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1、Module6 第2课时Reading.单词拼写1A_ is the best form of defence.2He is troubled in_(精神)3Evidence_(表明)that the experiments were unsuccessful.4David watched her car until it_(消失)from view.5The government say they have reduced personal taxation, but I would dispute this_(声明)6It is_(吓人的)even to think of the hor

2、ror of nuclear war.7She gave me a_(神秘的)look.答案:1.Attack2.spirit3.indicates4.disappeared5.claim6.frightening7.mysterious.用适当的介词填空1You can get some good advice_how to stop smoking from a specialist.2I didnt know about it at all, because I have just returned_my travel.3Due_the traffic jam, I couldnt at

3、tend that important international conference.4On hearing a noise outside, Bill reached_his gun.5I promised that I wouldnt go out_anyone else without her.6Ted has gone_a diet three times last year.7You may remember that Jack was a little impolite at the end_the meeting.8Our daughters are creatures be

4、yond what we were_their age, even beyond our imagination.答案:1.on2.from3.to4.for5.with6.on7.of8.at.完成下列各句,使两句意思相同或相近(每空一词)。1Jane suggested that she should leave early for the meeting.Jane suggested_ _for the meeting.2As the light was still burning, Bob soon fell asleep.Bob soon fell asleep_ _ _still_

5、.3Whats the language spoken in that country?Whats the language_ _ _in that country?答案:1.leaving early2.with the light, burning3.which is spoken.单项填空1Robert is said_abroad, but I dont know what country he studied in.Ato have studiedBto studyCto be studying Dto have been studying答案:A句意:据说罗伯特在海外学习过,但是我

6、不知道他曾经在哪个国家学习过。解题的关键是抓住后面的studied这一过去时,它说明动作已经完成,这样可以反推前面应填不定式的完成式。2China is one of the largest countries in the world,_9.6 million square kilometres.Ato cover BcoveredCcovers Dcovering答案:Dcover此处作及物动词用,意为“占(一片面积);覆盖”。3We heard an explosion and_for cover.Ahid BdivedCwalked Dfound答案:B句意:我们听到一声爆炸便俯身找掩

7、护。dive意为“扑;冲”之意。4He_that he could finish the job without any help.Aclaimed BrequiredCdemanded Dasked答案:A句意:他自称不需要帮助就能完成工作。解题时抓住从句中的情态动词could,如选B、C或D项,则从句中需用should。5Seeing the sun_above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.Ato rise Bto raiseCrising Draising答案:C本题考查宾语补足语的用法。see可接不定式或分词作补语

8、,此句中宾语sun跟宾补rising之间构成主谓关系,且宾补(rising)所表示的动作与前面seeing所表示的动作同时发生,所以应用现在分词作宾补。6According to the shopping list,_a dozen socks.Athere seem to beBthere seems to beCthere seem to haveDit seems to be答案:Bthere be句型可以与seem, happen, stand, lie等词连用,构成There seems/happens.to ben句型,在这一句型中谓语时态由后面的名词决定,而且there be不与

9、have连用。7Immediate action must be_before it is too late.Adone BtakenCused Daccepted答案:Btake action to do sth. “采取措施干某事”。8He took a taxi to the station_there.Anot walked Binstead by walkingCinstead of walking Dinstead to walk答案:Cinstead of“而不是”,后需跟n./pron./doing。9Which team is_to win the game?I dont k

10、onw, but Ive found_for ours to win.Aprobable; it unlikely Blikely; it possibleCpossible; it possible Dlikely; it possibly答案:B第一空为be likely to do sth.结构,第二空作宾语补足语,故选B。10We advertised for pupils last autumn, and got_60.Amore than Bmore ofCas much as Dso many as答案:Apupils为可数名词,所以C项不正确,若选D,则应改为as many a

11、s,故选A。.完形填空Having left the town, the girl stopped the car at the landing near the entrance of the day. She stepped in the_1_and rowed out silently. The tide was rushing to the entrance and_2_to the wild open sea. She had to row across the bay to reach_3_side. The waves stuck against the side of the

12、boat, _4_and uneven:it became_5_difficult to row. If she_6_for a moment, the tide would push the boat back towards the_7_.She wasnt even halfway, _8_she was already tired and her hands_9_from pulling on the rough wooden oars(船浆). “Im never going to_10_it,”she thought. She rested the oars on her knee

13、s and_11_her head helplessly, then looked up as she_12_the boat shift(晃动)against the tide.The east wind, which had swung(旋转)around from the southwest, _13_her help and pushed the boat towards the mountains. It was going to be_14_. Her hands werent to painful. Her chest didnt feel as if it was about

14、to burst_15_.The lights of the town became_16_. One of the oars banged against the side of the boat and she_17_it with a start. Had she been asleep, or just_18_? She looked over her shoulder. She was almost on the beach. The girl gave one last_19_on the oars to ground the boat, and then lay back aga

15、inst the seat. She listened to the waves_20_and knew she had come home. Far across the moonlit bay the lights were no more than a sparking chain.1A.car BboatCship Dsail答案:B由下文出现的动词rowed可知女孩在划船,那么女孩停下车后进入的就应是船。2A.beside BbeforeCbehind Dbeyond答案:D潮水冲向海湾的入口,然后又退回大海。beyond有“向的一边”的含义。3A.another BotherCei

16、ther Dthe other答案:D她划船通过这个海湾到海湾的另一边去。用the other表示“两边中的另一边”。4A.deep BclamCgentle Drough答案:D从下文可以看出海浪变得越来越大,所以它们是猛烈地冲击着小船。5A.more BlessCas Dleast答案:A海浪大了,当然划船变得更困难了。6A.slept BcontinuedCrested Drowed答案:C潮水很大,所以如果她一停下,她的船就会被冲回到海湾的入口处。7A.home BmountainsCsouthwest Dentrance答案:D由上文的rowed out可知女孩是从海湾的入口向外划,

17、所以她有可能被冲回入口处。8A.if BsoCbut Dsince答案:C她划了还没有一半的路,但已经很累了。这两句应是转折关系。9A.hurt BruinedCtroubled Dbroke答案:A她的手因为拖着那粗糙的木船而受伤了。10A.get BmakeCkeep Dtake答案:B由下文可知女孩想放弃努力,所以她想的应是“我不可能成功了”。make it是“成功到达”的意思。11A.turned BdroppedCcocked Draised答案:B她把船桨放在了她的膝盖上,无助地垂下了头。由下文的向下看也可以看出此时她垂下了头。12A.saw BmadeCheard Dfelt答案

18、:D根据下文可知她觉得船在迎着潮水晃动。13A.got to Bcame toCsent for Dreached for答案:B风向变了,东风成了她的助手推着她的船向那些大山驶去。14A.difficult BseriousCall right Dcertain enough答案:C风吹着她的船向她的目的地驶去,当然是一切事情都好转了。15A.any more Bstill moreCno more Donce more答案:A她的心情变好了,手也不觉得不那么痛了,胸也不觉得好像要爆炸一样。16A.brighter BbiggerCcloser Dsmaller答案:D由文章的第一句及下文可

19、知女孩是离开城镇划船渡过海湾回家,所以当她渡过海湾时再回头看城镇的灯火,当然觉得它们变小了。17A.destroyed BthrewCrepaired Dseized答案:D通过下文可知女孩应该是睡着了,所以当一只船桨咚咚地敲打船帮的时候,女孩应该是吃了一惊,抓住了它。18A.dreaming BguessingCinventing Dexpecting答案:A由下文可知女孩对刚发生的事情已经没有印象,因为她在不知不觉中已到了海滩上,所以女孩或者是睡着了或者是做了个梦。19A.blow BhitCpull Dstrike答案:C在船靠岸之前女孩划了最后一下。pull有“划船”的意思。20A.a

20、nxiously BhappilyCsadly Dcarefully答案:B女孩成功上岸回家了,心情自然很好,所以她很愉快地听着涛声。.阅读理解The disease asthma affects as many as one hundred fifty million people around the world. It is a serious lung disease that causes breathing problems. These problems, called asthma attacks, can kill people. Asthma can affect peop

21、le of all age groups but often begins in childhood. It can be controlled but not cured. Sufferers must deal with the disease every day.Experts say exercise is one of the things that can start an asthma attacks. Things that lead to asthma attacks are called triggers. Although doctors do not know the

22、cause of asthma, they have identified(辨认)most of its triggers. For example, the common cold can cause an asthma attack in a person who has the disease. There are also serveral air pollutants(污染物)that can lead to an asthma attack. Pollen is one such pollutant. Pollen is a fine dust that comes from pl

23、ants that produce seeds. However, almost any kind of dust can cause an asthma attack if enough of it is in the air. This includes common dust found in houses.Air pollution from burning fuel also can cause an asthma attack. Tobacco smoke can do the same. Some kinds of animal fur are a trigger for ast

24、hma. And, even some insects(昆虫)in the home can lead to asthma attacks.Several things happen in the lungs when an asthma sufferer has an attack. Cells in the air passages begin to produce too much of a thick, sticky material called mucous(痰). The mucous creates blocked areas in the air passages. The

25、tissue(组织)that lines the air passages begins to expand at the same time. And, the muscles in the passages tighten.All these changes cause the air passages to narrow. This reduces the amount of air that can flow in and out of the lungs. The sufferer can not get a good, deep, breath of air. The narrow

26、ed airways also cause coughing and a tight feeling in the chest.1Which of the following statements about the disease asthma is NOT right?AIt causes breathing problems, which can have sufferers killed.BIt can not be cured but can be controlled.CPeople of all age groups can get affected, especially th

27、e old.DDoctors know little about its cause.答案:C从第一段可知,asthma会导致呼吸问题,并因此可能致人死亡,所以A项正确;从第一段倒数第2句可判断B项正确;从第2段可知医生不知道病因,所以D项也不错;C项说尤其老年人更可能得这种病,该说法有悖于第一段的一个信息:各个年龄段的人都有可能得这种病,但常常的是开始于幼年的时代。2How many triggers of the disease asthma are mentioned in the text?A5. B6.C7. D8.答案:Ctriggers of the disease asthma

28、在本文提到7点:the common cold, air pollutants, dust, air pollution from burning fuel, tobacco smoke, some kinds of animal fur, some instects.3What an asthma sufferer should NOT do is_.Ado as much exercise as possibleBtry to avoid catching coldCkeep away from pollenDdeal with the disease every day答案:A第二段首句

29、讲专家认为运动能导致the disease asthma发作,因此,患者应避免大量的运动。4What is the main idea of the last two paragraphs?AThe mucous is the main cause of the disease asthma.BWhat happens in the lung cause an asthma sufferer to have trouble in breathing.CThe sufferer can not get a good, deep, breath of air.DThe disease asthma, casued by mucous, can be prevented.答案:B最后两段主要讲述患者病情发作的时候肺部的情况如何变化导致呼吸困难。友情提示:部分文档来自网络整理,供您参考!文档可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注!5 / 5


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