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1、Module 9 Friendship 单元测试题Written test partI .单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。word just now.) 1. Mark left the room withoutA. aB. anC.theD. 不填) 2. The boya big smile on his face is my best friend.A. onB. withC. forD. at) 3. Mary feels sure of. She thinks she can solve the problem.A. hisB.

2、hersC. himselfD. herselfabout) 4. I cant cook well. Yesterday Mr Zhang gave me somecooking.A. suggestions B. changesC. prizesD. decisions) 5. The little boy often feelsbecause there is only one childin his big family.D. lonelythem.A. sleepy B. crazy C. nervous) 6. My aunt is very popular with kids b

3、ecause sheA. is patient with) 7. JackB. is worried aboutme to an AustralianC. is proud of D. is angry withgirl at the party. We became friendssoon.A. acceptedB. chose C. introduced) 8. Alice refusedvolleyballD. invitedwith her friends because she had todo her homework.A. playB. playing C. to playD.

4、played) 9. David is weak and often feels very tired. The teacher encourages himD. to exercisemore.A. exercising B. exercised C. exercise()10. Bill regrets notthe window this morning. The room is verydirtynow.A. close B. clos ing C. to closeD. closed()11. Peter askswe will go to the park with him or

5、not.A. thatB. whether C. whe nD. why()12. Where is Lin da?She has bee n away for an hour. I dont knowshe is now.A. whereB. who C. whatD. how()13. Have you?Yes, I have. And she likes it.A. men tio n the idea herB. men ti on the idea to herC. men ti oned the idea her D. men tio ned the idea to her()14

6、. I hear that Wang Nan will come to Taiyua n. Do you know?Next week.A. whe n he will comeB. whe n did he comeC. whe n will he comeD. whe n he came()15. Hello. Can I speak to Lin da?Speaki ng.A. Hold on, please.B. Ill call back later.C. Whos calli ng, please?D. Are you Lin da?n .完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)先通读下面

7、的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Every one of us, rich or poor, should at least (至少)have one or two good friends. Our friends will liste n to us whe n we want to16, will cheer us up whe n weare sad, and will look after us when we are feeling17. Friends will gotogether with us side by side thr

8、ough the18 of life.Friendshipis a kind of treasure in our lives. It is like a bottle of wine (酒).The Ion ger we keep it, the 19 it will be. It is also like a cup of tea. When we are thirsty, it will be our best 20. Whenwe are staying with our friends,we can do anything we want laugh together, talk t

9、ogether, and even cry together.I should say that being together with our good friends is the mostwonderful21 of our lives. As we know, wewould feel22 if wedidnteven have a friend. But it does nt23 that we could depe nd on our friendsall the time. We have to work hard together with our frien ds, en c

10、ourage each otherand help each other. When we24 love and frien dship, we should repay (报答)as much as we can. I hope that every one can25 a real beautifulfrien dship in our lives.()16. A. smileB.speak C.writeD. play()17. A. awfulB. excited C. pleasedDcomfortable()18. A. con diti onB. resultC.in teres

11、tD. jo urney()19. A. largerB. lighterC.sweeterD. heavier()20. A. choiceB. adviceC. exampleD. change()21. A. surpriseB. traditi onC.mome ntD. exercise()22. A. relaxedB. lo nelyC. proudD.con fide nt()23. A. believeB. expectC.mea nD. think()24. A. receiveB. carry C.decideD. count()25. A. compareB. reme

12、mberC. dreamD. enjoy川.情景交际(共10分,每小题2分)根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: Can I ask you a questi on?B: (26)A: Do you think friends should be the same?B: No. (27)A: Who is your best friend?B: Annie. (28)A: Have you got the same in terests?B: Yes, we do. (29)A: What sport are you both good at?B: (3

13、0)What kind of frie nds would you like to have?A: Careful and friendly.A. She likes joining many clubs, but I like read ing books at home.B. I have got many frien ds, and they are differe nt from me.C. They are the same as me.D. We both like sport.E. Yes, please.F. The pia no and guitar.G. Tennis an

14、d baseball.IV .阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)ADin g-D ong!“ Jas on, can you an swer the door? ”“ rm busy, Mum! ” Jas on shouted back. “ Could nt Mum see how importa nt thiswas? he thought. He already spe nt three hours play ing a computer game. He could nt stop now.“ Jas on, its your friend Todd. ” His mo ther an

15、d Todd came in.“ Jas on, lets play football.David is already wait ing for us in Centre Square.Todd soun ded exited.“ No way, Todd. Im playi ng a game here. ”“ Jas on, you can play it later. Lets go.”Jas on gave his friend a dirty look, and his character in the game almost gotkilled while he looked a

16、way. He bega n to move his fin gers more quickly.“ I almostdied because of you! ”Todd looked at Jas ons mother. Jas ons mother looked back at him. They bothlooked at Jas on.Jas on was play ing so hard that he did nt know whe n they left.An hour later, Jas ons father came home. It was dinner time aft

17、er his father washed up and sat dow n. Jas on did nt hear his n ame being called to the table. He did nt hear his father walk up beh ind him and ask him to tur n off the computer either.When the scree n sudde nly went black and his fathersangry face loomed in frontof him, Jas on fin allyheard.“ No m

18、ore computer games for a mon th.” Jas ons fathersaid to him seriously.“You dont play football, you dont come to dinner, and youdont do housework. Well make sure everythi ng else gets done before you play aga in.Jas on no dded slowly. He knew he should nt argue with his father. The game wasfun, but h

19、e played too much and he let down (让失望 )his friends, his family,and eve n himself.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。()31. What did Todd ask Jason to do?A. To eat out.B. To play football.C. To visit Davids house.D. To play a computer game.()32. When Todd said Lets go ” , Jason.A. got angryB. got excitedC. could nt decide

20、 what to doD. said nothing but looked at his mother()33. The underlined word“loomed” probably means “A. movedB. washedC. coveredD. appeared( ) 34. Who finally stopped Jason from playing the computer game?A. His father.B. His mother.C. His friend.D. Himself.( ) 35. Which of the following is TRUEaccor

21、ding to the passage?A. Jason had dinner with his parents.B. At last, Jason realised his mistake.C. Jason opened the door for his mother to come in.D. Jasons father asked him to do housework for a month.BAllen: Welcometo “ Easy Travel ” . Im Allen. Today our guest is Bob Smith. He visited Yunnan Prov

22、ince in southwestern China last month. Mr Smith has been in China for two years. He writes for several newspapers and magazines in Beijing.Bob: Hello, everyone! Im Bob Smith. Im glad to join Allen in“ Easy Travel ”.Allen: Mr Smith, could you please tell us about your trip to Yunnan? What do you thin

23、k of it?Bob: Ah its amazing, I think. I flew to Yunnan and stayed there for a whole week. I visited Kunming, Dali and Lijiang. How wonderful!Allen: Whydid you choose Yunnan? There are many other beautiful places you can visit in China.Bob: Because some of myfriends who had visited there told meit is

24、 a fantastic place to visit.Allen: I see. What impressed ( 给留下深刻的好印象)you most during the trip?Bob: The clean sky.Allen: The sky?灰色的).Bob: Yes. Its not like the sky in Beijing. In Beijing the sky is gray (In Yunnan the sky is blue and clear. You can see thousa nds of bright stars at n ight.Alle n: Wh

25、ich place do you like most?Bob: The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in Lijiang left a deep impression on me because it is the highest place I have ever bee n to. And you can see, at the top of the mountain, the sno w-covered peaks (山峰),forests .根据材料内容完成表格,每空词数不限。Bob Smith s trip to YunnanWhen he went ther

26、e(36)How he went thereBy pla neHow long the trip was(37)daysWhere he (38)Kunming, Dali and Lijia ngWhat impressed him most(39)Which place he likes most(40)V.词汇(共10分,每小题1分)A) 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。41. Can you ethe maths problem to me? I cant work it out.42. Sam is always frie ndly to others, and he has

27、a wide cof friends.43. They got swhe n Joh n went to ano ther country two years ago.44. Stick them by using some g.45. Everybody likes him and thim.B) 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。pass, treasure, bright, i nclude, treat46. The sun is. Lets take a walk.47. Susa ns aunt alwaysher as a child.48. When you

28、my house, please call me.49. The passagethree parts.50. We should take theto a safe place.W .完成句子(共10分,每小题2分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。51. 这个游戏很有趣。谁愿意参加?The game is very in teresti ng. Who would like to?52. 科林安静地坐着。Coli n sat.53. 每次我遇见她,她都在画画。I met her, she was draw ing.54. 我在一天天地好起来。I am gett ing better

29、 and better.55. 你知道他去年住在哪里吗?Do you knowlast year?vn.综合填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文通顺,意思完整,每词限用一次。aga in, careful, try, feel, sell, meet, comfortable, reason, save, pickOnce upon a time there was a poor man. His homewas also very poor a smalldirty house full of spider webs (蜘蛛网). His ne

30、ighbours never (56) to comeinto his house. The poor man thought that poverty was the(57)for hisuni ucky life.One day, the poor man (58)a wise (充满智慧的)old man and told himabout his poverty. The old man (59)sorry for him. He gave the poor mana vase ( 花瓶)and said, “This will (60)you from poverty. ”The p

31、oor man took the vase home and wan ted to (61) i t at first. “ Itsbeautiful but useless, ” he thought. But then he started looking at the vase (62) and cha nged his mind.“Its not right for such a beautiful thing to be empty (空的),” the poor manthought. So he (63) some wild flowers and put them into t

32、he vase. It becameeven more beautiful. “ Its not good that such a beautiful thing sta nds next to aspider web,” the poor manthought (64) . So he started to clean his house.He cleaned here and there and got all the spider webs out of his house. At last, his house wasnt poor any more it became clean a

33、nd (65) . And the poorman wasnt poor any more either he turned into a hard-working man and he hadno time to think about poverty.vrn.书面表达(共10分)假如你班下周要举行一次以“友谊”为主题的讨论, 你准备讲述你和你最好的朋友之间 的友谊。请你为自己准备一篇 80词左右的发言稿(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。发言稿 内容须包括:1) 你们相识的经过;2) 你们互相帮助的几个实例;3) 你们成为最好朋友的过程。The friendship between my bes

34、t friend David and mestarted two years ago. On my first day of middle school, I was carrying a heavy bag when a boy came up to help me. 参考答案 笔试部分I . 1-5 ABDAD 6-10 ACCDB 11-15 BADACn . 16 -20 BADCA 21-25 CBCAD川.26 -30 EBADGIV . 31 -35 BADAB 36. Last mon th37. Seven38. visited 39. The (clean) sky40.

35、The Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in LijiangV . 41.explain42. circle43. separated44. glue45. trusts46bright47.treats48. pass 49.includes50. treasureW . 51. join in52. in silence53. Every / Each time54. day by day55. where he livedVfl. 56. tried57. reason 58. met 59. felt 60. save61. sell 62. carefully63

36、. picked 64. again 65. comfortable忸.One possible version:The frien dship betwee n my best frie nd David andme started two years ago.Onmy first day of middle school, Iwas carryinga heavy bag when a boy came uptohelpme. He told me his n ame was David and he was good at En glish but poor at maths. Iwas

37、 good at maths but poor at En glish. Soon we became frien ds. After that, weencouraged and helped each other.He helpedme with my English and Ihelped himwithhis maths. Day by day, we becamebest frien ds.Several mon ths later,both ofusmadegreat progress in our less ons. Now we stick together like glue.


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