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1、重点句子:Hello! Hi! 你好!Good morning. 早上好。Good afternoon. 下午好Goodbye. 再见。Hi! I m Danny. 你好!我是丹尼。重点句子:Give me a ruler, please.请给我把尺。Give me a rubber, please.请给我一块橡皮Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。Module1 Getting to know youUnit1 Greetings词汇 :morning 早上,上午afternoon 下午语法知识:人称代词I (我,主格),be动词amUnit2 My classma

2、tes词汇:book 书 ruler 尺子 pencil 铅笔 rubber 橡皮 语法知识:人称代词me (我,宾格),不定冠词a (一个), 祈使句Give me,please.(请给我)Unit3 My face词汇:eye 眼睛 mouth 嘴巴 face 脸nose 鼻子 ear 耳朵语法知识:形容词性物主代词 my (我的),your (你的)重点句子:This is my face.这是我的脸。Touch your ear. 触摸你的耳朵。Hi, Alice! Its you! 嗨, 爱丽丝! 这是你!Look! This is your eye. 看!这是你的眼睛。My eye

3、? 我的眼睛?No. Its not me. 不。这不是我。指示代词this (这个),be动词is祈使句Touch(触摸)Look!(看!)Module 2 Me, my family and friendsUnit1 My abilities词汇:dance 跳舞 read 阅读 sing 唱歌 draw 画画语法知识:情态动词can特殊疑问句What can you do?重点句子:What can you do? 你会做什么?I can dance/ read/ sing/ draw. 我会跳舞/阅读 /唱歌 /画画。重点句子:This is my mother. 这是我的妈妈。Who

4、 is she? 她是谁?She s my grandmother. 她是我的奶奶。Who is he? 他是谁?Hes my father. 他是我的爸爸。Unit2 My family词汇:grandfather 爷爷,外公grandmother 奶奶,外婆 father 爸爸 mother 妈妈 me 我语法知识:人称代词he (他),she (她)形容词性物主代词 my (我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Who is he/ she?Unit3 My friends重点句子:This is Danny. Hes my classmate. Hes fat.词汇:fat 胖的 thin 瘦的

5、 tall 高的 short 矮的语法知识:形容词性物主代词 my (我的)Be动词is特殊疑问句Who is he/ she?情态动词can (会)Module 3 Places and activitiesUnit1 In the classroom重点句子:One, two, three! Three pencils. 一,二,三!三支铅笔。How many books? (有)多少本书?Two books. 两本书。词汇:one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六语法知识:数词 1-6可数名词复数特殊疑问句 How many ?Unit2 In the fru

6、it shop词汇:重点句子:apple 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃子 orange 桔子Apples, please. 请给我苹果。语法知识:How many apples?(你要)多少苹果?可数名词复数形式Four. 四个。Here you are. 给你。Thank you. 谢谢。特殊疑问句 How many?Unit3 In the restaurant词汇:重点句子:hamburger 汉堡包pizza 披萨cake 蛋糕pie 馅饼语法知识:Can I help you?需要点什么? /有什么需要帮忙的吗?May I have a hamburger, please?我可

7、以买一个汉堡吗?Here you are. 给你。情态动词mayMay I have ;please?Thank you. 谢谢。Module 4 The natural worldUnit1 On the farm重点句子:Peep Weep唧唧What s this? 这是什么?It s a chick. 它是一只小鸡。MooMoo口牟口牟What s that? 那是什么?Its a cow. 它是一头奶牛。词汇:chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪语法知识:指示代词this (这个),that (那个)特殊疑问句What s this? What s that?B

8、e 动词 is, amUnit2 In the zoopanda熊猫词汇:bear熊 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子语法知识:一般疑问句 Is this ? Is that?特殊疑问句 What s this? Whats that?Be动词is重点句子:What s that?那是什么?It s a bear. Its fat.它是一只熊。他很胖Is that a monkey?那是一只猴子吗?Yes.是的。Is this a bear?这是一只熊吗?No. it s a panda.不。它是一只大熊猫。Unit3 In the park词汇:red 红色 blue 蓝色 yellow

9、 黄色 green 绿色语法知识:特殊疑问句 What this? What is it?What colour is it?Be动词is祈使句Colour the重点句子:What s this?这是什么?It s a pear.它是一只梨。What colour is it?它是什么颜色的?It s yellow.它是黄色的。Colour the book red.把书涂成红色。It s yellow. Its big. It goes quackquack”What is it?它是黄色的。它是大的。它“嗅嗅”地叫。它是什么?1、 Thank you very much for taki

10、ng me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seenthe Tower or any of the other famous sights. If Id gone alone, I ce-eeneariyjas much, because I wouldnthave known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remembersomepe

11、opletold me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During the same day, it might snow in the morning, rainat noon, shine in the afternoon and be windy before the night falls. So I think I waslucky如6/26春嘤春叉瞥5Jun-20桃换旧符。在那桃花盛开的地方,在这醉 2、最困难型州盟|五;森|郊那像春/吧隹制正:星酬青像桃花一3、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。,07:076.12

12、.202007:076,12,202007:0707:07:056.12.202007:076.12.2020样美丽,感谢祢的阅俵。4、与肝胆人共事,无字句处读书。6.12,20206.12,202007:0707:0707:07:0507:07:055、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作使人精确Friday, June 12, 2020June 20Friday, June 12, 20206 /1220206、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。7时7分7时7分12-Jun-206.12.20207、志气这东西是能传染的,你能感染着笼罩在你的环境中的精神。那些在你周围不断向上奋发的人的胜利,会鼓励激发你作更艰苦的奋斗,以求达到如象他们所做的样子。20.6,1220.6,1220.6,12 。 2020年6月12日星期五二O二O年六月十二日8、时间是一位可爱的恋人,对你是多么的爱慕倾心,每分每秒都在叮嘱:劳动,创造!别虚度了一生!07:0707:07:056,12,2020Friday, June 12, 2020


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