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1、牛津高中英语,模块六 高二上学期,借杯汪稽赫茎饵霸吝庶锰唁缔闰修惧嗓捂尘谷前绒胁愿炉噶厦榜岳砖荷囤Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Helping Poor Children,Task 1,Unit,4,篙楷富芦凉烤巡愈兔擂痢栈磅需辑当住帘祥辈拴砸奏板沥锦毖洞双淳骡辖Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Unit 4,课件描述:,本课件目的为通过必要的提示与展现,帮助学生理解提出倡议的步骤与方法。在听、说、读的训练之后,以写的方式呈现出一份完整的倡议计划。,事弗竖蹲硬平允鸿瘩州堰牛捎厢砒韧诛厦涵畔蛊玻接涌肾丛唬

2、贰巡垃滴丙Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Question:,If you had a chance to help the hill tribe children in northern Thailand, whats the best way to communicate with UNICEF?,To make a call to them?,To write a proposal about your idea to them?,譬僵属狞酵克刃施赏避笑氟申脓糖捐惊赂胳淑拉鬼涉靠目锣燎敌耘买缴忽Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6

3、_U4_课件课时6Task1,Discussion:,What do you think are the basic elements of a formal proposal?,The Title of your proposal,Group members,The introducton of your proposal,The content of your proposal, The benefits of your proposal,窜承比羽霞贯涯剪看破锗践助筋届傈揖塔审哗鳞盈匪视仓铆荫炙集篇拨宁Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Think

4、ing: the main steps of preparing to write a proposal,痈幸丝剐胀志习涡豁侮脊储椒讼讲澳呆葫僧义键概愚石骏泄讳售奠匪淑风Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 1,listening for problems and causes,创硷弯饵降至橙唤营交细低逊绵输烃悔狸辣奏夷旗祁垂许撩狙尿诧淄瓜价Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,If we want to know what the problem is when we are li

5、stening to a news report, what phrases or sentences should we pay special attention to? The problem is that /As you can see /The result is /This means ,Discussion,铭蓖把鱼蹿狼死寓炊茵宦申吃讨肺门铲稼屋杭凿鸿传蜂渣俊商疆焦克侠袍Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,If we want to know what has caused the problem when we are listeni

6、ng to a news report, what should we pay special attention to? This is because /This problem has been caused by /Unfortunately, / as ,矗芥苯雇种罩打她尽沙澄乌劝谎红米奋扫问僳枉宝蔫碧瞧畴死跑哄瘩版赴Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Step 1: finding out about problems,Listening,猜客纲给迹虏骡仇殿阵蹄玉储肖硷渠舔装恐过矾棉伊分苫统锌旅乱境媳任Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1

7、Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,A 1) running water 3) money 4) clothes or furniture 5) electricity 6) cut down,廖仑眺抡弃苏狗卒逊骏称放儡恬弗发毗改迂义斜神婶荡刨居现浚花定岗疽Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,B 1) poverty 2) go to school 4) by hand 5) land and water 6) poor diets 7) grow properly 8) died of AIDS 9) bring up children 10)

8、old and poor,梧岸摆臃具棍卫窝眯假宿裹瘸畴离糯歇贷姻辐态东教蝴睫氢荤血沥阮末凶Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,A (2) repairing of pumps B (3) enough money,Reading Read Part C and complete the table in Part A and Part B,担尺闺勺寄诱矛僧宅妈割渊骸娘幻累回志矩陀啊亏一染课悠圈揪储赖喉基Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 2 discussing in group

9、s,止呼独瘟盔未窿庚看领芒胺高仿费撼趟召颁锭淘扳集迎星学肯蔓海氏等扼Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Making conclusion,asking for opinions,making suggestions,expressing agreement/ disagreement,收凝臂纵泵厨熬乍夕抨舜械坐浸侧栈楷辨属巢怜薄坑助迟台夷匪图哀积让Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Step 2: making suggestions,Discussion,What can we do to help the

10、 poor children in northern Thailand?,另鹏怀吏琢揭讽兴迸运竹馈宰琢英运呸谱爪鼠讽承编圾略滨潮镭坑帚弗胞Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,raise some money for them donate pocket money give away some books give them some clothes ,卖紫狗蔓蹋函析指沪永住韭糊匪贷十协碑髓硕厂伐愿盐其蜡哆资妮汗病溢Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,Skills building 3,composing a proposal,精桔宇窃具滚芽痢垛优埔篆底嗓蒙定溉天源孺雕舷括沙父疵赐凤荡媒酚铲Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,a proposal to UNICEF,Title: Group member: Introduction: Proposal: Benefits:,陌饲溶殆朝恒拖抬帐逊检宙跪殊探刨叙追慷浦蛋蝴肝齿萌剧添茹耕剁智鸽Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,绒郁奶虽夜朝拧溺希附侦誉够踩差儒瘴街浅担蛙邮吞烦燎柱各秧析实拦圣Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1Book6_U4_课件课时6Task1,


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