高二英语 1-2双基演练课堂 大纲人教版.doc

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1、Units 12 Making a difference News media .单项填空1They are now in great need of help.So your support will certainly make a _.Adeal Bdecision Cpoint Ddifference解析:make a difference“很重要,与众不同”。答案:D2The climbers are _ after the long and hard trip.They need rest and food badly.Aused up Bmade up Cgiven out Dr

2、un out解析:use up“用完;精疲力竭”。答案:A3It has been raining every day so far.I hope tomorrow will _ fine.Aturn to Bturn up Cturn into Dturn out解析:turn out (to be)adj.意为“结果会,最后是”。答案:D4I dont think these black clothes _her age.I guess red ones may be better.Amatch Bfit Cconnect Dequal解析:match作动词,意为“与相配,适合”。fit常

3、指衣帽等的大小合体。答案:A5Children are naturally _ about everything around them.Acurious Bworried Cinterested Dserious解析:be curious about sth.“对感到好奇”。答案:A6There is very little _ in protesting.It wont help much.Ahelp Bmeaning Cwork Dpoint解析:there is no/little/not much point in doing sth.是固定句式,意为“做某事没用处”。答案:D7It

4、 _ unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.Atook Bneeded Cspent Dshared解析:it takes sth.to do sth.固定句式,意为“做某事需要”。答案:A8I think the directors attitude _ this program will decide what we should do next.Afor Bof Cat Dto解析:attitude常与介词to/toward连用,意为“对的态度”。答案:D9He _ badly injure

5、d in the accident and was taken to hospital immediately.Amade Bgot Creceived Dsuffered解析:getdone相当于bedone,是被动语态的一种表达形式。答案:B10In order to keep their trade _, they would have to buy less goods in the United States.Abalanced Bbalancing Cto balance Dbeing balanced解析:keep sth.balanced“使保持平衡”;balance作动词用,

6、与前面的trade是被动关系,故用过去分词。答案:A.完形填空One night last summer,my neighbor Debbie came over and knocked on my door.“Im leaving for_1_,Jim,” she said.“Would you mind dropping by my house in a bit and_2_on my mother?”“Not a problem,” I said.Id lived next door to Debbie and her 84yearold_3_,Nan,for about six mon

7、ths,and wed become fast friends.Debbie always worked at night.She_4_leaving her mom alone,so she asked if it was okay if she rigged (装配) up one of those baby monitors and_5_me a receiver.I was_6_to help.After all,Ive been blind since infancy(婴儿期) and out of work for years.In fact,at 54,Id come to wo

8、nder if I had much_7_anymore.Like me,Nan was_8_and was also hard of hearing.That evening Nan and I chatted for a bit_9_.“If youre okay,” I said,“I think Ill turn in.” Before I_10_,I made sure the baby monitor was working.“Good night,Nan,” I said.I_11_my stick and headed out the door.“See you tomorro

9、w,” Nan called behind me.I locked the door and_12_my way home.Several minutes_13_I heard a sound.It was Nan on the_14_.“Jim!Jim!” I heard over the monitor.“The house is_15_!Help!”I went as_16_as I could to Debbies.I got to the front door.I could_17_a heavy,thick smoke.I put my hand on the doorknob(门

10、把手),and reached for my key and_18_the door.“Here,Jim.Help!” Her voice was weak.“Lets get out of here!” I shouted.Grabbing her hand,I started to move on.I tapped with my cane_19_we found the front door.We felt our way down the steps,_20_in the sweet,fresh summer air,and to the gate of her yard.Thank

11、you,Lord.Were all safe.1A.play Bstudy Cgame Dwork解析:考查名词。我要去上班了。根据下文Debbie always worked at night.分析,此处是表明Im leaving for work.而不可能是去“玩”(play)、“学习”(study)或“比赛”(game)。答案:D2A.checking Btaking Cputting Dkeeping解析:考查动名词。你一会儿有空去我家“看看”(check on)我母亲好吗?check on有“查看”之意,符合语境。take on呈现,具有,put on穿上,装出,keep on继续。

12、答案:A3A.father Bmother Csister Dbrother解析:考查名词。根据上下文判断,Nan是Debbie的母亲。答案:B4A.thought about Bworried about Ccared for Dlooked for解析:考查动词词组辨析。黛比觉得把母亲一个人放在家里不放心即“担心”(worry about)。think about考虑,care for 关怀,照顾,look for寻找。答案:B5A.sold Bbought Cbrought Dgave解析:考查动词辨析。黛比问我,要是装上一种幼儿监控器,再“给”(give)我接上一个接听器行不行。sel

13、l卖,buy买,bring带来。答案:D6A.sad Bsorrowful Cglad Dupset解析:考查形容词辨析。我“乐”(glad)于助人。sad忧愁的,sorrowful悲伤的,upset心烦的。答案:C7A.value Bprice Cmoney Dservice解析:考查名词辨析。事实上,我都54岁了,已开始怀疑自己还有多少“价值”(value)可言。price价格,money货币,service服务。答案:A8A.deaf Bold Cwise Dblind解析:考查形容词辨析。她像我一样眼“瞎”(blind)还耳背。deaf聋的,old老的,wise聪明的,均与语境不符。答

14、案:D9A.long before Bbefore long Conce again Das usual解析:考查短语搭配。那天晚上南和我“像往常一样”(as usual)聊了一阵。long before很早以前,before long不久以后,once again(接着)再一次,均与语境不合。答案:D10A.left Bstayed Ctalked Dchatted解析:考查动词辨析。在我“离开”(leave)之前,我又检查了幼儿监控器。stay逗留,talk谈话,chat聊天。答案:A11A.set up Bput up Cpicked up Dtook up 解析:考查动词搭配。我“拿起

15、”(pick up)拐杖往门外走去。set up建立,put up竖起,take up从事。答案:C12A.moved Bpushed Cwound Dfelt解析:考查动词辨析。我锁好门“摸着”(feel)路回了家。move移动,push推动,wind绕着,均不合句意。答案:D13A.instead Blater Cthen Dago 解析:考查副词辨析。几分钟“后”(later),我听到一个声音。instead相反地,then然后,ago在之前。答案:B14A.neighbor Breceiver Cworker Dspeaker 解析:考查名词。“接听器”(receiver)上传来的是南

16、的声音。neighbor邻居,worker工人,speaker说话者,与上文及本句意思不符。答案:B15A.on fire Bin trouble Cin danger Don sale 解析:考查介词短语。房子“着火了”(on fire)。再结合下文的a heavy,thick smoke.分析,in trouble处在困境中,in danger危险中,on sale出售,均不合语境。答案:A16A.fast Bslowly Csafely Dwell解析:考查副词辨析。我尽可能“快地”(fast)朝黛比家走去。slowly慢地,safely安全地,well好地,均不合句意。答案:A17A.

17、see Bfeel Ctaste Dsmell解析:考查动词。我能“闻到”(smell)一股浓重的烟味。因为我是盲人,所以不可能“看到”(see),feel感觉,taste品尝,均不合句意。答案:D18A.unlocked Bshut Cbroke Dknocked 解析:考查动词辨析。我取出钥匙,“打开”(unlock)门。shut关,break破,knock敲,均不合句意。答案:A19A.before Bafter Cuntil Dsince解析:考查连词。我轻敲拐杖探路,“直到”(until)找到前门。before在之前,after在之后,since因为。答案:C20A.showing

18、Bnoticing Closing Dbreathing解析:考查现在分词辨析。我们摸着路下了台阶,终于“呼吸”(breathe)到了夏日甜美、新鲜的空气,到了她家的庭院大门。show展现,notice注意到,lose丢失,均不合语境。答案:D.阅读理解Elevenyearold Angela was stricken with a debilitating disease involving her nervous system.She was unable to walk and her movement was restricted in other ways as well.The d

19、octors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering from this illness.They predicted shed spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.They said that few,if any,were able to come back to normal after contracting this disease.The little girl was undaunted.There,lying in her hospital bed,she would

20、vow to anyone whod listen that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.She was transferred to a specialized hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.Whatever therapies could be applied to her case were used.The therapists were charmed by her undefeatable spirit.They taught her about imagi

21、ningabout seeing herself walking.If it would do nothing else,it would at least give her hope and something positive to do in the long waking hours in her bed.Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy,in whirlpools and in exercise sessions.But she worked just as hard lying there faith

22、fully doing her imagining:visualizing herself moving,moving,moving!One day,as she was staining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again,it seemed as though a miracle happened:The bed moved!It began to move around the room!She screamed out,“Look what Im doing!Look!Look!I can do it!I moved,

23、I moved!”Of course,at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming,too,and running for cover.People were screaming,equipment was falling and glass was breaking.You_see,it_was_the_recent_San_Francisco_earthquake.But_dont_tell_that_to_Angela.Shes_convinced_that_she_did_it.And_now_only_

24、a_few_years_later,shes_back_in_school.You_see,anyone_who_can_shake_the_earth_between_San_Francisco_and_Oakland_can_conquer_a_piddling_little_disease,cant_they?1The underlined word “undaunted” in the first paragraph can probably be replaced by _.Aencouraged Bnot discouragedClosing heart Dexcited解析:文章

25、开头就谈到十一岁的Angela得了一种疾病,并且医生对这种病的治愈没抱多大希望,但小女孩发誓她总有一天会重新行走,所以就能猜出“undaunted”是“坚强”的意思,与选项B意思相近。答案:B2Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?AThe girl got over her disease just by imagining.BIt was because of her strong determination and constant efforts that she got walking agai

26、n.CThe girl was on top of the world when she moved the bed in her room.DDoctors believe imagining being healthy helps patients recover.解析:联系生活实际及上下文可知。答案:B3By saying the last sentence in the last paragraph,the author means that _.Awhere there is a will,there is a wayBa person who is strong enough to

27、 shake the earth can get over any diseaseCjust as it is impossible for one to shake the earth,so it is to conquer a serious diseaseDthough one can shake the earth,he cant defeat a little disease解析:理解最后一句内涵。答案:A4What might be a good title for the text?ADid The Earth Move For You?BA Miracle Made by a Young GirlCA Young Girl Conquered DiseaseDStrong Will Defeats Illness解析:A项新颖有吸引力,贴近主题。答案:A


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