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1、2019年同等学力人员申请硕士学位外国语水平全国统一考试Part 1 Oral Communication (10 points)Section ADirections: In this section there are hvo incomplete dialogues and each dialogue has three blanks and three choices A, B and C. taken from the dialogue. Fill in each of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialog

2、ue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Dialogue OneA. Youve been saying that forever!B. There must be ten here.C.Let*s read this book.Girl: Dad, will you read to me?Dad: Uh, let me finish the newspaper first?Girl: 1 ADad: WelL how about reading the business section of the newspaper together?Gir

3、l: Thats boring. 2 C It,s about a bear and and a cat that become friends. And these books too.Dad: Whoa. I thought you said one book. 3BGirl: My teacher, Mrs Green, says you have to read to me every night, and the newspaper doesnt count.Dialogue TwoA. Got any plans after the class?B. That sounds lik

4、e a good idea.C. They are due today.Juliane: Hijenny. 4AJenny: Not really. What about you?Juliane: Ive 酰;t a course paper to write. So 1 plan to look tor some books and study at the library. Do you want to join me?Jenny: Sure, 1 need to return some books. 5C Besides. I can also read some magazines a

5、nd the newspapers there.Juliane: Fantastic! We can go swimming in the gym after that.Jenny:6B We can chill out a little in such a hot summer.Section BDirections: In this seclion there is one incomplete dialogue which has Jour blanks and four choices A. B. C and D. taken front the dialogue. Fill in e

6、ach of the blanks with one of the choices to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.A. Youre a Comp Lit major*?B. What is your name?C. but the system wont let me.D. But that class is already full.Stuart: Hello. Can I help you?Karen: Yes I hope so. 1 would like to register fbr

7、 Comp Lit 287.Stuart: Tm sorry, 7D And also, students are supposed to register through the touch-tone registration system.Karen: 1 know that I already tried to register by phone. 8CStuart: Thats because it*s full.Karen: But Im a new student here. I thought maybe there was some way 1 could get into t

8、he class.Stuart: Well. I could pul you on a waiting list. But that doesnt guarantee you will get into the class. 9B Karen: My name is Karen Huang.Stuart: Alright And what is your majoi?Karen: Im a comparative literature major.Stuari: Wait a minute. 10AKaren: Yes, thats right. And Professor Cohen tol

9、d me I need to take Comp Lit 287.Stuart: The university computer system saves extra places, in class 287 lor Comp Lit students.Karen: Even if the class is full?Stuart: That*s right.Part 11 Vocabulary (lOpoints)Directions: In this part there are ten sentences, each uil/i one word or phrase underlined

10、. Choose the one front the Jour choices marked 4, B. C and D that best keeps the meaning of the sentence. Mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.11. The supply of silver in the mine had diminished减少,causing great concern among the people of the town.A. Expired期满 B. erupted C. declined D. disappeared12

11、. A deficiency缺乏 of soil nutrients can cause the crop to be of low quality.A. source B. numberC. supplyD. lack13. He claimed that he had a wonderful job and was well paid, but his mother knew that he had made it all叩Collected B. conected C. invested D. invented14. Though many people witnessed the ac

12、cident, they were not sure about the exact consequences.15. A.causes B. results C. processes D. orders16. Supported by sufficient evidence, his argument seems to have a great deal of validity有效.A. Utility B. truth C. value D. challenge17. The scene has shocked me because it is something alien to me.

13、A. Unfamiliar B. unfair C. uncomfortable D. unnecessary18. the new situation in this area calls for a change in our financial policies.A. requires B. suggests C. identifies D. demonstrates19. Once a bed is completed in the factory, it undergoes a rigorous quality control process.A. complete B.strict

14、 C. complex D. long20. It saved them an hour during a procedure that would nomially take three hours.A. Rarely B.usually C. possibly D. merely21. The universe is presumed to contain many other planets with some form of life.A.intended B. destinedC. supposed D.expectedPart III Reading Comprehension (

15、25 points)Section ADirections: In this section, there are four passages Jill lowed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers A. B. C and D. Choose die best answer and mark your answer on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneMany people have looked to the stars and wondered what

16、it would be like to take a trip into outer space. Ever since the space program began, traveling beyond Earth has been a privilege tor a select few, namely, astronauts. The rest of us have had to imagine what it would be like, but that may soon change.Those who favor expanding space exploration feel

17、that it is time to go beyond the govern me n t -f u nded National Aeronautics and Space Administration(NASA )program and to create opportunities for individuals and businesses to explore outer space. Imagine privately financed research outposts in space, missions to Mare, and mining operations on th

18、e Moon, the space frontier could indeed be the next gold rush!Imagine what it would be like to travel in space. Those who have been lucky enough to visit space have all called it an amazing experience. The view of Earth and the stars must be spectacular, and the experience of living in zero gravity

19、“would be fascinating. The first American woman to visit space. Sally Ride, said that it was the greatest fun of her life. Imagine the thrill of booking a flight tor a weekend stay (or longer)at a space hotel. It turns out that a space hotel would be much easier to design and build than the Internat

20、ional Space Station: early estimates of the cost to build the hotels indicate that they would be less expensive if the orbiting holds were built to accommodate large numbers of space travelers.the space hotel and the other projects businesses might think up would allow people to see what is happenin

21、g in space with their own eyes. That may lead to more support of NASA and its space research and greater appreciation of the funding that the space program now receives.Those who oppose expanding space exploration argue that the costs are overwhelming and unrealistic. They point to the billions of d

22、ollars that would have to be raised through consumers or corporate sponsorship. In addition, civilian space travel is potentially dangerous, and there are many unknown risks involved.Who would determine the safety of commercial orbiting vehicles, and how would they be insured? Issues like this requi

23、re lime for discussion among groups from many different businesses. Companies that specialize in manufacturing, travel, marketing, insurance, law. and finance would all have to be involved.Others believe there are simply too many unanswered questions to put civilians in space any lime soon. I here a

24、re also those who question investing in space exploration when there are widespread problems like poverty and disease that need to be addressed on Earth. For these people, commercial space travel will remain science fiction, at least for many years to come.22. The expressionMthe next gold rush*(Para

25、. 2)probably means that _A. space exploration could be the next investment hot spotB. investors arc enthusiastic about gold mining in spaceC. private businesses are more interested in space travelD. gold might be discovered on remote planets23. It can be learned from Paragraph 3 thatA. space holds w

26、ould be very uncomfortableB. Sally Ride enjoyed her visit to outer spaceC. the view of Earth and the stars is boringD. space visitors regret what they have done24. All of the following are objections to commercial space travel EXCEPT _A. potential dangers B. overwhelming costsC. government oppositio

27、n D. unknown risks25. The authors attitude toward commercial space travel is _A. indifferent B. objective C. supportive D. opposing26. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A. Exploration of Outer Space B. Future of Private Space BusinessesC. Hotels in Space D. Civilians in S

28、pacePassage TwoAs 170 people sat down to dinner, 1 breathed a sigh of relief: The conference was going well. Running it was part of my job as a university program manager, working on a project to boost biotech collaborations between academia and industry. When I started in the role a few years earli

29、er, I thought that maybe, after years of career exploration. 1 had finally found the right job for me. But at the conference. 1 found myself wondering whether that was really what 1 wanted from my career. Im a scientist, not an event planner-but I had been too busy organizing the conference to appre

30、ciate the research being discussed. Was it time for yet another change?I started off as a lab scientist, but then discovered that the highly focused nature of lab work wasnt for me. My next job was at a pharmaceutical company-conducting literature searches. 1 enjoyed the work, which allowed me to st

31、ay close to research. But I was only offered a short-term contract, so after a year I had to move on. I then became a scientific journal editor, I loved the breadth of science that 1 was exposed to. but the job required a lengthy commute. So, I made another dramatic change and got my current job.It

32、had become a pattern: 1 spent a few years in each role only to find that it wasnt quite the right fit. I alsorealized that maybe I was searching for something that didnt exist.I began to think about creative ways to add the scientific stimulation I sought to my work life. With my previous knowledge

33、and my experience as an editor, 1 realized I had the skill set to do that through freelance science writing, such as news articles for journals and blogs.With my former colleagues* positive responses, 1 finally decided 1 could do my university job on a less than full-time schedule. Fortunately my ma

34、nager agreed.For the last year. 1 have been a university program manager/freelance writer, and Ive never been happier. Weaving the two roles together has been a bit tricky at times. But 1 finally fee! 1 have a career that is tailored to my needs. I*ve realized that a career doesn*t need to be off th

35、e shelf.n Jobs can be mixed and matched to get to one that fits.27. What did the author think of his conference organizing job in Paragraph I?A. It proved that he was making progress in his career.B. It was not as meaningful as scientific research.C. It was loo challenging for him.D. It gave him a s

36、ense of achievement.28. The author left the job as a scientific journal editor because _.A. he was not satisfied with the payB. it demanded high work intensityC. it was too far from homeD. he was offered only a short contract29. What does MsomethingH(Para. 3)possibly mean?A. An ideal jobB. A balance

37、d lifeC. A fixed patternD. A suitable role30. What is the authors present job?A. He is an event planner and also a program manager.B. He teaches in a university and also writes books.C. He is a full-time manager and also a freelance writer.D. He works in a university and also writes on the side.31.

38、What is this passage mainly about?A. The authors clear career plan.B. The authors changing perception of career.C. The authors persistence in the face of obstacles.D. The authors failure in securing a work contract.Passage ThreeSenator Kamala Harris was half right when she said vve need to address c

39、limate change based on science fact, not science fiction. The truth is, we need both. Science fiction has an important role to play in rescuing the future from the huge challenges were facingand the responses to Harris* statement illustrate this perfectly.When Harris statement about climate change w

40、ent out on social media, a number of people pointed out the truth: Science fiction has been helping us to prepare for a world of potential climate disasters for years. But an equal number of loud voices disagreed with Harris* warnings about climate change.And thats why science fiction is more import

41、ant than Harris gives it credit for. No amount of scientific evidence will convince denieis-or the vast number of people who merely live in a state of denial. We live in a posttruth era in which facts and fiction are blurring into an indistinguishable mess and power belongs to whoever can tell the b

42、est story, true or not. What matters is just how something makes us feelwhich is why we need better stories, that, in the words of author Neil Gaiman. *lie in order to tell the truth*.Stories about climate change might be fiction, but they can help to sway peoples hearts and minds in a different way

43、 than a recitation of the undeniable facts. Science fiction creators have been looking tor ways to restore peoples faith in the future. Authors such as Alexandra Rowland have started a conversation about creating a new type of stories calledHHopepunkHthat show people reasons to believe we really can

44、 do the hard work of fixing our problems. Sonic other authors are creating a new genre called Solarpuiik that aims to tell stories about using technological and scientific innovation to help the environment.When the truth becomes near-impossible to distinguish through the fog of disinformation and a

45、lternative facts, “people tend to feel powerless to change the world. Activist L A. Kauffman says people need to be reminded that they “have more collective power tlian they realize,M Adds Kaufiman, There are truths can get to tlirough the imagination that are hard to get to through purely factual a

46、ccounts/132. How does the author comment on Senator Hanis* statement about climate change?A. Partially true.B. Quite convincingC. Totally wrongD. Really confusing33. The deniers in Paragraph 3 refer to those who deny thatA. we are in a post-truth eraB. climate change is a serious issueC. our opinion

47、s actually mailerD. science fiction is important34. The author cites Neil Gaiman in order to emphasize thatA. the power of fiction is overestimatedB. fiction makes us feel better about ourselvesC. it is difficult to tell fact from fictionD. fiction may better convey the truth35. What donHopepunk and

48、 ,Solarpunkhave in common?A. An intention to broaden our horizons.B. A focus on technological innovation.C. An optimistic outlook tor the future.D. A vivid description of the harsh reality.36. What might be Kaufmans altitude toward science fiction?A. Concerned B. Negative. C. Unclear D. Appreciative.Passage FourYou*ve probably heard a lot more about eSports lately. Major television networks are broadcasting competitions, and even more mainstream media coverage is planned for the near future. What are eSports and why are they so po


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