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1、Where is my schoolbagUnit 4 Where s my schoolbag? Period 1 Content Section A 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c教学目标要求1 .能用where特殊疑问句式询问物品的位置并能回答此类问题,如:Where s myschoolbag? It s under the table.2 .能用一般疑问句式询问物品的位置并简略回答,如: Is my computer game on the table? Yes, it is. No, it isn t.3 .能够正确使用介词in, on, under描述物品所在的位置

2、。如: The tape is in the tape player.4 .能进一步区分名词的单复数形式。5,能运用代词it代替单数形式的名词,_they代替复数形式的名词。教学过程活动步骤教与学活动目的及其操作教学资源运用复 习时 问3 m1复习已学目标语和导入谈论物品位置的话题 教师拿由书,尺子等私人物品,尺子放在书 的上面,置于讲桌之上,与学生进行互动的 对话活动。Look! What s this in English?Yes, it s a ruler.Where is it?( 随手板书 where) It s on the book.(随手板书 on)2仿照上述对话,组织 Pai

3、r work 复习活动 OK. Let s do pair work: Talk about the school things in your schoolbag and on your desk.学生双人活动,教师抽查几对学生导 入 时 问1 m3导入新课话题Well, we re going to learn Unit 4Where s my schoolbag?4引入单元标题教师板书或课件显示:Unit 4 Where s my school bag?教师在教室中走动,随手指着学生的铅笔、橡皮、书、钢笔等文具提问:What s this in English? Where is it?

4、1a时问8 m5读图,了解对话情景一地点和谈论的话题First, look at the picture. Please watch and read.Then, answer:Where are the people?What are they talking about?You can answer either in English or inChinese.(They re at home. They are talking about where the things are.)6运用5的课件,激活学生小学曾学过的物品 名称Now, find the things you know

5、in the picture and tell their English names.学生指认所知道的物品的英语名称。教师给 予评价(肯定或“纠正”,即让他们初步接触 某些物品未学的英语名称)7理解辨认有关物品名称的单词Please open your books and turn to page 19. Look at 1a. Match the words with the things in the picture.学生个人活动,复习已知的单词,接触未知 的生词(单词的形式)Now, let s check.核对1a任务的答案,学生进行自我评价。学习并指认所学物品的英语名称1. Let

6、 s play a game. Listen and show me the things you hear.教师念单词,学生听辨单词,并以小组为 单位进行竞赛。2. Well, Let s look at the picture, and find the things.教师提供图片学生看图指认物品的英语名称。1b时 问5 m9通过与学生的互动对话导入谈论物品位置的话题及引由介词 in, on, under.教师指着学生桌子上的书:T: What s this in English?S: Yes, it s my book.教师板书: Where s my book?It s under t

7、he ruler.教师继续提问:Whereis your schoolbag?帮 助学生回答It s in my desk.教帅再拿一本书放到讲桌上,提问:Where are my books? They are under theruler.( 板书这2个句子)教师利用板书上的这四个句子简单介绍Where s 和 Where are的区别。10通过听力 导入询问物品位置的句式及其答语(目标语)Where s ? It s in / on / under Where re .? They re in / on / under .Let s do listening practice. List

8、en and number the things in the picture.11听对话,感受目标语Let s check the answers.核对答案12视听会话的动画,并模仿跟读会话。Look, listen and repeat.13组织Pair work ,学生扮演角色模仿1a对话。教师向学生强调Where句型属于特殊疑问句的一种,朗读时要用降调 (),回答也用降调() oPlease practice the conversations in pairs.1c时问5 m14针对目标语进行控制性的实践活动教师与一名学生就图中除1a对话以外的其他物品进行提问。T: Where is

9、 the dog?51: It s T: Where are the keys?52: They arePair work ,要求学生就图中物品询问位置。教师巡视并及时给予必要的帮助。请几组学生向全班学生展示对话。2a时问2 m15培养学生读图习惯,指认图中物品的英文名称。Well, Look at the picture. What are theyin English?通过与学生的互动对话导入谈论物品位置的话题学生在回答图片的物品时,教师同时就1b的 对话内容进行提问:T: Are the boy s books in the bookcase?S: No, they aren t.T:

10、Is the boy s schoolbag under the table?S: Yes, it is.T: Is the boy s computer game on the table?S: No, it isn t.162b时 问4 m17在语境中听辨对话所谈及的物品名称Well, here are some things in 2a, and we ll listen to a longer conversation.First, please listen and check the things you hear.OK. What things do you hear?听前活动,

11、读图,了解对话的情景和主题 教师让学生猜测这些物品的位置:Look at the picture in 2b on page 20.T: Where is the computer game?51: I think it s on the sofa.52: I think It s under the table. 教师提醒学生注意in, on, under的介词短语。18听力实践,从对话中获取信息OK. Listen to the conversation again.Find the things from 2a and number them in the picture.19进一步体验

12、对话内容;跟读对话中的句子 Listen and repeat.(课件领读,学生模仿朗读会话)教师提示学生关注听力中问句和答语的语 调,并引导学生发现问答语调的基本规律, 即Where问句(特殊疑问句)一般是降调()。 Yes / No问句(一般疑问句)一般用升调(/), 两种问句的回答都用降调()。2c组织Pair work ,操练目标语。就2b图中物品的位置与同伴问答Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture in 2b.针对目标语进行控制性的实践活动 教师与全班学生就实际情况进行互动交流。 先把一本书放在包里,然后和学

13、生进行对话:T: Is the book on the desk?(Ss: No, it isn t.(板书)板书)时问20T: Where is it?Ss: It s in the bag.3 m再拿两只钢笔放在铅笔盒里,继续和学生进 行对话(注意:此时引导的重点从单数概念转 向了复数概念):T: Are the pens on the desk?(板书)Ss: No, they aren t.(板书)T: Where are they?小 结 时 问3 m21本活动的检查评价;归纳反馈强化本节课学习目标1 .抽查两组学生的会话表演2 .教师在他们会话完成后进行评价3 .引导学生注意本节课的目标语。拓拓展:寻找物品展让全班学生闭上眼睛,将某一 (些)物品藏于时22某处,让学生猜测。教师对猜到的同学进行问表扬豉励。3 m作业时 问1 m23Homework(布置作业)1 .听教材会话录音并进行模仿朗读。2 .工整抄写并熟读记忆 1a中表示问句和家 具的单词。3 .尝试将课堂上小组活动中的一组对话记录 下来。


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