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1、Unit6 Colours单元教材简析、单元目标:类别教学内容教学目标话题与功能Colour能听懂,会说,会读日常用语与句型What colour ?It s 能听懂,会说,会读词汇colour, now, yellow, blue, brown, white, an, egg, or能听懂,会说,会读are, is, orange, green, it, red, and, black能听懂,会说,会读,会写歌曲Colour song会唱字母Rr, Ss, Tt能听懂,会说,会读,会写二、单元重,难点:1 .教学重点句型: What colour is ? It s 词?匚: what, c

2、olour, red, orange, green, yellow, blue, brown, white, black字母:Rr, Ss, Tt2 .教学难点句型: What colour is 的语序词汇: orange, green, red, yellow, black, blue, brown, white 等单词的读音字母:Rr的读音三、单元内容分析:本单元教材以“colours为主题,让学生能熟练运用本单元所学的句型Whatcolour is?谈论颜色,并用 It s作出正确的回答。本单元词汇以颜色为主 black, blue, brown, green, orange, red

3、, white, yellow 。本单元中, 学生续学习认 读及书写字母 Rr, Ss, Tt,并对于日常交际语 Would you like ? Yes, please.所 感知。四、课时安排:6课时Unit6 Colours 第一课时教学内容:Story time教学目标:1 .学生能通过情景对话的练习,能初步了解What colour is? It的用法。2 .学生能通过看课文动画和听录音,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试模仿、表演对话。3 .学生能在创设的情境中,初步运用本课所学的日常交际用语询问和介绍颜色。教学重难点:1 .学生能通过情景对话的练习,能初步了解Wha

4、t colour is? It的用法。2 .学生能通过看课文动画和听录音,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,并初步运用本课所学的日常交际用语询问和介绍颜色。学情分析:教学准备:多媒体课件,课文录音,水彩笔教学时间:教学过程:教学设计修改及设计意图Step1 Greetings & Free talk1. GreetingT: Good morning/afternoon, class 。S: Good morning/afternoon, Miss XX.2. T: Look at my T-shirt! Is it nice?Ss: Yes, it s nice.nlceW Great!/T: Lo

5、ok at this jacket.(指向某位学生的衣服)It s nice, too.Work in pairs. Show and praise the clothes.Step2 Presentation and practice1. Magic eyes:师生对话复习所学交 际用语,创设英语学 习氛围PPT show: T-shirt, cap, skirt, jacket.Review the words of clothes.2 .Try to introduce and teach:What colour is?It s Teach: orange, green, red, ye

6、llow3 . Practice in pairsWhat colour is ?It s Step3 Story time1. T: In order to have a magic show, Yang Ling tried on many clothes. Today, Let s watch the show and try to remember herand colours.A. cap B. jacketC. skirtD. T-shirt2. 选出C. skirt的答案后,进一步提问:The colours of Yang Ling s skirts are.Choose th

7、e right colours.Read the 4 words: orange, green, red, yellow, pay attention to the pronunciation.3. Order the colours.T: What colour is her skirt from the first to the last one?按照魔术表演的先后顺序,排列出颜色。(Try not to refer to your book.).orange(2). green (3). red and yellow4. 找出文中询问裙子颜色的问答句,同桌互读,并理解now的意思。Wha

8、t colour is it now? It s 5. Listen and repeat.6. Read after the T.7. Read in roles.8. Read together.9. Try to act.Step4 Production学生两人一组,以水彩笔为道具模仿课文表演魔术。S1: Look at my water-colour pen. What colour is it?通过对上一单元内容 的回顾,由旧知导入 新授。注意It 和颜色中间 不加a。小组练说,全班交流, 以多种操练形式反馈 新授内容。cloth视听结合,让学生从 对话中提取有效信 息。用不同的方式

9、巩固今 天所学内容。S2: It s red.51: What colour is it now?(快速拿出第一支)52: It s yellow.51: What colour is it now?(快速拿出第二支)52: It s green. .Step5 Homework :1 .跟磁带熟读课文单词,并试着背诵课文。2 .教爸爸妈妈用英语说颜色。理解课文对话基础上 进行运用和拓展。课堂五分钟检测内容设计评价手册P171 .明确题目的要求。2 .引导学生观察图片。3 .完成练习。4 .当堂反馈。板 书 设 计Unit6 Colours What colour is my?It s .or

10、ange, green, red, yellowUnit6 Colours 第二课时教学内容:Fun time & Song time教学目标:1 .学生能通过回顾 Story time部分,复习句型 What colour is ? It s2 .学生能听懂、会读、会说颜色词汇:orange, green, red, yellow, black, blue,brown, white.3 .学生能带有表情和动作演唱和改编歌曲Colour song.4 .学生能在创设的情境中熟练询问和介绍颜色。教学重难点:1 .学生能准确朗读和理解8个颜色单词,并用 What colour is ? It进行间

11、2 .学生能在创设的情境中熟练询问和介绍颜色。学情分析:教学准备:多媒体课件教学时间:教学过程:教学设计修改及设计意图Stepl Warm up1.Greetings:T: Good morning/ Good afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ Good afternoon, Miss XX.T: Look at mySs: It s nice./ How nice!/ Great!/T: Thank you. What colour is it?Ss: It s .2. Look at the pictures of Story Time. Can you

12、 give voice to them?复习上一课时所学Story Time内容交际 用语和单词,创设英 语学习氛围。3. Act Story timeStep2 Presentation and practice1. Look at the pictures, ask and answer in pairs.What colour is theIt-? s .Teach: black, blue, brown, white2. T: Now let s play a gaGoeod memory.PPT快速闪现/、同颜色和的服饰后,请学生回忆。What colour is theIt-? s

13、 .4. Play the game: What s missing?Step3 Fun time1 .课件展示颜色转盘,师生示范。T: What colour is this T-shirt?S: It s black.2 .同桌两人玩游戏练说。教师巡视,必要时给予指导。3 .展小34组。Step4 Song time1. T: Let s have a rest and enjoy a song“Colour son2. T: What colours can you hear?S: Yellow and red.3. Read the lines after the T.Teach: w

14、ho, wear, todayRead the new words.4. Try to sing after the tape.5. Sing with action.6. Sing together.7. Change the colours and make the new songs.Step5 ProductionMake up a new dialogue and show it.Eg: T: Hi, *.S1: Hi, Miss XX.T: Look at my .Ss: It s nice./ How nice!/ Great!/让学生在情境中理解 并运用本单兀重点句 型。通过游

15、戏让学生对于 本单元的重点单词和 句型进行巩固和操 练。鼓励学生在模仿和跟 唱的基础上进行改 编。在已用的知识基础上 进行类似对话的创 编。T: Thank you. What colour is it?Ss: It s .Step6 Homework1 .把改编好的colour song唱给爸爸妈妈听。2 .熟读基础上背诵 story time课文。课堂五分钟检测内容设计补充习题 Part ABC1 .引导学生观察图片。2 .明确做听力的要求。3 .完成练习。4 .当堂反馈。板 书 设 计Unit6 ColoursA: What colour is thisT-shirt, cap, ski

16、rt, jacketB: It s . orange, green, red, yellow, black, blue, brown, whiteUnit6 Colours 第三课时教学内容: Letter time , Cartoon time, Checkout time教学目标:1 .通过听,观察和模仿,能正确地听说读写字母Rr, Ss, Tt.2 .在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并尝试表演。3 .学生能运用所学句型单词进行会话活动。教学重难点:1 .通过听,观察和模仿,能正确地听说读写字母Rr, Ss, Tt.2 .在

17、教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读 Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并尝试表演。学情分析:教学准备:多媒体课件教学时间:教学过程:教学设计修改及设计意图Step 1 Free talk:T: Good morning/ Good afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning/ Good afternoon, Miss XX.T: Look at this skirt. What colour is it?S: It s red.T: What colour is the jacket?S: It s yellow.Ask and answer

18、in pairs.师生问好,生生问 好,复习所学交际 用语,创设英语学 习氛围Step2 Cartoon time1. T: Bobby and Sam are hungry now. They go to a shop. What do they want to buy?Watch the cartoon and find the answer.Teach: egg, an egg2. How does Sam ask Bobby? What does Bobby answer?Open your books and find the answer.Teach: Would you like

19、 ?Yes, please.3. Listen and repeat.4. Think : Do they get the egg? Why?T: No. Because there are so many colours. They are surprised and don t know how to choose.5. Read after the T.6. Read after the little T.7. Read together.8. Try to act.9. If you are Bobby and Sam, will you buy the egg?Discuss in

20、pairs.Step 3 Letter time教学字母Rr, Ss, Tt.1 .静听老师读:Ss含有什么音?/e/这个音在我们以前学过的哪些字母当中也出现过?Ff, Ll , Mm, Nn2 .师示范朗读,学生模仿跟读3 .师示范书写,学生观察并说出书写要领4 .学生在书上临摹,师巡视指导5 .在本单元中找出含这些字母的单词。6 . Play games:(1) What s missing?(2) Magic earsStep4 Checkout time1. Colour the clothes。带读an egg,让学 生体会连读并模 仿。引导学生体会对 话幽默之处,表演 时加上恰当的

21、表 情和动作。关注发音方式,培 养学生的模仿能 力。通过游戏巩固所 学字母2. Say it in groupsThis i s It s Step5 ProductionLook at the Picture.Ask and answer.What colour is A?It s red.What colour is D?It s yellow. .Step6 Homework1. Copy the new letters 8 times.2. Sing the song.让学生将所学知 识进行综合运用。课堂五分钟检测内容设计Play a game训练学生听字母,将全班四人一小组,持不向大

22、小写字母,教师快速念字母,要求 持有该字母的组迅速站起来,反应及时得分,/、及时不得分,得分多的组获胜。板 书 设 计Unit6 ColoursWould you like?Yes, please. Rr Ss TtUnit6 Colours 第四课时教学内容: Review U6教学目标:1 .学生能听懂、会说、会读日常用语:What colour is ? It s2 .学生能听懂、会读、会说颜色词汇:orange, green, red, yellow, black, blue,brown, white.3 .学生能演唱Colour song4 .学生能听懂、会说、会读字母Rr, Ss,

23、 Tt.5 .学生能运用本课所学的日常交际用语询问和介绍颜色。学情分析:教学准备:多媒体课件教学时间:教学过程:教学设计修改及设计意图Stepl Warm upSing a songColour songStep2 Free talkT: Good morning/ afternoon, .S: Good morning/ afternoon, Miss XX.Show your clothes.Hello! I m XX. Look at my.It s. / What colour is it?It s.Step3 Presentation1. Magic eyesT: In this u

24、nit, we have some new words. Please say them quickly.通过歌曲导入,复习 所学交际用语,将 学生带入英语学习 氛围游戏形式激发学生 兴趣同时巩固知 识,词不离句。(快速闪动颜色图片和本单元词汇,让学生快速说出英文表达2 . Guessing game.What colour is XXX s ?It s.3 .教师利用多媒体展示一些场景,要求学生采用适当的表达。(1)想问别人自己的T恤衫是什么颜色的What colour is my T-shirt?(2)想问别人这条短裙是什么颜色的What colour is this skirt?3) )

25、 Mike想让大家看他的夹克衫,他会怎么说?Look at my jacket.4) PPT展示图片,进一步巩固单词和句型。T: What colour is the sea?51: It s blue.T: What colour is the apple?52: It s red.T: What colour is the orange?53: It s orange.T: What colour is the snow?54: It s white.T: What colour is the panda?55: It s black and white.情境中教学,巩固 相关句型和知识

26、点。通过抢答游戏,进 一步巩固单词和句 型。5. 复习 story time 和 cartoon time 的句子。重点出示句子,加强学生的认读能力。6.复习字母Rr, Ss, Tt的书写和读音。Step4 SummaryTicking time学生进行小组内自我评价Step5 Homework1 .跟读Unit6所有内容5遍2 .”写字母 Rr, Ss, Tt 8遍板书设Unit6 ColoursWhat colour is It s RrSsTt出示重点句子,加 强学生的认读能 力。Unit6 Colours 第五课时教学内容: 评价手册试卷考试教学目标:通过检测,发现学生掌握得比较薄弱的

27、环节以及易错点,以便在下一课时进行查漏补缺。教学准备:评价手册试卷教学时间:教学过程:第 6 单元测试Unit6 Colours 第六课时教学内容:试卷讲评及练习教学目标:1 .通过试卷讲评,学生意识到自己本单元中的薄弱点以及易错点,加深理解,提高做题的正确率。2 .通过针对性练习,学生对本单元所学内容进行有效的巩固。教学准备:试卷、多媒体课件教学时间:教学过程:教学设计修改及设计意图Stepl Free talkT: Good morning, .S: Good morning, Miss XX.T: Look at mySs: It s nice./ How nice!/ Great!/T

28、: Thank you. What colour is it?Ss: It s .Step2 Presentation1 . Smart eyesT: Look at my lips. What am I saying? Make a guess.(做口型)(1)已学的20个字母(2)颜色类单词(3)服装类单词Ss guess.。、组竞赛形式)2 .字母复习大小写配对左邻右舍改错可以出些学生在练习时和试卷中格式或者是书写错的字母,让学通过师生问好,生 生问好,复习所学 交际用语,创设英 语学习氛围训练学生集中注意 力,通过仔细观察, 巩固所学单词和字 母小组竞赛的形式激 发学生的兴趣通过这一训

29、练,让 学生进一步巩固字 母的正确书写。生改错,帮助学生记住字母。3 .Magic eyes看闪现的图片或者是句子,快速回答。4 .Rete11the story出小story time中的场景图片,让学生复述课文内谷四人一组,小组内挑选自己喜欢的一幅或几幅互相复述小组派代表来复述4幅图,进行比赛。5 .讲评试卷中涉及到句型配对、情景交际的易错点6 .Sing a songSing Colour song with actions.Adapt the song.Step3 Practice1. What s missing?PPT上出现不向人物或句子,说出消失的那个人物或句子2.默写本单元3个字母RrSsTt看图复述,结合情 境,加强运用,小 组合作开展活动既 提高了合作能力又 以比赛方式激发了 学生的学习激情。试卷讲评的同时复 习了重要知识点游戏形式巩固知 识,训练学生的认、 说能力复习之后再来默写 字母,检验复习效 果。板 书 设 计Unit6 ColoursRr SsTtWhat colour is? It s 试卷相关知识点呈现


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