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1、-精品范文推荐- 中职英语第三册课件中职的英语课件都是怎样设计的呢?以下是小编收集的相关信息,仅供大家阅读参考!教学目标和要求本课是第2课时,教学目标主要是对课文中的对话进行阅读、巩固和拓展。要求通过学习,学生能达到以下要求:1.知识目标能够牢固掌握好课文对话中的重点词汇词组;阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,特别要求记忆Sarah所说的话并能当堂表演对话。能够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。2.能力目标能够独立阅读课文对话,能够正确理解课文对话并根据提示完成对话,能够用英语表达歉意和接受道歉并学会为工作中所犯的错误致歉。能够拓展对话,完成看图说话并把

2、每张图片的对话内容连在一起形成一段对话。3.情感目标通过小组讨论,培养同学们的交际能力和团队合作精神;不同的教学目标和要求A. 对于基础相对好的同学,能够阅读对话并且根据提示完成对话,运用已经学会知识让学生分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话,能够拓展对话,根据图片内容创作一段对话。B. 对于基础中等的同学,能够完成课文对话,分角色进行口语练习,能当堂表演对话。C. 程度较弱的同学,要求能够熟练掌握课文中的生词和词组,能够正确完成课文对话。教学重点英语道歉和接受道歉的词汇及表达;学习英语在工作中犯错误的表达; 根据提示完成对话;表演对话;教学难点根据提示完成对话,表演对话,拓展对话,根据图片创作

3、对话。学情分析该班部分学生英语基础比较好,部分比较薄弱,学习的主动性参差不齐,性格普遍也比较内向。教学指导思想鉴于以上情况,本人在教学活动中采用任务型教学,充分调动学生学习的主动性,积极性,自觉性,充分体现课堂上学生为主,教师为辅,师生互动的指导思想,让每一个学生都能"动"起来,不同层次的学生都能有一定的提高。教学活动热身练习:整堂课的教学活动设计是由易到难的。先复习上节课所学到的表达道歉和接受道歉的句型,要求学生能回顾出英语的表述形式,为之后的教学活动先做一个热身练习。活动一: work in pairs to discuss how to express your ap

4、ologies to someone for doing wrong things and how to accept an apology,write on the board the sentence patterns.活动二: learning words and expressions, then do words exercises活动三: Complete the conversation of the text by using the words given as cluesBackground introduction of the conversation:Sarah :

5、the secretary of Mr. BlackMr.Black: the general manager of the company在sarah 准备的一份文件中,Mr. Black发现了打印错误:去年产品的产量应该是28,000,而不是23,000.因为这份报告要提交董事会,所以Mr.Black不希望有任何差错Encourage the students to read the text, then try to find their answers.活动四:Let the students read the text again, then role-play the conver

6、sation with theirpartner1)组织学生两人一组练习对话2)让各组学生分角色进行练习对话,要求特别记忆Sarah所说的话3)选择几组学生进行当堂表演活动五:Language points in the conversation1)find some mistakes 发现错误2)make mistakes 犯错误3)all the details to be correct 被纠正的细节4)accept my apologies 接受我的道歉5)such a short time 如此短的时间6)I realize how hard it was for you to fi

7、nish the report within such a short time. 我意识到让你在如此短的时间内完成报告是多么难啊7)This wont happen again. 这个不会再次发生了。活动六:Complete the task (wok in groups )Class work :Make a conversation on the basis of each of the pictures. Then put them together.教法本节课采用的是互动(interactive)、交流(communicative)等教学方法,教学中以学生为主体。学法课堂教学以学生为

8、主体,尽可能给学生多一些活动的余地,多一些表现自我的机会,多一份尝试成功的喜悦,让学生自始自终参与到知识形成的全过程中,将"一言堂"变成"群言堂",让他们通过合作学习法(cooperative learning)、互动学习法(interactive learning)来完成课堂任务。Making Apologies教学设计Teaching Aids: Multi-mediaTeaching Aims:1. Students will be able to grasp the key words and phrases in apologizing and

9、accepting an apology.2. Students will be able to read the test, and learn to discuss apologizing for mistakesmade at work in English.3. Students will be able to perform(role-play) the conversation by using the wordsgiven as clues with their partner.4. Picture talk (practising speaking)。5. By learnin

10、g this text, the students can apologize to someone and accept an apologyin English.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 work in pairs to discuss how to express your apologies to someone for doing wrong things and how to accept an apologyWrite on the board : To apologize to someone, we sayIm terribly sorryIm s

11、orryId like to apologize forI must apologize to you forPlease pardon / forgive me.To accept an apology, we sayDont worry about it.Thats all right.Never mind.Your apologies are accepted.Step2 words and phrases1. annual adj. 2. detail一年一次的, 每年的, 一年生的 n. 详情,细节annual report年度报告annual output There is too

12、 much detail in his speech.他的讲话太琐碎了。 年产量3.Submit vt. 4. mistype提交, 递交submit a plan 5. fault n.提出一项计划 过错, 缺点,submit a case to the court向法院提出诉讼Fill in the blanks with the words and expressions given above1) Its not your fault.2) I think that the annual output of our new products last year was 28,000.3

13、) I want all the details to be correct before the report is submitted.4) I must have mistyped.Step3 Complete the conversation by using the words given as cluesBackground introduction of the conversation:Sarah : the secretary of Mr. BlackMr.Black: the general manager of the company在sarah 准备的一份文件中,Mr.

14、 Black发现了打印错误:去年产品的产量应该是28,000,而不是23,000.因为这份报告要提交董事会,所以Mr.Black不希望有任何差错Encourage the students to read the text, then try to find their answers.Let the students discuss their answers. Then the teacher gives the correct answers on the boardStep4 Let the students read the text again, then role-play th

15、e conversation with their partner1)组织学生两人一组练习对话2)让各组学生分角色进行练习对话,要求特别记忆Sarah所说的话3)选择几组学生进行当堂表演Step 5 Language points in the conversation1)find some mistakes 发现错误2)make mistakes 犯错误3)all the details to be correct 被纠正的细节4)accept my apologies 接受我的道歉5)such a short time 如此短的时间6)I realize how hard it was f

16、or you to finish the report within such a short time. 我意识到让你在如此短的时间内完成报告是多么难啊7)This wont happen again. 这个不会再次发生了。Step 6 Complete the task (wok in groups )Class work :Make a conversation on the basis of each of the pictures. Then put them together.Mrs. Adams is in Sarahs office waiting to see Mr. Bla

17、ck. Forgetting Mr. Black is still talking with another client, Sarah opens the door. She apologizes to Mr. Black. Back in her office, Sarah explains to Mrs. Adams that shed better make an ap;pointment for tomorrow.encourage the students to follow the example , talking about the picturesDiscuss in gr

18、oups, after that let some students come to the front to performExample: Sarah: Mr. Black, Mrs. Adams wants to see you!Mr.Black: What? Does she have an appointment? Im busy now.Sarah: No, she doesnt. But she has been waiting here for quite some time.Mr. Black: Sarah, whats the matter? You know Im bus

19、y at the moment.Sarah: Im sorry. I got my time wrong. I thought the first client had left! Im terribly sorry.Sarah: Mrs. Adams, Im sorry. Mr Black is busy at the moment, and Im afraid he cant see you today. But you can make an appointment for tomorrow.Mrs. Adams: OK. If thats the case, Ill do what y

20、ou suggest.Step 7 ConclusionToday we have learned some new words and phrases , then we learned how to express apologies to someone and accept an apology and learned to discuss apologizing for mistakes made at work in English.After learning these, the students can apologize to someone for doing something wrong and accept an apology when someone make apologies in English.Step 8HomeworkRead and recite vocabulariesCopy vocabulariesOral task: practicing picture talk


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