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1、一、 Love for Jin Yong Never Dies二、 “Dad, I Love You!” Riding on a uDragonM Buzz Off!A Perfect Iceberg Paying in Followers 键盘侠3、 The Point of Traveling Why We Travel Please Put Down Your Smartphone!4、 Walking You to SchoolHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryMoving to a Swiss Vi1lage A Two-Day To

2、ur in Xi an5、 The History of Fast Food Restaurants Why Do Dogs Like Bones?Mend the sheepfold6、 My Future7、 Chengdu to Launch Aitificial MoonsLove for Jin Yong Never Dies身已不在江湖,却留下永世传说I COULDN T stop reading, M says Ricky, now 28. “I read it in class . under the desk.I read it in bed. I covered up my

3、 head and the book in the qui It so that I wouldn t be caught by my mum. ”The book Ricky talks about is Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传).This is just one of Jin Yong s wuxia novels (武侠小说).Like Ricky, many people find it hard to stop turning the pages when they read Jin s books.For decades, Jin was loved by rea

4、ders across China. Some people believe he is the greatest Chinese writer of the 20th century. Jin s novels have been ma( into TV shows, movies and video games. They have greatly influenced popular culture.When news broke last week that Jin died, the whole world felt shocked. How much I hope this was

5、 not real! ” many people said. The internet was full of memories of reading Jin s novels.Jin is gone, but he will always be in our hearts. After all, who wou 1 d want to put down his novels? condor catch (caught, caught) v.当场发现、发觉 decade n.十年 influence v. &n.影响 break (broke, broken) v.(新闻、消息等)传开 sho

6、cked adj.宸惊的f shock n.令人震惊的事v.使震惊 memory n.记忆,回忆 gone adj.去世了的 cover up so that,为 了,以便 like Ricky find it hard to for decades across be made into popular cuR news broke felt shocked was full of memories of reading Jin s novels lin 一旦QRW after al 1 put downChengdu to Launch Artificial Moons月有阴晴圆缺?拟发射

7、“人造月亮”替代路灯。HAVE YOU ALWAYS WISHED there were a second moon in the sky? Dream no longer. Chengdu is going to launch (发射)artificial (人造的)moons. If everything goes well, the first one will be in the sky in 2020.The coating (涂层)of the artificial moon is like a mirror. It can receive light from the Sun a

8、nd reflect (反射)it to Earth. The moon can be eight times brighter than the real Moon.The artificial moon s place in the sky can be easily changed. It can light up a large area. It is 10-80 km in diameter (直径).The light can be turned off.The artificial moon can take the placg of (替代)street 1 ights. Th

9、is can save energy and the cost of 1 ighting (照明) If it works we 11, Chengdu wi 11 launch more moons later. They will take turns in working.Will such a bright night light affect (影响)animals in the area? Don t worry. The light will be a duskT ike (似黄昏的)(亮光). launch artificial coating reflect diameter

10、 affect dusk-1 ike glow no longer If everything goes well is 1 ike a mirror be eight timesbrighter than light up turned off take the placeof take turns a bright night1ight in the areaHogwarts School of Witchcraft and WizardryHogwarts School of Ki I c he rail and Nizardry is a vi zardinx school (巫师学校

11、).It is located in Hogwarts Castle. The castle is p 她 职?旦包口 near a lake.Hogwarts has many spells (咒语)on and around it. They make it impossibe f9r a Mugg 1 e (麻瓜)t?一垩g it 空二且便4些!&筌A Muggle sees only ruins and several warnings of danger. In this way, the students and the school are protected from harm

12、.Hogwarts Castle 0丫?工号 q Iqrge area, It has a lake, a forest and a Quidditch Pitch (魁 地奇球场).There are 142 staircases (楼梯)in the castle. The steps on the staircases can move around in the large castle. Some rooms in the castle can move around, too. The castle has a long history. Even A Ibus Dumbledor

13、e (阿不思邓布利多)did not know all of its secrets.The school * s molt。is uDraco (/dreika u/)Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus. It means Never tickle a sleeping dragon (眠龙勿扰).” witchcraft /wi tj kra: ft/ n.巫术;魔法 wizardry /wi za dri / n.巫术,魔法 wizardly 神奇的,奇异的;男巫的 wizarding n.巫师 spell vt.拼,拼写;意味着;招致;拼成;迷住;轮值 n.符咒;

14、一段时间;魅力 muggle /mA g(a ) 1/ n.麻瓜 ruin /*ru: i n/ n.废墟 Pitch /pi tj / n.沥青;音高;程度;树脂;倾斜;投掷;球场vi.倾斜;投掷;搭帐整;坠落vt.投;掷;定位于;用沥青涂;扎营;向前倾跌 motto /mD ta u / n.座右铭 tickle /,ti k(9 )1/ vt.使发痒;使高兴;使满足vi.觉得痒;(东西)使人发痒 n.胳肢;痒感;使人发痒、高兴的东西 is located in in the mountains make it impossible for Sb. to do sth. see it as

15、 in this way be protected from covers a large area Answer the questions.1. Why can t a Muggle see Hogwarts as a wizarding school?2. How many staircases are there in Hogwarts Castle?3. AIbus Dumbledore knew all of HogwartsJ secrets, didn t he?4. What is the meaning of Hogwarts, motto?The History of F

16、ast Food Restaurants 第一家快餐店是谁开的?TODAY S SOCIETY is very busy. Many people don t have enough time to prepare a meal. Instead, they go to a fast food restaurant to a meal. So who invented the first fast food restaurant?Before the 1920s, hamburgers were mainly sold from food carts (手推车)in America. Most

17、 people thought them to be a kind of low-quality food. In 1921, Walter Anderson and Bi 1 ly Ingram founded the first fast food restaurant. The restaurant was called White Castle.White Castle Rimgd IQ change AmericansJ yi期 独q迎 hamburgers. The first White Castle restaurant had an open kitchen. People

18、could see their meal being prepared there. The restaurant was a big success. It 蚓*如曰驾 f$工 its sma 11, square hamburgers. Anderson and Ingram opened more White Castle chains (连锁店)later. In 2014, the White Castle hamburgers were named the most influentia burger of all time by Time (时代周干U).Are you hung

19、ry now? Why not go to a fast food restaurant and have a hamburger?I love McDonald , s Big Mac (巨无霸汉堡)so much. I hope all the hamburgers could be as 娶 Big Macs.Jhg b4史Ou三Not exactly. The first fast food chain. White Castle, is famous for its small, square hamburgers. They are one of the most deliciou

20、s hamburgers in the world.开心词典 S0C1: . ! /sa rsai a ti / n.社会;交往;社团;社交界-* social adj.社会的,社交的;群居的n.联谊会;联欢会 socially adv.在社会上;在社交方面;善于交际地 ,rab v.(尤指匆忙地)取,拿,吃,喝v. n.攫取;箱占 low-quality ound vt.创立,建立;创办find aim /ei m/ vi.力争做到打算;对准目标;瞄准 vt.目的在于;引导;把对准一 n.目的;目标;对准 chains n.连锁店,chain的复数形式 influential /, i nf

21、lo renj (a ) 1/ adj.有影响力的 n.有影响力的人物 - ly adv. f influence n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事vt.影响;改变 exactly /i grzaek(t) 11 idv.恰好地;正是;精确地;正确地 aimed to力争做到,目标在于;以为目标 view + about s,e sth. being p三epqred be well known for sth. as big as The bigger 主+谓,the better 主+谓 Not exactly不全是未必就The Point of Traveling旅游就是换个地方玩手

22、机吗?我们的小读者们可不这么认 为。WHILE you t ray el ed _ around dur i_ng_th i s year: _ sona LDayhol i day, did you see that manypeople were playing with their smartphones al 1 the time, instead of enjoying the scenery? They_taking卫ictures_and卫os工ina them 9nLine They weuager(热切的)_to showtheir friends that they wen

23、t to many wonderful places during the holiday. However, that is far from the point of traveling.What is the point of traveling? Well, letJ s take mountein climbing as an example. When you are climbing a mountain, your purposo does not 1 ie in taking pictures. You can always download nice photos from

24、 the internet, can* t you? The purpose of mountain climbing is to feel the happiness when you eventual ly reach the peak. Of course, there can be unexpected chaLLenggS - and surprises - on the path to the peak, too. Last month, my family and I were caught in a heavy shower during our trip on the Alp

25、s (阿尔卑斯山).When we were feeling disappointed (沮丧的).the clouds ro 11 ed awa and the rainbow came out. It was an unforgettable experience.The smartphone is indeed a great invention. However, injpy一。pinion, it s never more fascinating (迷人的)than the world outside! scenery /si: n(a )ri / n.风景;景色;舞台布景一二sce

26、nic adj.风景优美的;舞台的;戏剧的n.风景胜地;风景照片 eager / i: ga / adj.渴望的;热切的;热心的be eager to do sth. be eager for sth. 渴望, 迫切要 purpose /rp3 : pa s/ n.目的;用途;意志vt.决心;企图;打算 eventually /i * vent J u d 11 / adv.最后,终于 peak /pi: k/ n.山峰;最高点;顶点;帽舌 vt.使达到最高点;使竖起vi.消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴 vi.消瘦;到达最高点;变憔悴 unexpected /a ni kr spekti d; a

27、nek-/ adj.意外的,想不到的 indeed /1 ndi: d/ adv.的确;实在;真正地;甚至int.真的(表示惊讶、怀疑、讽刺 等) fascinating /* fae si nei ti rj / adj.迷人的;吸引人的;使人神魂颠倒的-* adj. fascinated着迷的;被深深吸引的n. fascination魅力;魔力;入迷 vt. ascinate 便着迷,便神魂颠倒vi. fascinate 入迷 traveled around 周游 during this year * s National Day holiday instead of代替;而不是 were

28、 busy taking pictures and posting them online be busy doing sth. is far from the point of远不是;距很远 take mountain cl imbing as an example 以为例 lie in在于;睡懒觉;待产 reach the peak unexpected challenges were caught in a heavy shower during our trip on the Alps be caught in 遇到,陷入; 淋雨 rolled away in my opinion a

29、dv.依我看来,在我看来Why We TravelDid you travel around during the National Day holiday this year? If you did, you probably saw that many people were not enjoying the scenery. Instead, they were just playing with their smartphones.I think this is too bad. In my opinion, the point of travel ing is to learn ne

30、w things. It is not to show your friends where you have been to.Please Put Down Your Smartphone!During this National Day holiday, a large number of people flooded (大量涌向)to scenic spots all over China. Many tourists were busy taking photos and posting them on WeChat Moments. I find it hard to underst

31、and this phenomenon (现象).One may miss a lot of beautiful scenery if he or she focuses on taking pictures. We can actually download more and better pictures from the internet.We should treasure (珍视)the opportunity to be close to Mother Nature. It is a great experience to en jov the masterpieces (杰作)o

32、f nature. Why do we 3pgndSdIWCh工iID2_iRB WeChat messages while we are traveling?Al 1 in all, I think people should put their mobile phones down while they travel around scenic spots.“Dad, I Love You!”六岁女孩坚持照料高位截瘫父亲,令人欣慰又心疼。WHAT WERE YOU DOING at the agg.,9.C six? Playing with toys? Watching cartoons

33、? Or studying English? Jiajia is a six-year-old girl from a vi 1 lage in Northwest China. She looks after her disabled father every day. She has become famous onl ine since she started podcasting their daily 1ives.Jiajia s father lost thhis arms and legs in a road accident in March 2016. Twomonths l

34、ater, his wife left wi th their son. Now, Jiajia gets up at 6 a. m. every morning to give his father a massage. She brushes his teeth and washes his face before going to school. In the podcasts, you can also see how Jiajia feeds her father and helps him move around the house. wasp /wd sp/ n.黄博;昆胡蜂;易

35、怒的人vi.黄蜂似的直扑 steal /sti: 1/ v. (stole, stolen)偷 n.偷窃;便宜货;偷垒;断球 rectangular /rekr q gju la / adj.矩形的;成直角的angular / ae r) gju la / adj.生物有角的;生硬的,笨拙的;瘦削的triPaying in Followers意大利一家餐厅支持用粉丝”付款。As an old saying goes, “There iS RQ such thing 登 a free lunch. But there are exceptions /i ksepj (a )n; ek-/ (例外

36、)to everything.A restaurant in Italy encourages (鼓励)customers /*k. stim / to take pictures of its food and post them on social media. In return, the customers can get free food. Why does the restaurant do such a thing? To attrrcl more customers. But to get the delicious food for free, a customer nee

37、ds to have at least 100,000 followers (支持者)on social media.Do you have 100,000 followers on social media? If not, you had better make more effort (努力).It might earn you a free lunch in the future.键盘侠“键盘侠”是一个网络用语,指在现实生活中胆小怕事,而在网上占据道德至高点,发表“个人 正义感”的人。英语中,我们通常用keyboard men或akeyboard warriors”表示这一人群。Men

38、d the sheepfold 亡羊补牢。Once upon a time, there was a shepherd (牧羊人),He raised dozens of sheep. He tended the sheep in the daytime, and kept them in the sheepfold (羊圈)at night.One morning, the shepherd found that one sheep was missing. His neighbor helped him check the sheepfold. There is a hole in the

39、 wall of your sheepfold. A wolf went in through the hole and took the sheep away at night. You should mend the sheepfold quickly and fi 11 up the hole, “ the neighbor said.The shepherd replied, “I have already lost the sheep. It is no use mending the sheepfold. ”The next morning, the shepherd found

40、that another sheep was missing.The neighbor said, “The wolf went in through the hole again and took another sheep. Aren, t you going to mend the sheepfold?The shepherd filled up the hole careful ly at once. After that, none of his sheep was taken away by the wolf.If there is a mistake, we should cor

41、rect it as soon as possible. In this way, we can avoid more losses.tend v.照料avoid v.避免Walking You to School小主人不要怕,我在这里守护着你。WILLIAM is a three-year-old boy. He becomes anxious when he steps into new environments.When he 包二口?0。口 starting school, William was frightened. His cat Milly Moo was very carin

42、g. She went over and sat with him. It helped with his nerves (神经紧) * . .On the first day of schoolt Milly Moo sat by Wi11iam as he was getting ready to go to school. She went with the boy and his mother when they left for school.After that, Mi 1 ly Moo walks William to school every school day. She a

43、cts like his little bodyRUdrd (保镖),She is there when Wi 11 iam is putting on shoes and coat. She walks beside him to help him overcome fear. After school, Milly Moo even accompanies Wi 11 iam* s mother to pick up the boy.William loves to walk to school with Milly Moo. They share a very special bond

44、(关系). anxious /出rj (k)J a s/ adj.焦虑的;渴望的;急切的 environment /i n1 vai ra nma nt/ n. 环境,外界 frightened /*frai tnd/ adj.害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的 frighten vt.使惊吓;吓 唬 caring /* kea ri q / adj.有同情心的;表示或感到关怀或关心的 一care vt body*iiard /r bn di ga: d/ n.保镖guard n.守卫;警戒;vi,警惕 vt.保卫;监视 overcome /a u va kA m/ vt.克服;胜过 vi.克服;得胜

45、accompany /a kA mpa ni / vt.陪伴,伴随;伴奏 vi.伴奏,伴唱 bond /bu nd/ n.关系;债券;结合;约定;粘合剂;纽带v结合the Bund s t eps i n t o进入 learned about j 解;学习 helped with getting ready to left for After that acts like pick upMoving to a Swiss Village只要你愿意来定居,我们就给你发钱!Are you looking for a change of scenery? If you want to move t

46、o a quiet, beautiful village, you re in luck.Albinen is a small vi 1 lage in Switzerland (瑞士), It has amazing mountain views. But its population (人 口) has deciined /di klai n/ greatly in recent years. Families and young people are moving out. Only 240 people now 1 ive there. The local school has clo

47、sed. The seven chiIdren in the vi1lage have to travel to a nearby town to attend school.The village wants to attract people to move in. It plans to offer new residents (居 民) a large sum of money. Each adult will be offered about $25,000. Each child will be offered about $10,000. That s a total of about $70,000 for a family of four.If you want to get the money, you will have to follow some rules. First, you must be under the age of 45. You also need to buy or build a house in Albinen, Last but not least, you have to live there for at leas


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