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1、初中英语科普版七年级下册?Review of Units 7-8learning aims:1能正确使用 plan/wish/hope/ want/ would like to+V描述假期方案,完成一篇有关小组成员暑期方案的小短文。(1) I want to go to Can ada.(2) I pla n to go to Australia.(3) I like to visit some places of in terest in Chi na.(4) I hope to (5) I wish to 2、 能使用 plan/wish/hope/ want/ would like to

2、+V.写出有关假期旅游方案的短文3、能运用 should,shuouldnt,had better/had better not,dont /remember to do.谈论旅途中要注意的事项,给朋友们一些旅途建议,写一篇关于旅游考前须知的小短文。skill aims:1、 能够积极和同学合作参与课堂活动,大胆实践。2、能够清楚、大声、正确、流畅的用英语进行阅读和交流。3、 能够借助图片,问题,调查搜集信息完成总结,并准确表达。Emotional aims:1、培养学生热爱家乡,乐于了解祖国文化的情怀。2、教育学生要乐于与他人分享知识与快乐。2学情分析本话题运用plan,hope,want,

3、would like+to do来描述暑期方案。并延伸暑期旅游中要注意的平安事项符合学生的认知。能引发学生的学习兴趣,并产生讨论共鸣。描述假期方案。写出有关假期旅游方案的短文1、能正确使用 pla n/wish/hope/ want/ would like to+V 2、能使用 plan/wish/hope/ want/ would like to+V.3、能运用should,shuouldnt谈论旅途中要注意的事项,给朋友们一些旅途建议,写一篇关于旅游考前须知的小短文。4教学过程教学活动活动1【导入】头脑风暴分组比赛:在2分钟内尽可能多的写出学生们可以做的活动,写的多并且准确率高的小组获胜,

4、注意学生的书写可以适当加减1分书写分。活动 2【活动】Ask andanswerone by one.What your plan for the summer holidays?An swer with pla n/wish/hope/ want/ would like to+V.链式练习:For example:A: I want to go swim ming. Whatyour pla n for the summer holidays?B: I plan to -What your plan for the summer holidays?C: I wish toD: I hope

5、toE: I would like to 活动3【活动】Make a surveyWhat are your classmates holidaysplan?11;Make a survey.n ameSummer holidays plans活动4【练习】Report your resultof thesurveyReport your result of the survey to the classmates.You may begi n like this:In our team,pla ns to,-hopes to 活动5【测试】测试练习1、单项选择()1.What yourpla

6、 nforsummerholidays,Michael?I wishAustraliaandtake lotsof pictures.A.totravelaroundB.travelli ngaroundC.totravelforD. travelli ngfor()2.He hopestogether with his oldfien ds.A.gett ingB. getC. to get)3 I hopethereby bus.A. goB. to gotoC. go toD. to go2、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.It too hot. I want(go)(swim)2.I w

7、ishto the moon. (fly)3.My father planstoShan ghai. (move)4.Kan gka ng would likeMount Yunmeng.(visit)5. She hopesa birthdayparty. (have)活动6【活动】discussSuppose we have a chanee to take a trip on our summer holidays. Work in pairs and discuss the follow ing questi ons:1. Where would you like to go?2. W

8、hat the weather like there?3. How do you pla n to go there?4. Who would you like to go with?5. What places of in terest would you like to visit?6. What would you like to take for the trip?活动 7【练习】Write a short passage and report :Write a shortpassage withthe help of the questi onsYou may beginlike t

9、his:The summer holidays are coming soon. Iplanto go to 活动 8【活动】Enjoy the scenery of Mount YunmengAsk: Do you want to visit Mou nt Yun Me ng?为下文做出铺垫,在旅游中要注意什么。活动9【讲授】How to keep safeSuppose you want to visit Mount Yunmen g.11;what should/should nyou do to keepsafe?ItemShouldShould ntKeep together wit

10、h your frie ndsDrink any water you can findTake some food and waterWear the right shoesCook in the mountainsKeep away from dan gerous ani malsStay in the sun too longSwim alone活动 10【测试】Write a letter about how to keep safeWrite a letter to your classmates to give him some suggestions.Try to use should/shouldn , had better/had better not,dont -and remember to doDear Kangkang,I m glad to know you will climb Mount Yunmeng in your ho lidays. You should prepare well for it. you should be very careful_感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快


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