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1、精品文档第一部分:常用词汇 Parti: words货品 goods月艮装 clothing; clothes; dress;男装 mens clothing ; menswear 女装 womens clothing童装 Childrens Clothingfootwear 鞋类大减价 on scale7 折 30%off (8 折 20% off 9 折 10% off)Window shopping只看不买东西Go to shopping要买东西的尺寸size价格price面料 material款式design打折 discount稍等 wait(hold) a a minute便宜ch

2、eap贵白e expensive耐用的Durable漂亮的Beautiful试衣间 the fitting-roomshowcase 陈列柜,橱窗Checkout收银台第二部分:常用会话 part2: Dialogue1 .欢迎光临welcome2 .欢迎下次再来 Welcome next time3 .谢谢 thank you4 .我是店长,有什么可以帮助你?I am the manager ,what can I do for you?5 .多少钱?How much is it?6 .你觉得这颜色好看吗?How do you like this color.7 .请随便看看Take you

3、r time .8 .有什么要帮助吗?您需要点什么Can (May )I help you ? Anything I can do for you ?9 .你需要什么尺码?这个尺寸合适吗?What size do you want? Is it suit for you?10 .等等我去给你拿这个尺寸的Wait a minute,Ill take this size one.11 .你喜欢哪件?Which one do you prefor?12 .对不起我们没有这个尺码了Sorry,It is out of stock.13 .一共 XXXtEThe total is XxX yuan.14

4、 .谢谢您的光临 欢迎下次再来Thank you for you coming,Wish you come back next time 给您买还是给别人买?Is it for you or for others?给男孩还是女孩?For boy or girl?他/ 她多大了 ?How old is he/she?这边有很多款,你自己可以挑选,看看有没有自己喜欢的Its a lot of styles here, you can pick out yourself, check these out, which is your favorite? 请问想买 T 恤还是牛仔裤? Excuse m

5、e, would you like T-shirt or jeans?这件您喜欢吗?Do you like this one? / How about this one?您喜欢这个款式吗?Do you like this design?您喜欢什么颜色?What color do you like?我们有红色、浅蓝和白色。We have red, light blue and white!这个颜色怎么样?What about this color ?您穿多大型号? What is your size?我找一件给您试试好吗?May I pick one that you can fit on?您可

6、以试试。You can try it on!这个尺码穿得合身吗?Is this size fit you? / Is this your size?试衣间在刃B里。The fitting-room is over there!请随我来。Please follow me!这件衬衣配你的裤子。This shirt can match your pants.这件看起来很好!This one looks good!合适吗?Does it fit?它非常适合您。您穿着真漂亮。大号现在没货了明天下午能至U。It fits you very well.You look beautiful in.Queen-

7、size is not stored now!Its available tomorrow afternoon.这款彳艮受欢迎。This design is popular.它很畅销。It sells like hot cake.多少钱?How much is it? / What s the price? / How much does it cost?五十九元。It s fifty-nine yuan.太贵了 oIt s too expensive.纯棉面料,穿起来舒服。 The material is pure cotton. Its comfortable to wear.这种材料质量

8、彳艮好。This material is good quality and holds quite well.品质优良。Quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine.物有所值。You will get what you pay for. / It s good value for money.我可以给你打八折。I can give you a 20% discount.这款打完扣是 48 元。 Its price is fourty-eight after rebate.不用谢。(这是我的职责)Its mypleasure.欢迎下次光临。Wel

9、come next time!第三部分:情景对话part3:情景1一名外国人来到店铺,你可以说:“欢迎光临(welcome)! ”等待他走进店铺内可以说:“MayI help you?”或者 What can I do for you? ”1 .如果他说 I m just looking, thanks.(我只是看看)”你可以说Take yourself.或者Take yourtime.(随便看)情景22 .销售人员(S)客人(B)S:May I help you?有什么我可以帮助你吗?B:I want to buy one dress ,can you recommend some new

10、styles?我想买一条裙子,有什么新款吗?S:Of course. This one is the last design, very Popular ,and It sells like hot cake.有啊,这一款是最新的,最流行的,很畅销。B: That look great, but I don t like this color ,do you have another one 还不错,但是我不喜欢这种颜色,还有没有其他颜色的。S:Yes, let me show you. What about this color ?有啊,来这边,这件颜色怎么样?B: it look nice

11、, I like it.我喜欢这件S: What is your size? May I pick one that you can fit on?你穿什么码的?我拿过来给你试试B: 2828码S: Is this your size? You can try it on!是这个码吗?你可以试一B: Thanks, where is the fitting-room.多谢,试衣间在哪里S: over there, Please follow me!在那边,请跟我来客人换好衣服,正在镜前S: does it fit?合适吗?B: yes, This one looks good!这件看起来很好B

12、: It fits you very well. And You look beautiful in.对啊,很适合你,看起来很好看S:it is on scale. I will give you 10% off.现在有优惠,可以打9折B: How much is it?多少钱S:268 yuan268块B: I will take it.我要它了S: Thank you. Checkout is over there, Please follow me!多谢,收银台在那边,请跟我来客人付款后,找零钱S: Here is it. Welcome next time!这是你的零钱,欢迎下次再来逛

13、街:那些日常口语“购”时尚3分钟前1. May/Can I help you? 您想买点什么?2. Are you looking for something particular?您需要什么东西?3. We have a clearance sale today.我们今天清仓大处理。4. The price will go down. 价格将会降低。5. I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item. 我听说另1J的商店这种商品正在大降价。6. Please try it on. 请试穿一下。7. Ive seen thi

14、s cheaper in other places.我在别的地方看见过这种商品,价格比者便宜。8. Could you bring the price down? 价格能再低一点吗?9. That is a steal.这是廉价品。10. Id buy this if it were cheaper.如果再便宜一点我就买。11. Its a little overpriced. 有点贵。12. Do you know what size you are? 你知道自己穿多大好吗?13. Im afraid were out of that item.恐怕那种货已经卖完了。14. Im afraid we dont have it in stock. 恐怕已经没有存货了。15. Where is the mens shop?男装柜台在哪?16. 17.


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