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1、第24卷第4期2019年8月湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)Journal of Hunan University of Technology ( Social Science Edition )Vol.24 No.4Aug. 2019doi:10.3969/j.iss n.1674-117X.2019.04.008中国与巴基斯坦农产品贸易关系测度及提升对策杨丽华,徐榕荫,贾林琅(中南林业科技大学 商学院,湖南 长沙410004 )摘要:农产品贸易已成为“中巴经济走廊”建设和中巴农业合作的重点内容之一。采用三种指数对 中巴农产品贸易关系进行测度,研究结果显示:中巴农产品贸易依赖度不对等;中巴农产

2、品贸易的竞 争性在2010年以来出现了不断增长的趋势;中巴农产品贸易互补性较强的产品主要集中在植物产品、 生皮及皮革、棉花等少数品类上;两国贸易符合比较优势原则且农产品贸易结构出现多元化趋势。随 着“中巴经济走廊”建设的深入推进,中巴双边农产品贸易潜力仍有很大的扩展空间。未来贸易潜力 的提升途径有:优化中巴农产品贸易结构,增加具有互补性优势的产品贸易;积极推进中巴自贸协定 谈判,提升两国农产品贸易的便利化;加强农产品领域的合作,培育双边贸易潜力。关键词:中国;巴基斯坦;农产品;贸易关系;贸易互补性;贸易结合度指数;出口相似性指数;贸 易互补性指数中图分类号:F114.43文献标志码:A文章编号

3、:1674- 117X(2019)04 - 0062- 09引用格式:杨丽华,徐榕荫,贾林琅 .中国与巴基斯坦农产品贸易关系测度及提升对策J.湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版),2019,24(4) : 62- 70.The Measureme nt and Promotio n of the Trade Relati on ship Betwee n Chi na andPakistan Agricultural ProductsYANG Lihua ,XU Rongyin,JIA Linlang(School of Business, Cen tral South Un iversity of

4、 Forestry and Tech no logy Chan gsha 410004 Chi na)Abstract : Agricultural trade has become one of the focal points of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor con struct ion and Chin a-Pakista n agricultural cooperati on.Using three in dices, this paper measures the trade relati on ship of agricultural pro

5、ducts betwee n China and Pakista n and the results show that the depe ndence of trade on agricultural products between China and Pakistan is unequal, and the competition of agricultural products trade between China and Pakistan has been on the increasing trend since 2010. Moreover, in terms of agric

6、ultural products trade compleme ntarity, only a very few categories of agricultural products, such as pla nt products, raw leather and leather, cott on, are quite compleme ntary betwee n China and Pakista n. Fort un ately, the compleme ntarity of bilateral trade is slowly increasing, and the trade s

7、tructure of the two countries agricultural products has been greatly diversi?ed. With the further construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, there is still great room for the expansion of the trade potential of bilateral agricultural products. There are several ways to enhance the trade收稿日期:2019-05- 14基金项目:湖南省社会科学基金资助项目“中国企业对外直接投资生态环境效应评估及管理研究” (16YBA391 )作者简介:杨丽华(1971),女,湖南津市人,中南林业科技大学教授,研究方向为企业国际化战略及国际贸易。62


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