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1、酿溪一小五年级(上)英语期末试题班级 姓名 考号 一、听力(30分) A)选出你所听到的单词:(10分) ( )1. A. big B. small ( )2. A. building B. toilet ( )3. A. hair B. face ( )4. A. plane B. shop ( )5. A. morning B. night B)选出你所听到的短语:(10分) ( )6. A. turn left B. turn right ( )7. A. nice garden B. music room ( )8. A. short hair B. long hair ( )9. A

2、. make the bed B. do exercises ( )10. A. by train B. by taxi C)选出你听到的句子:(10分) ( )11. A. Merry Christmas! B. Happy New Year! ( ) 12. A. The Spring Festival is coming! B. I want to be a teacher. 二、笔试(70分) A)书写,按正确的格式写出下列字母和单词。(40分) playground building afternoon _ _ _ _ holiday policeman parents _ _ _

3、_ B)选出下列各句的答句,将正确选项填在括号里。(24分) ( )1.What does she look like?A.She has long hair. B.He has a kind face. ( )2.Whose toy is this? A.Its hers. B.No,Im not. ( )3.What do you want to be? A.I want to be a driver. B.Sorry. ( )4.What does your father do? A.He is a worker. B.He likes swimming. ( )5.What are you doing? A.Im making paper-cuts. B. Yes,I do. ( )6.How do you usually go to school? A.I often walk to school. B.By plane. C) 找译文,把相应的编号填在括号里。(6分) ( )1. work A. 年,岁 ( )2. nurse B. 烹饪 ( )3. make C. 切 ( )4. cut D.制作 ( )5.cook E. 护士 ( )6.year F. 工作


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