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1、2011年专升本试题2011年山东省专升本英语真题Part II vocabulary and structure (15points, 0.5 point each)21. The coat has ain side to showtime and where it was made.A. label B. mark C. sig n D. tag22. I mvery sorry to have you with sc many questi ons on such an occasi on.A. in terferedB. bothered C. impressed D.offen de

2、d23. When she retired, she did a lot of work for the Red Cross.A. social B. portable C. prom inent D.volun tary24. The French pianist who had been praised very highly to be a great disappointment.A. turned in B. turned out C. turned up D. turned dow n25. Marti n Luther Ki ng wasthe NobelPrize for ad

3、vocating the nonviolence policies in the moveme nt for citize n rights.A. gained B. got C. awarded D. owned26. This is the first draft of the book. Pleasefeel perfectly free toon it.A. conform B. complain C. confirm D.comme nt27. A primitive answer makes you feel good,but anone teaches you a lot.A.

4、affirmative B. n egativeG. objective D.subjective28. The noiseun til she couldnstrtd itany Ion ger.A. set up B. range up C. built up D. called up29. The dog waitingbehind the galelookedthat I did not dare to go in.A. mild B. fierce C. wild D. harmful30. Jane is scolded by her boss because she leftth

5、e office with the computeryesterday.A. on B. out C. uniocked D. unclosed31. Don t joke with Lin da, she takes everythi ngfar too.A. carefully B. gravely C. critically D. seriously32. Mr Morgan can be very sadthough in public he is extremely cheerful.A. by himselfB. in person C. in privateD.as himsel

6、f33. She keeps a supply of candles in the housein case of power.A. failure B. lack C. absenee D. drop34. Some people areto policies and whatis going on in other places.A. kee n B. curious C. en thusiastic D.in differe nt35. We are quite sure that we can ourpresent difficulties and finish the task on

7、 schedule.A. get across B. get over C. get away D. get off36. The reason he rejected our plan isthat he had no faith in us.A. which B. that C. why D. because37. If you stick to the piano everyday,you will become quite a good musicia n.A. practice B. practic ing C. have practiced D. be practic ing38.

8、 No one the building without the permissi on of the police.A. is leaving B. will be leavingC. have left D.is to leave39. you realize your trouble with En glishlearni ng, you can take some effective steps.A. Now that B. From then on C. Ever since D. By now40. It was not until he arrived in classreali

9、zed he had forgotte n his book.A. when he B. that he C. and he D. he41. Professor Lee book will show you can be used in other con text.A. that you have observedB. how that you have observedC. that how you have observedD. how what you have observed42. But for the favorable weather, weinsuch a good ha

10、rvest.A. can t gBt couldn t geC. couldn have got D. could have got43. So little with each other that theneighbors couldn t settle their differenee.24A. agree did they B. did they agreeC. they agreeD. they did agree44. The alarm o clock didn himOrning,youit last ni ght.A. n eed to have forgotte n to

11、wi ndB. may have forgotte n wi ndi ngC. ought to have forgotte n to windD. must have forgotte n to wind45. A series of measures, people in that area man aged to survive the severe famine.B. were take nA. hav ing take nC. having been taken D. have been taken46. It was n t such a gdod innershe hadprom

12、ised us.A. that B. whichC. as D. what47. Evide neecame up,specific speecsounds are recognized by babies as young as mon ths old.A. that B. what C. which D. whose48. that th e pilot couldn t fly through itA. The storm so severe wasB. So the storm was severe C. So severe was the storm D. Such was the

13、storm severe49. Hiskno wledgeof Ian guage andin ter nati onal bus in esshim in his work.A. help B. helps C. was helpful D.havehelped50. I don think lunch is a good time to gettogether,.A. dinner is neitherB. so is not dinner C.not dinner too D. nor is dinnerPart III Reading comprehension (30 points,

14、 1.5po ints each)Section ADirections; There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished, statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp onding letter on the An swer Sheet wi

15、th a sin gle line through the cen ter.Passage 1Many teachers believe that the responsibility for learning lies with the students.If a long reading assignment is given, teachers expect stude nts to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an exam

16、 in ati on. The ideal student is considered to be one who is motivated to learn for the sake of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades. When research is assigned, the professor in the United States expects the students to take the initiative and complete the assignment with les

17、s guidanee. 71 Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be over-dependent on them. In the United States, professors have other duties besides teaching. Often they are responsible for administrative work within their departme nts. In additi on, they may be obliged

18、 to publish articles and books. Therefore the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach a professorduri ng office hours or make appo in tme nt.Participation in the classroom is not onl

19、yaccepted but also expected of the students in many courses. Some professors base part of the final grade on the student oisal participation.Although there are formal lectures duri ng which the stude nt has a passive role (i. e. liste ning and taking notes), many courses are organized around classro

20、om discussi ons, stude nt questi ons and in formal lectures.In the teach ing of scie nee and mathematics, the dom inant mode of in structi on is gen erally traditionalwith teachers presenting formallectures and stude nts tak ing no te. However, new educational trends have psychology classes, for exa

21、mple, are ofte n required to solve problems in groups , desig n projects, make prese ntati ons and exam ine case studies. 72 Si nee some college or university courses are “ applied ”ther thantheoretical they stress “ doing ” andin volveme nt.51. Whenresearch isassig ned theprofessor.A. will give the

22、 student some necessary guidaneeB. will not give stude nt any guida neeC. prefer that student not be dependent on him at allD. expect the student to complete it under his guida nee52. Which of the following is NOT the duty of an America n professor?A. Solving the students problem during office hours

23、B. Being responsible for some administrative work.C. Publish ing articles and books.D. Spending a lot of time with the students outside of the class.53. In the teach ing of scie nee and mathematics,A. classroom discussi onB.stude ntprese ntati onC. formal lecturesD.in formallecturesthe dom inant mod

24、e of in structi on is.54. New educational trend have emerge in the huma nities and social scie nee that stress.A. the role of readi ngB. good academicrecordC. the professor illustration D. the student ; participati onPassage TwoThe last few years have see n new wealth in the group of white-collar wo

25、rkers in China. Primarily this group con sists of lawyers, artists, compa nypreside ntsand employees ofthe goodjoint-venture companies. This group did not exist ten years ago. Bus in ess ven tures such as real estate development, computer companies and travel age ncies have nu rtured this new class

26、of ambitious Chin ese who have tasted life ” and want eve n more of it.What are the marks of this group of people? First of all, it is defined by what its members have; cell pho nes, washi ng machi nes, microwave ove ns, computers, homes and vacati ons. But this group is not only marked by material

27、thin gs. Apsychologicalin depe ndenceand carefreeoptimism is also prese nt. Middle-aged successful company presidents, young professionals even college students are optimistic, expecting the best in their future.Chinese entrepreneurs (企业家)began accumulating money in the late 1980 s.ut it was not unt

28、il the middle 90 that the material possessi on of the n ewly-rich-cellphones,computers, cars, houses were easily available. These high-techen trepre neursquit stateenterprise to start private companies nearly a decade ago, when China started to transform from a pla nned to a market econo my. These e

29、arly entrepreneurs are now wealthy by any country standards. 73 However, like any newly-rich Chinese, they seem a little uncomfortable when asked about wealth One reason for their discomfort is that they realize that the prosperity wealth that has created the group of newly-richhas not benefited all

30、Chin ese equally. Some en trepre neurs have move up in social status, but many workers have bee n laid off, losing their jobs temporarily for econo mic reas on, from state-r un factories.For most Chin ese, the move in to this styleof life is still a step-by-step progress. It may be slow but many bus

31、 in ess people are hopeful. As a real estate entrepreneur from Beijing said;“ This is no t just about mon ey. It out a betterab quality of life.”55. The word“ nurture ”Line 4, Prara l)probably means.A. n aturalizeB. no urishhelptheC. care for and educate D.developme nt of56. According to the passage

32、, which of the following are NOT marked of the newly-rich Chi nese?A. Great ambition and the whish for a new lifestyle.B. Houses and vacati ons.C. M obile phones and computers.D. Men tal in depe ndence and optimism.57. Why do many newly-rich Chinese feel embarrassed whe n saked about wealth?A. Becau

33、se they have higher social status.B. Because they have quit state-r un factories.C. Because they have fired many employees.D. Because they know many others are not so wealthy.58. According to the real estate entrepreneur,many bus in ess people are look ing forward to this Style of Life for the sake

34、of.A. more wealth B. higher social status C. better quality of life D. greater fame Passage Three74 In recent years a new and serious problem has arise n for intern ational airli nes and their passengers. This is the relatively new crime of hijack ing. Once an un heard-of eve nt, it has now become a

35、 comm on occurre nee.There is not very much anyone can do once a hijacker is on board an aeropla ne. He may be carry ing a gun or hand gren ades, which, if used, would cause a disaster. The only thing to do istry to en sure that these people n ever get on the pla ne in the first in sta nee. So airli

36、 nes all over the world have security procedures. Before anycapasse nger can get on an airpla ne at the airport, he must go through a series of security checks to make sure he isn darrying anything that is potentially dangerous or could be used as a weapon on board. The security measures vary from a

37、irport to airport. At some airports there is very little security. At other airports the security checks are very strict and it can take up to half-a n-hour to get through them all.Kai Tak Airport in Hong Kong, Chi na, has a good security system. No aircraft starting its jour ney from Hong Kong has

38、ever bee n hijacked. At Kai Tak, whe n a passe nger first checks in, his or her n ame is matched with the computer list of passengers booked on that particular flight. If the n ame is not recog ni sed, the passe nger will be taken aside and questioned by security guards and may not be allowed on the

39、 plane. Next, every suitcase is X-ray checked before it goes into the plane. Any suitcase that seems to have somethi ng dan gerous in it is not put on the pla ne. Then the hand baggage which the passengers will carry on to the plane is checked. Each passenger has to open his or her bag and the secur

40、ity clerk exam ines the conten ts. If there is anything that could be used as a weapon, a penknife for example, the security staff take it away and keep it in a safe place on the plane until the flight is over. The passenger can then collect it.Fin ally there is a body check of all passengers. They

41、must pass through a door where X-rays will show if they are carrying any thi ng made of metal, like a gun. II anything suspicious is found, they will be asked to expla in. 75 It is only after all these checks that a passe nger is allowed to board the pla ne59. According to the first paragraph which

42、of the following will the author disagree?A. Hijacki ng is a relatively new crime.B. Hijacki ng is practically un heard-of.C. The n umber of Hijack ing is in creas ing.D. Hijacki ngis a serious problem facingin ter nati onal airli nes.60. The only thing we can do to prevent thedisaster caused by Hij

43、ack ing is to.A. set up a series of security proceduresB. exert con trol over gunsC. fight bravely aga inst the hijack ingD. meet the hijacker s dema nd61. If there is any thi ng that could be used as aweap on, the passager.A. can keep it in a safe place on the pla neB. can take it back from the sec

44、urity staff when the flight is overC. may not be allowed on the pla neD. will be taken aside and questioned by security guards.62. At Kai Tak a passenger has to get throughall the following checks before boarding the pla ne except.A. hav ing his n ame matched with the computer listB. hav ing every s

45、uitcase X-ray checkedC. hav ing the hand baggage X-ray checkedD. pass ing through a door for a body checkSecti on BDirections: Match the Chinese sentences in the left column with the English in the right column. Mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.

46、63.如果研究结果能够应用于科学技术 的开发,我们的努力就没有白费。64 我的电脑现在无法启动,一定是操 作系统岀了毛病。65. 通过这个项目,许多人接受了培训 并决定自己创业。66. 转校后不久约翰发现自己很难跟上 班里的其他同学。A. Soon after he tran sferred to the new school, Joh n found that he had great difficulty keep ing up with the rest of his class.B. Throughout the project, people have received tra in

47、ing and decided to start over their own bus in ess.C. Our efforts will pay off if the results of the research can be applied to the developme nt of the new tech no logy.D. 1 can t start my computer now, sth mus have with the operat ing system.67. 多亏了一系列的新发明,医生们才能 够成功地治疗这种疾病。68. 这个女孩不顾父母的强烈反对决定 出国学习。69. 研究表明,身体状况不佳与缺之锻炼 密切相关。70. 据说那些压力大或常加班的人更有 可能增加体重。A. The girl decided to travel abroad to study despite the stro ng oppositi on of her pare nts.B. It is said that those who are stressed or working overtime are more likely put on weight.C. The study shows that of the huma n body is closely re


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