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1、热点时文复习语法填空新冠肺炎意大利篇I am writing to you from Bergamo, Italy, at the heart of the coronavirus crisis.我正在意大利,这次新冠疫情的中心贝加莫市写这篇文章。The news media in the US has not captured the severity ofishappening here. I am writing this posteach of you, today, notthe gover nment, not the school district, not the mayor,

2、 each in dividual citizen has the chanee, today to take action that will deter the Italian situation from ( become)your own country s reality.美国新闻媒体的报道并没有充分呈现意大利疫情的严重状况。我写此文的原因是,今天,你们每一个人不是政府,不是学区,不是市长,而是每一个公民一一都还有机会马上采取行动,不要让你们的国 家重蹈意大利的覆辙。The only way 4 stop this virus is to limit contagion. And t

3、he only way to limit contagion is for millions of people to change their behavior today.If you are in Europe or the US you are weeks away from where we are today in Italy.如果你们目前在欧洲或美国,也许几周之后,你们所处之地就会像今 天的意大利一样了。I can hear you now, “It just a flu. It only 5 (affect) old people with prec on diti ons我似

4、乎能听到有人说:这只是个流感。原本身体就不好的老人才会 被传染上。”There are 2 reasons 6Cor on avirus has brought Italy toit s kn ees.First it is a devastating flu; when people get really sick they need weeks of ICU and, sec ond, because of how fast and 7 (effective) it spreads. There is 2 week incubation period and many who have i

5、t never show symptoms.新冠病毒令意大利几乎无招架之力,原因有二。第一,这种病毒极具 破坏性 重症患者要接受好几周的重症监护;第二,这种病毒传播速度快,传播效率高。病毒潜伏期为两周,而病毒携带者中有很多始 终没有出现症状。When Prime Minister Conte 8 (announce) last night that theen tire coun try, 60 milli on people, would go on lockdow n, theline 9 struck me most was “there is no more time.” tBecau

6、sebe clear, this n ati on al lockdow n, is a Hail Mary. What he means is that if the numbers of contagion do not start to go down, the system, Italy, will collapse.昨晚意大利总理孔特宣布将封闭意大利全国一一这意味着6000万意 大利人将限制出行一一他的讲话中,我印象最深的一句就是 我们没 有时间了”。很显然,封国是孤注一掷之举。他的意思是,如果传染 人数不能尽快开始减少,整个意大利就完了Why? Today the ICUs in

7、Lombardy are at capacity more tha n capacity.They have begun to put ICU units in the hallways. 10 the nu mbers do not go dow n, the growth rate of con tagi on tells us thatthere 11 thousa nds of people who in a matter of a week, two weeks will need care. What will happen 12 there are 100, or a 1000

8、people who need the hospital and only a few ICU places left? 为什么这么说?今天,伦巴第大区的重症监护病房已经满载甚至超载了。医院已经开始把重症监护病房安置在走廊里。如果传染人数还不减少,按照目前的传染增长速度,也就一周或是两周吧,就会有 成千上万人需要就医。如果到时有100人或者1000人需要入院治疗但重症监护病房已所剩无几,会出现什么状况?On Mon day a doctor wrote in the paper that they have begu n to have to decide who lives and who

9、dies whe n the patie nts show up in the emerge ncy room, like13 is done in war. This will onlyget worse.星期一,有位医生在报纸上发表文章说,当病人一个接一个送进急诊 室时,医生们已经像在战场上一样,必须决定先救谁一一决定谁生谁 死。状况只会越来越糟。There are a finite number of doctors, nurses, medical staff and they are gett ing the virus. They also 14non-stop, non-stop

10、 for days and days. What happe ns whe n the doctors, nu rses and medical staff are simply not able to care for the patie nts, whe n they are not there?医生、护士等医护人员的数量是有限的,而且他们也有人被感染了。这些日子他们夜以继日地工作。如果有一天,这些医护人员再也无力照顾病人,无法坚守岗位,又会出现什么状况?And fin ally for those 15 say that this is just somethi ng that happ

11、e ns to old people, start ing yesterday the hospitals are report ing that younger and younger patients 40, 45, 18, are coming in for treatme nt.最后,再对那些认为只有老人会被这种病毒感染的人说一句:从昨天 开始,医院报告说,前去就诊的病人越来越年轻了40岁、45岁、18岁都有。You have a cha nee to make a differe nee 16 stop the spread in your eoun try. Push for th

12、e en tire office to work at home today, can cel birthday parties, and other gatheri ngs, stay home as much as you can.你们还有机会做些什么,为阻止病毒在你们国家传播贡献一份力量。 请让各个机构的员工现在都在家工作,请取消生日聚会等各种聚会, 请尽可能待在家里。17 you have a fever, any fever, stay home. Push for school closures, now. Anything you can do to stop the sprea

13、d, because it is spreading in your communities there is a two-week incubation period and if you do these thi ngs now you can buy your medical system time.如果发烧了,出现任何发烧症状,请一定待在家里。请现在就关闭学 校。请竭尽全力阻止病毒传播,因为它会不知不觉在你们社区传播开 它可有两周的潜伏期一一如果现在就开始这么做,能够为你们的 医疗系统争取更多的准备时间。And for those 18 say it is not possible t

14、o close the schools, and do all these other things,19(lock)down Italy was beyondanyone asweek ago.那些说关闭学校不可能,刚刚说的那些事都不可能做到的人 一一我想 对他们说,一周以前,有谁会想到整个意大利都要封闭。Soon you will not have a choice, 20 do what you can now.很快你们就没有选择的余地了,所以,现在就尽全力行动吧。Please share.请转告所有人。Keys:1. what 2. because 3.becoming 4. to 5.affects 6.why 7.effectively8. announeed 9. that 10f 11.will be 12. when 13.what14. have bee n worki ng 15.who 16.a nd17.lf 18. who19.locking20.so


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