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1、北美托福 IBT 考试 2014 年真题 1( 总分: 120.00 ,做题时间: 90 分钟 )一、BSPEAKING/B( 总题数: 0,分数: 0.00)二、BSpeaking Question 1/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)1.Describe the most unforgettable success in your life and your feelings about it. Please include specific details in your explanation.(分数: 20.00 )正确答案: (topic AS far as I can s

2、ee, so far in my life the greatest success would be passing my university exams. reason 1 Firstly, my university exams maybe the most difficult ones that Ive ever taken. I had to learn knowledge intensively on a range of subjects, on the same time, I could get little help from tutors. Sometimes I re

3、ally was doubtful about my determination and discipline. reason 2 Secondly, I could clearly recall the feeling when I was receiving my exam results. Thats because I scored very high as I had expected, and my parents were so proud of my grades. Only at that time I felt that my hard work has paid off

4、to some extent. conclusion It is these two reasons that make university exams the most unforgettable one in my life.) 解析:三、BSpeaking Question 2/B( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)2.Some people think students should study in classrooms and others believe they should visit museums and zoos. Which do you prefer? Incl

5、ude reasons and details in your explanation.(分数: 20.00 )正确答案: (topic As far as Im concerned, that active learning studied in zoos and museums, is much better than in tiresome classrooms. reason 1 First of all, most of us learn by doing. Though we have learned from a book, it is not until we try it o

6、urselves that we really understand how something works. For example, if we go to a zoo, we can have a real cognition on an animals size and shape, and we can watch how it moves and behaves. Such knowledge could not be acquired from a book. reason 2 Moreover, there is no doubt that going to zoos and

7、museumsis muchmore interesting for children. During the change from classroom to a new environment, childrens minds could be stimulated and they would remember new things simultaneously. conclusion So getting out of the classroom to have an active learning suits me best.) 解析:四、BSpeaking Question 3/B

8、( 总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)3.A Proposal for Writing CenterWriting Center at Campion College provides all students with trained peer consultants to helpthem brainstorm, draft,or edit their writing. It has always been a sounding board for ideas andprovides one-on-one service for students paper writing. Howeve

9、r, a letter from a student has currently criticized that the service is too crowded and no longer satisfies all the students requirements. Therefore, the student has suggested that the writing service should hire more tutors as well as be open to students over weekends since the current opening hour

10、s scheduled from Monday to Friday is not enough to meet students increasing demands for writing tutoring.Now hear a conversation about the same topic.The womanexpresses her opinion of the students proposal about hiring more tutors in the writing center, state her opinion and explain the reasons she

11、gives for holding that opinion.(分数: 20.00 )正确答案: (reading A student has suggested hiring more teachers or tutors and opening the writing center to students even on weekends; therefore, students wont finish their works on time in great difficulties. opinion The woman agrees with the proposal much. re

12、ason 1 Her first reason is that if such proposal is adopted, students would no longer need to wait a long time or makean appointment ahead of time. And there would be plenty of time left for students to revise and retouch their assignments or papers before submitting. reason 2 Another reason is that

13、 the writing center wont be so crowded just because of the extended opening hours over the weekends.) 解析: 听力原文 W: Oh, thats great! M: What? W: Look, a student is proposing a change to the writing center. I think most students will be happy if the school follows that proposal. M: Yeah, Ill probably e

14、nd up doing that too. You know, I am always on the waiting list whenever I need tutors to proofread my papers or help me with some brainstorming. W: Yeah, I hate waiting too.And I amsure that I amnot the only one who comments on the need for more tutors. Students wishing to work with a writing tutor

15、 usually need to make appointment days in advance, which makes it difficult for students to polish their work on time. But if the proposal is issued, I mean with more tutors, many students wouldnt need to wait for a long time to get their papers done. M:Thats true, I guess. W: And the other thing is

16、 its nice to offer the service over weekends when most students are not busy with theirclasses. Then there will befewer students going to tutorsduring weekdays since some of them have made their appointments with tutors over the weekends.五、BSpeaking Question 4/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)4.Generation EffectT

17、he generation effect refers to the finding that information will be better remembered if it is generated rather than simply read, or we can say it is a way of committing information actively to memory. Howwell we retain new information depends on how actively we process it during learning. To simply

18、 read something several timescommitting it tomemory is not as effective asgeneratingan answer to a question. In business, companies have found customers would remember the name of their products quickly if they generate themselves in the new information.Now hear a talk on the same subject.The profes

19、sor gives an example to explain how generation effect helps customers remember the name of products. Explain how this example is related to the reading passage.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (topic (reading) The lecture is on the topic of generation effect which means peopletend to remember new information more

20、 quickly when it is generated, compared to those information being simply read or heard. The professor demonstrates this theory by a research example. example In the lecture, two advertisements for a soft drink were played in front of many customers. The first one repeated the name and the features

21、of the drink time after time, with the aim of drawing customers attention and impressing the nameof the product into their brains, but in the following interview, most people forgot the name. Then the second commercial did the same as the first one except for a question: What is the name of the soft

22、 drink? Then almost all people could name the drink later. On the whole, the research shows the generation effect succeed in helping customers remember the soft drink.)解析: 听力原文 W: The interesting thing is that the generation effect is not only used in school for teaching, but it seems corporations h

23、ave also caught on to the idea and are using it so that the consumers can remember their products quickly. A case study was done by a soft drink to test this theory. There were two commercials played for a group of customers. The first commercial repeated the name and characteristicsof the drink sev

24、eral times; the customers were asked aboutthe nameof the soft drink afterwards, but mostly all of them forget the name. The second commercial dig the same but ended the commercial with a simple direct question: what was the name of the soft drink? Astoundingly, nearly all of the customers asked coul

25、d recall the name of the soft drink. It appears that committing information actively to memory has more of an effect than just reading something over a few times.六、BSpeaking Question 5/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)5.The speaking discusses two possible solutions to the womans problem. Describe the problem and

26、the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.(分数: 20.00 )正确答案: (problem The womansays she was very disappointed. Thats because the guitar class which she readily attends would be canceled for the poor attendance. solutions The man gives her two suggestions. The

27、 first one is to study guitar by hiring a private teacher. The another option is to study guitar from a book. best solution If I were her, I would prefer the second suggestion. reasons The womanhas to save some money for her solution because hiring a tutor is too expensive. However, learning from a

28、book is cheaper, or more exactly, almost free. The book enclosed with CD shows the basic skills evolutionarily, thus building up a strong foundation for beginners.I suggest the woman take the second suggestion for these reasons above.) 解析: 听力原文 M: Hey, hows your guitar class going on so far? W: Its

29、been good. But Im worried, I might not have the class any more. M: Really? What do you mean? W: The guitar class is about to be canceled, because too few students have been attending. I liked the way the class was structured with group. I really like the group activities we do and enjoy the opportun

30、ities to participate and practice. I dont want the class to be canceled! M: Oh, I see. Whydont you hire a private teacher to teach you once a week? There must be someone who has time and be willing to teach you. W: I guess I wouldnt have that much trouble finding a tutor, and Id believe the fee woul

31、d be too expensive. I need to save money for my tuition. M: Ah, okay. Then have you considered buying a book for beginners with a CD? That way you can study guitar step by step at your own pace. Plus, it is cheaper than hiring a private teacher. W: Yeah, but I am not sure ifI could follow the book a

32、nd play well.七、BSpeaking Question 6/B(总题数: 1,分数: 20.00)6.Using points and examples from the talk, explain how the two types of ecotourism are helpful to our environment in the professors lecture.(分数: 20.00 ) 正确答案: (topic The professor says there are two types of ecotourism that benefits our environm

33、ent a lot. Then can not only reduce the pollution but also repair the damage. example 1 The first type of the so called green tourism is to hike into the sites instead of taking buses. The former approach creates less pollution. Besides, buses or other transportation tools will create noise. More im

34、portantly, they will emit carbon dioxide simultaneously because the fuel they used usually are oil and gas, then the gas they have discharged would bring a great amount of damage on our environment. example 2 The second type of ecotourism is to inform tourists of the importance of protecting our env

35、ironment during their journey. For example, one can organise a trip in which tourists are encouraged to pick up the deserted rubbish or plant trees in the deforested area.) 解析: 听力原文 M: The world we live in is vast and beautiful. Million of us travel the globe each year to see the places that are oft

36、en talked about in nature magazines, television or on the internet. But the damage done to our planet by the sheer number of tourists is on the rise and undeniable. Ecotourism, however, is a kind of tourism beneficial to the environment by alleviating the pollution while reversing some of the damage

37、 already done, and thus healing our planet. Lets talk about a couple of ecotourism ideas. Firstly, ecotourism helps lower vehicle pollution. In order to travel to some places, tourists sometimes use buses which are noisy and fuel consuming, thus emitting a lot of environmental pollutants. To counter

38、 this act, tourists can hike into the sites instead of taking buses or other means of transportation. If you think about the number of tourists visiting a popular tourist area every year, and eliminate the need for buses, there is no doubt that the idea of ecotourism could make a big difference. Ano

39、ther way that could help cut down on pollution at tourist sites is to raise environmentally friendly awareness. By teaching tourists the impact that they are causing before hand, it can possibly persuade some of them to change their plans to a more environmentally friendly alternative. For example, having a kind of tour which makes the tourists replant trees in deforested areas can help repair the damaged forests.


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