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1、新托福阅读讲义- 44 -托福阅读常用技巧讲义一.准备知识1.iBT托福阅读理解的形式特点(1)文章数量:3-5篇(和听力相对应:3篇阅 读,9个听力段子或5篇阅读,6个听力段子)(2)文章长度:650-750 词/篇(3)题目数量:12-14 个/篇(每篇有一个多选, 形式为6选3,7选5或9选7)测试时间:20分钟/篇(5)测试分数:0-30分(由原始分42分换算到 标准分30分)2.iBT托福阅读的考察重点(1)主题:辨析文章的主要观点,并与局部小观 点区分;辨析段落主题.(注:所有文章都有标题) (2)细节:概括性信息的把握并判别具体信息的 真伪- TRUE? FALSE? NOT G

2、IVEN?General statement-ideasSome details(3)词汇:辨析词汇和短语的含义,并通过上下 文推断某些词汇和短语的含义:认知(一词多义); 词汇推断(4)推断:根据上下文推断出隐藏的信息态度:根据文章描述判断作者意图和态度 :WHY 目的 ;HOW 手段 .(6) 结构 : 判断句子和句子之间的逻辑关系,并确定段落的结构托福阅读是以句子为核心的3. 阅读的本质:(1) 获取有效信息(2) 消除阅读障碍4. 文章结构特点(1) 文章主体分为结构主体和细节主体.? 结构主体( 支撑 ): 主题段 ( 文章的前几段) 和主题句 (每段的前几句).? 细节主体( 填充

3、 )(2) 文章具体结构如下:? Intro: background( 细节 ) & topic( 结构 )? Body: sub-topic( 结构 ), analysis( 细节 )& evidence( 细节 )? Conclusion: topic( 结构 )5. 快速笔记方法(1) 快速笔记的意义:? 辅助思维框架形成? 索引功能(2) 快速笔记的内容? 结构主体的核心词? 时间和数字: 同步记录时间及相应的事件; 一律记录为数字? 人名 地名 专有名词: 使用首字母标记? 举例主体? 新概念和核心概念? 重要的逻辑关系(3) 快速笔记的简单符号体系(4) 快速笔记的重要性和必要性

4、阅读中的指导性逻辑(PREDICTING)(5) 好笔记的特点:? 笔记中有清晰的逻辑脉络? 根据笔记可以对文章进行有效复述6. 阅读和口语的关系:(1) 规范口语的逻辑(2) 提供口语表达的素材二 . 阅读方法1.精读 句子结构分析和解析方法(1) 句子阅读中的障碍1) 定语? 前置定语: adj+n? 后置定语:n+ adj phrase 形 容 词 短 语 : a book useful for youprep phrase 介词短语: a pen on thedeskv-ing/-ed phrase 分词短语: a personwalking on the road; a tool d

5、eveloped for the project不定式 : a way to solve the problem 注:分词短语作后置定语时,其逻辑主语是其修饰的名词不定代词只能用后置定语修饰不定式作后置定语其逻辑主语是第三方: sbuse the way to solve the problem? 定语从句:关 系 代 词 引 导 定 语 从 句 : that, which, who, whom, whose( 其中 that, which,who, whom 引导的是非完整句, whose引导的是完整句)关系连词:when,where, why 在句子中不作成分,引导的是完整句介词 + 关系

6、代词: in which, 此关系代词不包括what2) 同位语 : 同插入语一样处理 删除? A, B( 定语从句 / 同位语从句)? A, or B? A that + 句子 ( 完整句 )? A of B: the city of Beijing3) 状语 : 处理方式 隔离? Adv 副词? Prep phrase 介词短语? 分词短语? 不定式注 : 非谓语动词作状语其逻辑主语是句子的主语4) 并列结构? 并列连词的用法: 并列连词连接结构功能性质均相同的成分 必须完全对等5) that 引导的各种从句? S+V+THAT+ 句子 (完整句 ) 宾语从句S+ 系动词 + 表语 + 句

7、子 表语从句? It + Vi + that + 句子It + be + adj +that + 句子完整句That + 句子 + VN+ that + 句子 + 同位语 (完整句 ) 定语从句 (非完整句)? S + Vi + that+ 句子 : The sun rises that is bright.S + be + adj + that + 句子 : The desk is clean that is used by the student( 定语从 句 ); The fact is true that Tom is handsome( 同位语从句).(2) 复杂句的阅读方法 层次化

8、句子阅读法1) 括号匹配?关联词(完整句)?(关联词+非完整句)2) 化右括号的条件:? 句子终结? 连接句子的并列连词或标点符号之前例 1: However, for many years physicists thought that (atom and molecules alwayswere much more likely to emit light spontaneously)and that (stimulated emission thus always would be much weaker)例 2: It appeared that Canada was once mor

9、e falling in step with the trend toward smaller families (that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution) .例 3: The history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances( 同位语

10、,删除 ), can be divided into four distinct eras: the first began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century (when it was recognized for the first time that (food contained constituents (that were essential for human function) )and that (different foods provided different a

11、mounts of these essential agents).例 4: Using techniques first developed forthe offshore oil and gas industry, the DSDP s drill ship, the Glomar Challenger( 同位语 ), was able to maintaina steady position on the ocean s surfaceand drill in very deep water, extracting samples of sediments and rock from t

12、he ocean floor.例 5: The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that (reconstruction had to be undertaken also in North, though less spectacularly).例 6: The technique of direct carving wasa break with the nineteenth century in which (the making of a clay model was considered the creative

13、 act) and (the work was then turned over to studio assistant to be cast in plaster or bronze or carved in marble).例 7: Anyone (who has handle a fossilized bone) knows that (it is usually notexactly like its modern counterpart), themost obvious difference being that( it isoften much heavier) 独立主格结构.例

14、 8: The impressive gain in output stemmed primarily from the way in which (workers made goods since 1790 s) , North American broadended the scope of the outwork system (that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to succession of workers (who each performed a single step of the

15、production process)enterpreneursevenwithout thetechnologicalimprovementhad例 9: The fact that (artisanss, (who were locked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century), (arefrequently considered artists today) is directly attibutable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth

16、century)例 10: A few art collectors James BowdoinIII of Boston, William Bbyrd of Virginian, and the Aliens abd Hamiltons of Philadelphia ( 同 位 语 )introduced European art traditions to those colonists privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists and established in their respective

17、communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions devoted to its encouragement .(2) 倒装句的阅读方法1) 部分倒装处理方法: 把提前的助动词/be 动词 / 情态动词去掉或还原, 并按顺序理解.2) 完全倒装的处理方法? 构成主语的成分:名词 代词 The + 形容词 不定式 主语从句 动名词? 完全倒装的判断流程例 1: Herein (adv) lay( 宾 语 ) the beginning of what ultimately( 最 终 ) turned fro

18、m ignorance( 无知 ) to denial of the value of nutrition therapies in medicine( 主语 ).例 2: Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals( 主 语 ), sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes.例 3: With the growing prosperity broughton

19、 by the Second World Warand the economic boom( that followed it) 独立主格, young people marriedandestablished households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression. 没有倒装例 4:Basic toanyunderstandingofCanada in the 20years after the SecondWorldWar( 宾语 )is

20、the country s impressive population growth( 主语 ).句子结构: adj + prep +B+ be + A = A +be +adj +prep +B例 5: Among the species of seabirds (that use the windswept cliff of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young) are commonmurres,Atlanticpuffins,black-leggedkitti

21、wakes, and northerngannets( 主语 ).句子结构: Among A + be + B = B 是 A 的一部分例 6: Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well: (that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which (sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony).例 7: Most important perhaps,

22、 was that (they had all maintained with a certain fidelity( 状 语 ) a manner of technique and composition consistent with thoseof America Sirst popular landscapes artist, Thomas Cole, (who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenerybording the Hudson River ).句型结构:S + Vt + prep + n1 (介词短 语)+

23、n2, Vt的宾语实际上是n2.例 8: With the turn-of-century Crafts movement and the discoveryofnontraditional sources of inspiration(独立主格),such as wooden African figures and masks, there arose a new urge for hands-on, personal execution of art and an interaction with the medium(主语).例 9: Accustomed though we are t

24、o( 倒装) speaking of the films made before 1927 as slient , the film has never been seen, in the full sense of the word, silent.句型结构:adj + though + S + be + prep + n = though + S +be + adj + prep + n, 仅发生在让步状语从句中.例 10: Coincident with concerns aboutthe acceleratingloss of species andhabitats hasbeen a

25、 growingappreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem( 同位 语 ), to the health of the Earthandhuman well-being( 主语 ).句型结构: the importance of A to B = A对 B 的重要性例 11: Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United

26、States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration( 主语 ), from town and farm to city, within the United States.例 12: Indeed, had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils( 虚拟 条件句 if it had not been) , they might well have been classified as dinosaurs.(4) 强调句的阅读方法? 构成:

27、It + be + 强调成分that/ who+其他成分?注意:把强调结构去掉句子仍然完整、正确的就是强调句强调句不强调形容词和代词例 1: It was just a decade before this ( 强调句 )that many drug companies had foundtheir vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supply practicing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of su

28、pplementation for a vatiety of强调(thathealth-related conditions.2: It was she, a Baltimore printer, ()who published the first office copies of the Declaraton, the first copieincluded the names therefore heralded thirteen colonies).例 3: It was in the cities( elements (that canof its singers and the su

29、pport of all强调句 ) that the be associated withmodern capitalism first appearedthe use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in placeof social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coal or water power in p

30、lace of independent craftspeople working with hand tools).2. 泛读 快速阅读与有效阅读(1) 阅读中的详略结合SKIMMING1) 需要详细阅读的内容? 结构主体的内容? 非举例性质的概括描述? 题目映射回原文的内容2) 可以快速浏览的内容? 大量的数据堆砌? 明显的举例: 为何而举, 举例主体, 结束位置? 对比类比读一半? 让步转折读一半( 转折以后的那一半)(2) 理解单位扩大和阅读中逻辑的构建 模糊理解理论1) 阅读中的恶习 指读 声读 回读 视角高度过低 二次阅读2) 理解单位和阅读逻辑? 加大理解单位, 变单词为意群组合

31、焦点训练法? 可以合并为意群的成分:副词 介词短语 分词短语 非谓语的不定式 主语和谓语或谓语和宾语 固定搭配例 : Generally, in order to be preserved in the fossil record, organisms must prosess hard body parts such as shells or bones. Soft, fleshy structures are quickly destroyed by predators or decayedbybacteria.Even hard partsleft on thesurface for c

32、ertain length of time will be destroyed. Therefore, organisms must be buried rapidly to escape destruction by elements and to be protected against agents of weathering and erosion. Marine organisms thus are better candidates for fossilization than those living on the land because the ocean is typica

33、lly the site ofsedimentation,whereas the land islargely the site of erosion.Generally,in order tobe preservedinthe fossil record, organisms must prosesshard body partssuch as shells or bones.Soft, fleshy structures are quicklydestroyed bacteria.by predatorsor decayed byEven hard parts left on thesur

34、face for certain length of timedestroyed. Therefore, orgbhisms must bewill beburied rapidly to escape destructionbyelementsand to be protected against Iagents of weathering and erosion. Marine organisms thus are better candidates for fossilization than thoseliving on the land because the ocean istyp

35、ically the site of sedimentation,whereas the land is largely the site oferosion.?构建阅读逻辑,变翻译为整体理解-强调一遍阅读(3)文章的类型和题材1)文章类型:参见OG第19页?顺承式:时间及时间发展线索.(线型结构)?分类式:分类方式及类别特征.(树型结构)?问题解决式 现象解释式:解决方案解释及最终结论.(伞型结构)2)题材分类?自然科学a.生物学植物学:植物的分类和特征动物学:动物的分类和行为.鸟类群体昆虫海洋生物微生物学:真菌(蘑菇 真菌的顽固)b.地理地质学地形地貌特征:成因分布气候生态影响地质事件:成

36、因或原理 过程 影响c. 天文学具体的星体特征: 基本特征(形状 距离 轨道 旋转 温度 质量 ); 大气层 ( 氢气 氦气氨气 甲烷 ); 表面特征; 水和生命形式;人的探索天文学事件: 成因 过程 影响d. 考古学古 生 物 : 恐 龙 ( 灭 绝 ), 鸟 类 ( 进 化 史 pterosaur f archaeopteryx f modern birds)古代遗址遗迹 : 中国的古代遗迹e. 气象学灾害性天气: 成因 过程 危害 预防天气预报: 卫星 计算机技术f. 新技术和新事物发展史特征及应用? 人文科学a. 美国历史土人 : 生活 宗教 艺术都市化过程: 人口增长城市扩张交通发展

37、经济繁荣b.历史学和人类学原始人生活变迁:游牧到定居(农业)古代文明c.文学流派:产生思想代表作家:生平作品d.绘画和雕塑流派类型:城市艺术画家e.音乐类型:country, ragtime 乐器f.心理学:人类情感分析三.新托福阅读题型解析1.词汇题(Vocabulary Question)(1)词汇题简介和提问方式:参见OG第25页(2)词汇题的解答方法?认识:直接解题,沾边就对。?不认识:断:从词的本身上下文:因果、对比、解释代入验证 猜2. 指代题 (Reference Question)(1) 指 代 题 简 介 和 提 问 方 式 : 参 见 OG 第 2627 页(2) 指代题的

38、解答方法? 代词a. 从句的主语指代主语的主宾语( 使用属性判断 , 不用含义)b. 关系代词指代先行词(插入结构不影响指代关系 )c. 重复概念指代: Tom and his cat( 就近原则)d. some of otherssome + n + of + n, others 指名词some + v, some others 共指之前概念? 名词 :a. 优先选择题干的上下意词a is a kind of A, A 是 a 的上意词b.若上下意词不唯一则当作代词指代处理注意:a.被指代对象往往在代词之前出现 b.从句开头往后找答案c.代词和被指代对象的数性和性质必须一致 d.指代的传递现

39、象Jupiters and other giant planet are ofalow-density type quite distinct from the terrestrial planets: they arecomposedThe word they in the passage refers to (A)nuclearreactions(B) giantplanets(C) terrestrial (D) substancesIf the physical barriersof the breached, preformed may inhibit intruder,plant

40、are thenchemicals or kill the and plantThe word which in the passage refers to (A) tissues (B) substancespredominantly of such substances as hydrogen, helium, ammonia, and methane.tissues contain a diverse arrayof toxicorpotentiallytoxicsubstances,such asresins,tannins,glycosides,andalkaloids, many

41、of which are highlyeffectivedeterrentsto insectsthat feed on plants.(C) barriers(D) alkaloidsAciculturists,peoplewho raise birs for commercial sale, have not yet learned how to simulatethe naturalincubationof parroteggs in the wild. They continue to look for better ways to increase egg production an

42、d to improve chick survival rates.The word They in the passage refers to (A) birds(B) avicuturists(C) eggs(D) ratesWhat is particularly meaningfultoanthropologyis therealizationthatalthoughthematerialavailabletoasocietymay tosomeextendlimit or influence what it can do artistically, the materials by

43、no means determine what is done.The word it in thepassagerefers to (A) realization (B) society (C) extent (D) influenceSome of their baskets werecompletelycoveredwithshellpendants;otherswithfeaters that made the baskets surfaces as soft as the breasts of birds.Thewordothers in the passage refers to

44、(A) masters (B) baskets (C) pendants (D) surfacesEncouragedby theexampleof certainAmericans of EuropeanThe word them in the passage refers to(A) Americans of European descent(B) paintings(C) African American artists(D) attitudesdescent such as Thomas Eakins, Robert Henri, and George Luks, who had in

45、cluded persons of African descent in their paintings as serious studies rather than as trivial or sendimental stereotypes, African American artists of this period set about creating a new portrayal of themselves and their lives in the United States. As they began to strive for social and cutural ind

46、ependence. Their attitudes toward themselves changed, and, to some extend, others segments of American society beganto change their attitudes toward them.3. 事实信息题(Factual Information Question)(1)事实题简介和提问方式:参见OG第20页(2)事实题的正确选项特征:原文重现和同义 改写(3)细节类题目的干扰方式1)信息滞留点?信息滞留点的概念?信息滞留点的表现形式a. A在原文的出现,B在原文中不出现.,A + B 在选项中出现.b. AB均在原文中出现,A + B在选项中出现.c. A+ B在原文中出现.A或B在选项中出现.2)干扰选项特征?虚假比较:如果选项中出现了比较级最高级绝对化描述或范围的扩张,则该选项优先不 为正确选项,在除非在原文存在比较的对应.?答非所问:确保所选答案和题干构成因果关系.(4)事实信


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