《悦读联播美文精选》八年级上册I wish my teacher knew.ppt_I want my teacher knew reading 教学课件.ppt

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《《悦读联播美文精选》八年级上册I wish my teacher knew.ppt_I want my teacher knew reading 教学课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《悦读联播美文精选》八年级上册I wish my teacher knew.ppt_I want my teacher knew reading 教学课件.ppt(23页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Jimo Chaohai Middle SchoolYang Shaohua,Talk freely:,Do you keep them inside(藏在心里) or ask others for help?,Who do you ask for help?,Guess : How did the students share their thoughts?,A: To write down B: To talk,elementary school,Reading tips: Read the title and the picture first,Guess :Who did they a

2、sk for help?,Who thought up a plan?,Kyle Schwartz,Whats the name of the plan?,I wish my teacher knew,Reading tips: Scanning.快速浏览文章,寻找特殊信息,Read quickly: Answer the question,Read quickly : Divide the passage into 3 parts.,before the plan,while the plan,after the plan,Para1-3,Para 4-7,Para 8-13,Reading

3、 tip: Skimming.快速浏览文章,寻找主要思想。仔细读第一个句子通常也是一种很好的方法。,Read Part 1: Para 1-3 Answer the questions.,What does she do?,Where does she work?,Why did she think up the plan?,What did students need to do for this activity?,Teacher,An elementary school in Denver,She didnt know about his students.,Write down a t

4、hought for their teacher,and shared something,Kyle Schwartz,Mind map:,Para 4-7,Para 8-13,Reason:newdidnt know,Read Part 2: Para 4 Answer the questions.,1. Did the students like the plan?,2. How did they love the plan?,Most of them were not only willing to include(包含) their names, but also enjoyed sh

5、aring it with the class.,What did they share ?,Read Part 2: Para5-7 Match,They led (过着) _lives.,heartbreaking,Information from the internet:,Most students in Denver are hispanic.(西班牙的),90% on free/reduced(降价)lunch,70% of the children live in poverty(贫穷).,Part2,Para8-13,Process(过程):write down their p

6、roblems,results,Reason:newdidnt know,Read Part 3:Para 9 Answer the questions.,Are the students happy now?,Why?,Not only the teacher could help students , but also the students can help each other.,Yes,they are happy.,Read Part 3: Para 11-13 Match.,I take my hat off to this teacher.It must have been

7、heartbreaking after reading these stories.,Anyone Who can read those stories and not have tears in his eyes is heartless. Mine would have been,.Mom always said I would grow out of it.,If every person did one nice thing for someone,no matter how small,the world would be a better place.,Comments(评论)in

8、 society(社会),Influences(影响),Respect (尊敬)the teacher,Deeply touched,Call on(呼吁) the society,Process(过程):write down their problems,results,Reason:newdidnt know,students,society,Reading tips: The mind map can help you remember it more easily .,Can you talk about the feeling after reading the passage?,I

9、 wish my teacher knew,I wish you knew my dear students,life can be good ,life can be bad,but whatever, we can make it.I wish you knew communication makes a difference, and sharing brings joy.So be ready to listen,be willing to share,support each otherand you will be happy.,1. Read the title and the picture first. 2. Scanning.快速浏览文章,寻找特殊信息 3. Skimming.快速浏览文章,寻找主要思想。仔细读第一个句子通常也是一种很好的4. The mind map can help you remember it more easily .,Reading skills,Talk to your parentsOr friends about your thought (For all),Collect sayings and stories about teacher. (Optional),


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