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1、勤俭节约英文谚语导读: 本文是关于勤俭节约英文谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎 点评和分享!1、节约水资源,责任人人有。Everyone has the responsibility to save water resources.2、日储一勺米,千日一石粮。Store a spoonful of rice a day and a stone a thousand days.3、细水长流,遇灾不愁。Thin waters flow long, and you will not worry about disaster.4、精打细算,油盐不断。Careful calculation, constant

2、 oil and salt.5、盘内一分钟,厨内更一箩功。A minute in the dish, a lot more work in the kitchen.6、从简入奢易,从奢入俭难。From simplicity to luxury, from luxury to frugality.7、节俭是你一生中食不完的美筵。Thrift is a feast you can never eat in your life.8、饱时不忘饿时饥。Dont forget hunger when you are full.9、欲求温饱,勤俭为要。For food and clothing, thrif

3、t is essential.10、民以食为天。Food is the essence of the people.11、干净、卫生,你我共同努力。Clean, sanitary, you and I work together.12、节约好比燕衔泥,浪费好比河决堤。Savings are like mud in swallow, and waste is like breaking a river bank.13 、珍惜劳动成果。Cherish the fruits of labor. 14、一粒米,一滴汗,粒粒粮食汗珠换。A grain of rice, a drop of sweat,

4、grain sweat beads change. 15、一米一谷,都是春夏秋冬滴汗水的收获,请珍惜。One meter a grain is the harvest of sweat in spring, summer, autumn and winter. Please cherish it.16 、一两煤,一块炭,积少成多煮熟饭。One or two coals, one piece of charcoal, accumulate less into more cooked rice.17、俭节则昌,淫佚则亡。Frugality leads to prosperity, but lewd

5、ness leads to death.18、俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。It is easy to thrift into luxury, but difficult to thrift from luxury.19、锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。In the afternoon of hoeing day, sweat dripped into the soil. Who knows that Chinese food is hard to eat.20、细水和流,吃穿不愁。Fine water and stream, eat and wear without worry.21

6、 、富了不变色,永保勤俭格。Rich and unchangeable, always be diligent and frugal. 22、行船靠掌舵,理家靠节约。Shipping depends on steering and housekeeping on economy.23 、只与人家赛种田,莫与人家比过年。Only compete with others in farming, not with others in New Years Day.24 、爱惜粮食,人人有责。It is everyones duty to cherish food.25、家有万担,不脱补衣,不丢剩饭。T

7、here are ten thousand burdens in the house, without taking off mending clothes or throwing away leftovers.26、吃得苦中苦,创业事告成。If you suffer bitterly, you will succeed in starting your own business.27、饱食终日,粒粒可馨。All day long, grains are sweet.28、会吃的吃千顿,不会吃的吃一顿。You can eat a thousand meals, but you cant eat

8、 one.29、粮收万石,也要粗茶淡饭。The harvest of grain is ten thousand stones, but we should also have rough tea and light rice.30、披着破大氅的,往往是个好酒徒。Dressed in ragged cloaks, they are often good drinkers.31 、出门走路看风向,穿衣吃饭量家当。Go out and walk to see the direction of the wind, dress, eatand measure household belongings.

9、32、从俭入奢易,从奢入俭难。From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.33、败家很容易,好比水推沙。Its easy to lose a family. Its like water pushing sand.34 、爱惜粮食,从娃娃抓起。Cherish food and start with dolls.35 、君子以俭德辟难。A gentleman overcomes difficulties by virtue of thrift.36、身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头。Behind him,

10、 there is no way to turn back.37、辛苦得来的果实,不要一口气把它吃完。Dont eat the hard-earned fruit in one breath.38、粗茶淡饭,细水长流。Coarse tea, light rice, long running water.39、黄金本无种,出自勤俭家。Gold has no seed and comes from a thrifty family.40、粮再多,野菜也要备几锅。No matter how much grain there is, we should prepare pots of wild veg

11、etables.41 、节约粮食,从我做起。节约粮食,现在做起。Save grain, start with me. Save grain, start now.42、成由勤俭破由奢。By diligence and thrift, by luxury.43、小钱不知省,大钱将滥花。If you dont know how to save money, you will spend it too much.44、节省下来多少,就是得到多少。How much you save is how much you get.45、有荒节约度荒,天荒节约备荒。There are shortages to

12、save, and natural shortages to save.46、一粥一饭汗珠换。One porridge and one meal of sweat.47、爱惜粮食就是热爱生活。Cherishing food means loving life.48、谁爱风流高格调,共怜时世俭梳妆。Who loves high style, compassion for the frugal dressing of the times.49、一颗米粒九十九个工。Ninety-nine workers work on a grain of rice.50、勤能补拙,省能补贫。Diligence c

13、an make up for stupidity and save energy to make up for poverty.51、节约光荣,浪费可耻。Economy is glorious and waste is shameful.52 、惜衣有衣穿,惜饭有饭吃。Cherish clothes and clothes, but eat meals.53、俭可以助廉。Thrift helps to keep things cheap.54、当家方知柴米贵。The owner knows that firewood and rice are expensive.55、当用则万金不惜,不当用一文不费。When it is used, it will cost nothing, if it is not used, it will cost nothing.56 、自备碗筷,保护环境。theKeep your own chopsticks and bowls to protectenvironment.


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