross the road .(Safe)4. It stoo late. Wang Bing Carit (WatCh)

9、TV.He must (go) to bed now.5. The Pair of shoes(be) Un der the bed just now.六、 按要求完成句子。(10分)1. My cousin will show me his StamPS.(改为同义句)My cousin will show StamPS me.2. IStay there for a mo nth.对画线部分提问)will Stay there?3. He will go to TaiPei tomorrow.(改为否定句)He go to TaiPei tomorrow.4. She is flying

10、a kite now.(用 tomorrow morning 改写)She a kite tomorrow morning.七、完形填空。(5分)Do you ofte n think of your Pare nts ? YeS , of COUrSe , You may an SWer . I buy a PreSe nt for my mother on MOtherS Day .And I give my father a PreSe nt on FathelS Day , _J_. Then What about the other days of a year ? AIWayS _

11、2 of yourPare nts , not just on some importa nt(重大的) days .I have a friend who lives alone (个人住) ,3 her Parents live in another City . One day I Went to See her . We talked a lot . Then She Wanted to make a teleph one 4. She dialed the nu mber , but the n She PUt the pho ne dow n. Afterabout ten SeC

12、 onds , She dialed the nu mber aga in . Hi , MUm .Later I asked , My Pare nts are old . They Can t get close to the teleph one quickly . I always do When I call them . I just Want to give them enoUgh (足够的) time to an SWer the call .My frie nd is a good girl . She is always 5her Pare nts . You also W

13、ant tobe a good child , right ? So Why no t lear n from her ?()1.A .too B . alsoC.either ()2.A . likeB .forget C .thi nk()3.A .so B. orC.but()4.A . faceB.Card C.call()5.A .thi nking aboutB . laugh atC .looked for六、阅读短文,选择正确答案。(15分)The story is about two mice(老鼠).They are frie nds. One mouse lives in

14、 the coun try. The other lives in the city. One day they meet each other. The one in the COUntry says, “ Come and have a look at my house. They come to a house in a field. The COUntry mouse gives the City mouse n ice food. BUt the City mouse says.” ThiS food is not good. You must come and live with

15、me in the city”.So they go to the house of the city mouse. It is a very good house. Nice food is ready准备)for them to eat. But just Whe n they beg in to eat, they hear a great no ise, Run! Run! The cat is coming! ”the two friends run away quickly. After some time, they go out. The country mouse says

16、to the city mous“e, I dont like to live in the city. Its dangerous.() 1. The tWo mice live.A. in different places B. in the city C. in the country() 2. The city mouse.A. get nothings to eat from the country mouseB. lives With the country mouse for a long timeC. doesntlike the food of the country mou

17、ses.() 3. Does the city mouse ask the country mouse to his house?A. I think so .B. Yes , he does. C. No, he doesnt.()4. WhiCh Sen te nce is true正 确的)?A. They are helpful. B. They dontknoW each other. C. They are good friends() 5. When a cat is coming, the tWo mice A. stay there quietly. B. run aWay

18、quickly. C. Want to make friends With it.ItsMay 31. ChildrensDay is coming. We Will have a party tomorroW. NoW We are making a plan for the party. First, Lily Will sing an English song. Next, all the teachers Will dance. After that, Kitty Will play the piano and Simon Will play the violin. Then, the

19、re will be a guess ing game. If you Can guess COrreCtI正 确的),you will get a SUrPriSe(惊喜).Afterwards, We will liste n to pouplar music and talk With each other in English. At last, everyone will drink and eat. Everyone will be happy at the party. ()1. When is the Party?A. On May 31. B. On June 1. C. O

20、n May 30.()2. What will Lily do at the Party?A. She will danCe. B. She will Play the Piano. C. She will sing an English song. ()3. What will Simon do at the Party?A. He will sing an English song. B. He will Play the Piano. C. He will Play the violin. ()4. Will we listen to PoPular musiC at the Party?A. Yes, you will. B. No, you wont.C. Sorry, we dontknow.()5. The Party will end at ? A. 6 P. m. B. 9 P. m. C. 10 P. m.6


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