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1、专业.专注simply gives us the means to enjoy them.爱、家庭和社区往往被看做快乐的真正来源,而工作只是为我们提供了享受那一切的手段。Mihaly Csiksze ntmihalyi, who coined the term flow, which adhere nts of positivepsychology would use to describe the job-induced highs, says that distinction is a falseword完美格式one.米哈里奇凯岑特米哈伊认为这种区分是错误的。他发明了强感受(flow)这

2、个说法,信奉正面心理学的人常用此词来描述由工作而引发的兴奋状态。he writes in his“ Anything can be enjoyable if the elements of flow are present,Good Busin ess .在称心如意的工作一书中他写道:“只要存在强感受因素,任何事情都能给我们带来愉悦。“ With in that framework, doing a seem in gly bori ng job can be a source of greaterfulfillme nt tha n one ever thought possible.”根据

3、这一观点,从事一份表面看上去枯燥的工作却会给人们带来想象不到的更大的成就感。”(3) Csiksze ntmihalyi en courages us to reach a state in which work is an exte nsion of whatwe n aturally want to do.奇凯岑特米哈伊鼓励我们达到这样一种境界一一在此境界中,工作是我们本就想做的事情的一种延伸。Immersed in the pleasure of work, we don t worry about its ultimate reward.沉浸在工作的快乐中,我们就不会为最终的报酬去操心

4、。If that sounds out of reach, take heart.即便听起来很难达到这种境界,我们也要树立信心。You may soon get some en courageme nt from the head office.也许你很快会从上司那儿得到某种鼓励。A grow ing body of research is dem on strati ng that happy workers not only are happier in life but are also crucial to the health of a compa ny.越来越多的研究证明,如果员工

5、工作时心情愉快,不仅其自身生活会更幸福,而且对公司的健康发展也有着举足轻重的作用。(4) Thirty-five years ago, the Gallup Orga ni zatio n started research ing why people incerta in work groups, even within the same compa ny, were so much more effective tha n others.35年前,盖洛普民意调查机构开始研究为什么某些工作团队(甚至在同一公司内)的工作效率比别的团队高得多。Don aid Clift on5 the Gall

6、up researcher who pion eered that work, con ducted a series ofexte nsive in terviews with highly productive teams of workers.盖洛普此项调查的发起者唐纳德克利夫顿对许多高效的员工团队进行了一系列范围广泛的采访,From those in terviews, Gallup developed a set of 12 stateme nts desig ned to measureemployees overall level of happ in ess with thei

7、r work, which Gallup calls从中总结出了一套旨在衡量员工工作快乐感受一一盖洛普称之为工作投入” 一一总体水平的12条提法。Some of the criteria reflect the obvious requireme nts of any worker (Do you have whatyou n eed to do your job? Do you know what s expected of you at work?), while othersreveal more subtle variables (Do you have a best friend a

8、t work? Does your supervisoror some one else at work care about you as a pers on?). Gallup started the survey in 1998,and it now includes 5.4 million employees at 474 organizations; Gallup also doesperiodic random polls of workers in different countries.盖洛普的调查是从1998年开始的,现在已经覆盖474家机构里的540万员工;它还对不同国家的

9、企业员工定期进行随机民意调查(5) The polls paint a picture of a rather disaffected U.S. work force.对美国的调查反映出美国公司员工工作时情绪不佳In the most recent poll, from September 2004, only 29% of workers said they wereen gaged with their work.根据2004年9月开始的最新调查,只有29%的员工说他们对工作很投入,More than half, 55% , were not engaged, and 16% were a

10、ctively disengaged.而一半以上(55%)的员工说他们对工作不投入,16%的员工根本就是消极怠 工。Still, those numbers are better than in many other countries.尽管如此,这些数字比许多其他国家还要好些The percentage of engaged workers in the U.S. is morethan twice as large as Germa nyand three times as great as Sin gapores.美国对工作投入的员工的百分比是德国的两倍多,是新加坡的3倍But n ei

11、ther the late 1990s boom nor the subseque nt bust had much impact i n either direct ion, in dicati ng that the state of worker happ in ess goes much deeper tha n the swings of the economy.但是20世纪90年代后期的经济繁荣和随之而来的经济萧条都没有对员工的两 种工作态度产生多大影 啊,这表明工人在工作中是否能获得快乐感受有比经济形势更深层的原因。(6) James Harter, a psychologist

12、 direct ing that research at Gallup, says many compa nies are simply misread ing what makes people happy at work.盖洛普指导这项调查的心理学家詹姆斯哈特说,很多公司完全误解了工作快乐 感受产生的原因。Bey ond a certa in minimum level, it isn t pay or ben efits; it s strong relati on shipsco-workers and a supportive boss.高于某种最低水平之后,工作中的快乐感受与收入或

13、奖金的关系就不大了,关键在于是否有融洽的同事关系和支持自己工作的老板。“ These are basic human needs in the workplace, but they re not the ones thought byman agers to be very importa nt. Harter says.哈特说:“这是人们在工作场所的一些基本需求,但往往得不到上司的重视。”Gallup has found that a strong positive response to the state me ntHl have a best friendat work ” , fo

14、r example, is a powerful predictor for engagement at work and is correlated with profitability and conn ecti on with customers.盖洛普的调查已发现,例如,如果有人对同事中有我最好的朋友”这个提法反应强烈的话,这就有力预示着他能积极投入工作,而且这与企业的收益率以及企 业和客户之间的联系都互有关联。“It indicates a high level of belonging,“ Hatter says.哈特说:“这显示了一种高度的归属感。”(7) Without it,

15、 a job that looks good on paper can make a worker miserable.如果没有归属感,一项表面上看起来不错的工作也会使人感到痛苦。Martina Radix, 41, traded a high-pressure job as an executive assista nt at a compa ny where she liked her colleagues for a less taxi ng positi on as a clerical worker in a law firm six years ago.41岁的马丁娜雷迪克斯原是一

16、家公司的经理助理,虽然工作压力大,但她和同事相处都很好;6年 前她换了工作,到一家律师事务所成了一名职位相对清闲的办事员。She has more time and flexibility but feels stifled by her co-workers and unappreciated by her boss.如今她时间多了,自由度也大了,但她感觉和这里的同事共事太压抑,也得不到老板的赏识。I am a misfit in that department,她说:s 我不适应这个部门。“ No matter how good your personal life is, if you

17、go in to a bad atmosphere at work, it takes away from it.”不管你个人生活多惬意,如果工作单位氛围不好,个人生活就会大受影响。”(8) In fact, en gageme nt at work is less a fun cti on of your pers on ality tha n is happ in ess in gen eral.事实上,对工作的投入与其说是人的个性使然,不如说是源于人们在工作中总体上感到的快乐。Harter estimates that in dividual dispositi on acco unts

18、 for only about 30% of thediffere nee betwee n employees who are highly en gaged and those who are not.哈特认为,对工作高度投入与并不投入的员工之间之所以存在差异,员工的个性只起30%的作用,The rest of it is shaped by the hun dreds of in teract ions that employees have every day with co-workers, supervisors and customers.其他的取决于员工每天与同事、主管以及客户

19、的频繁交往。(9) The most direct fix, the n, is to seek out a supportive workplace.所以,最直接的解决办法就是选择一个称心的工作单位。Finding a job that fits a life call ing uni ocks the door to happ in ess.找到一份适合自己终生从事的工作便打开了快乐之门。Lissette Men dez, 33, says her job coord in at ing the annual book fair at Miami Dade College is the o

20、ne she was born to do.33岁的莉塞特门德斯在迈阿密达德学院每年的书展中搞协调工作,她称自己天生就是做这份工作的料。“ Books are an inextricable part of my life,“ she says.她说:“我和书有一种不解之缘。”(10) Even if your passion does not easily translate into a profession, you can still find happ in ess on the job.即使你的爱好无法轻易地转化为一项职业,你仍可在自己的工作中找到乐趣。Numerous studi

21、es have show n correlati ons betwee n meanin gful work and happ in ess, job satisfacti on and even physical health.大量研究已经表明,有意义的工作与心情愉快、工作满意度甚至健康状况都相矣That sense of meaning, however, can take many diff ere nt forms.然而,这里所说的工作意义可能包括多种形式。Some peo pie find it in the work itself; others take pride in the

22、ir company stha n in their specific job.有人感到工作本身有意义;有人则以公司的使命而非自己的具体工作而自豪。People can find mea ning in an ythi ng.人们可以在任何事情当中发现意义。(11) The desire for meaning is so strong that sometimes people simply create it, especially to make sense of difficult or un pleasa nt work.人们对工作意义的渴望是如此强烈,以至于有时干脆造出个意义,尤其

23、对那些困难或烦心的工作而言 更是如此。In a recently completed six-year study of physicians during their surgical residency, for example, it was found that the surgeons were extremely dissatisfied in the first year, when the menial work they were assigned, like filling out endless copies of patient records, seemed poin

24、 tless.例如,最近完成了一项为期6年的对外科住院医生实习期间表现的研究。该项研究发现,头一年里外科医生都牢骚满腹,因为分配给他们的那些乏味的活儿(如没完没了地填写病历 本)似乎都毫无意义。Once they started to think of the training as part of the larger process of joining an elite group of doctors, their attitude cha nged.可是一旦开始想到这项训练是他们加入医生这一精英群体所要经历的更重大过 程的一部分时,他们的 态度就改变了 。The y re able

25、to recon struct and make sense of their work and what they do.他们会调整心态,给自己的工作和所做的事情赋予意义。By the end of year one, they ve started to create some meanings.到第一年结束时,他们已经开始创造出工作的某些意义了。(12) While positive psychology has mostly focused on the in dividual pursuit of happ in ess, a new fieldpositive organi zat

26、i onal scholarship has begu n to exam ine the conn ecti on betwee n happy employees and happy bus in esses.尽管正面心理学的重点大多关注个人对快乐的追求,但是一个新的领域门研究成功组织的学问一一已开始着手研究员工心情愉快和公司生意兴隆之间的关系。In stead of focus ing on profitability and competiti on to expla in success, researchers inthis field are study ing meaningf

27、uln ess, authe ntic leadership and emoti onal compete nee.这一领域的研究者们不专注于用利润率和竞争来解释成功,而是对工作意义、可信赖的领导层和情感能力这些因素进行深入研究。Not the typical B-school buzzwords, but they may soon become part of the Ian guagespoke n by every M.B.A.这些都不是商学院典型的时髦用语,但不久就可能成为每个MBA学生的口头 禅。(13) Un til rece ntly, bus in esspeople wou

28、ld dismiss employee well- being as “ outside theirdomain and kind of fringe- ish ” , says Thomas Wright, a profess or of organizationalbehavior at the Uni versity of Nevada, Reno.内华达大学里诺分校的组织行为学教授托马斯赖特说,直到不久前,企业家们还不愿考虑员工是否工作心情舒畅的问题,认为这不属于他们关心的范围,和 他们的职责范围相去甚、,迈 Early hi nts of the importa nee of wor

29、ker happ in ess were slow to be accepted.很早就有人提出工作时雇员是否心情愉快很重要,但人们接受这个观念却用了很长时间A 1920s studyon the topic at the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Co. in Cicero, III. looked at whether in creased lighti ng, shorter workdays and other worker-frie ndly fixes would improve productivity.早在20世纪20年代,

30、在伊利诺伊州西塞罗市的西部电力公司霍索恩发电厂就 进行了有关这一命题的 研究,对增加照明、缩短工作日以及其他有利于员工的措施能否提高生产率的问题进行了调查。While the workplace cha nges boosted performa nee, the experime nters even tuallydiscovered that the diff ere nces workers were resp onding to were not in the physical en viro nment but i n the social one.尽管工作场所的变化改善了员工的工作

31、表现,但调查者最终发现对员工产生影响的不在于物质环境的 变化,而在于人际环境的变化。In other words, the attention they were getting was what made them happier and more effective.换句话说,让员工们心情更愉快、工作劲头更高的是他们所受的关注。This phe nomenon came to be known as the Hawthor ne effect.这种现象后来被称为霍索恩效应。“ The researchers came to realize that it was people s happ

32、 in ess that made thediffere nee, Wright says.赖特说:“研究人员逐渐意识到,起关键作用的是人们的快乐感受。”But later studies that looked at job-satisfact ion rat ings were incon siste nt.但后来对工作满意度的许多研究结果却前后矛盾。Broader measures of happ in ess, it turns out, are better predictors of productivity.现在看来,用更广泛的衡量标准来评估快乐感受,能更有效地预测生产率。(14

33、) Making any of those changes depends on the boss, although not necessarily, the CEO.任何这类改变都取决于公司的领导,尽管不一定非取决于首席执行官。So a han dful of bus in ess schools are trying to create a new kind of fron tl ine man ager, based on the idea of “ authentic leadership” .因此,一些商学院根据可信赖的领导层”的思想正努力塑造一类新型的第一线管理者。In stea

34、d of impos ing faddish man ageme nt tech niq ues on each supervisor, authe ntic leadership begi ns with self-aware ness.他们不是把流行的管理技巧强行灌输给每个管理者,而是从提高自我意识开始构建可信赖的管理层。In troverted bosses have to know their own style and the n find strategies to man age people that feel n atural.内向型的老板必须了解自己的管理风格,然后去开发更

35、人性化的员工管理策 略。In other words, by figuring out their strengths, they learn to recognize those of employees.换句话说,通过发现自己的优势,学会发掘员工的优势。(15) The goal of all that rethinking, however, is not necessarily a world in which peoplelove their work above everyth ing else.然而,上述反思的目的并非一定要缔造一个人人都热爱工作超过其他一切的社会。Work, b

36、y definition, is somewhat unpleasant relative to all the other things we could be doi ng.从定义上看,与我们能从事的所有其他活动相比,工作本来就是有些让人反感的 事情,That s why we still expect to get paid for doing it.这就是为什么我们仍然希望工作必须有报酬的原因。But at the very least, bus in esses could do better just by pay ing atte ntio n to what their emp

37、loyees want and n eed.但通过关心员工的需求,至少企业可能发展得更好。Then more of us could find a measure of fulfillment in what we do.那样,我们更多的人就会在工作中找到一定程度的满足感。And once in a while, we might hope to transcend it all.而且时不时地我们还可能希望超出这种满足感。It can happen on the basketball court, in front of a roaring crowd, or in a classroom, infront of just one grateful stude nt. (1669words)这种情况可能发生在篮球场上喧闹欢呼的人群前,也可能发生在教室里,在仅仅一个充满感激的学生面前。


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