人教英语 九年级全一册Unit3 Section A 1a-1c (共22张PPT).ppt

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1、Learnhowtoaskforinformation politely.2. Give directions.,教学目标,(方向),Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?,Section A 1a-1c,Unit 3,post office,bookstore,bank,restaurant,library,department store,a place where you can post the postcard(明信片):,ost office 邮局,a place where you can buy books:,book

2、store 书店,a place where you can buy some clothes:,department store 商城,a place where you can get some money:,bank 银行,a place where you can have dinner:,restaurant 餐厅,a place where you can borrow some books:,library 图书馆,A:Where can I ?,get some money get some books have dinner get a dictionary buy a ne

3、wspaper buy some stamps get a pair of shoes,bank library restaurant bookstore post office department store,B:I can.in .,Pairwork,A: Where can I get some money? B: You can get some money in a bank.,get some money _ get some information about the town _get some magazines _buy a newspaper _have dinner

4、_ buy some stamps _get a dictionary _ get a pair of shoes _,1a Match each thing with a place in the picture. Many different answers are possible.,b,d/f,d/f,f,a,e,d/f,c,Excuse me, could you tell me where I can _? Excuse me, do you know where I can _?,Yes. Theres a _on _.Sure. Theres a _on _.,1b,Liste

5、n and complete the conversations in the picture in 1a.,buy some stamps,get a dictionary,post office,Center Street,bookstore,Main Street,Listen again and answer the question.,Just go past the bank and then turn right. The post office is on the right, next to the library.,1.How can the girl get to the

6、 post office?,2.How can the boy get to the bookstore?,Go along Center Street and then turn left on Main Street. Then you will see the bookstore on the other side of the street.,Turn left,Turn right,Go / Walk along (沿着) ,Go past (路过),crossing (十字路口),directions,go straight ( 直走),Remember these phrases

7、:,in front of / behind on the left/rightacross frombesidenearnext tobetween.and.,在.前面/后面,在.对面,在左边/右边,在.附近,在.旁边,紧挨着,在.和.中间,Where is ?,next to on the right,between and ,supermarket,Bank,Library,Post office,Zoo,The bank is the zoo. 银行紧挨着动物园。 The post office is the bank. 邮局在银行的对面。 The cat is the Library

8、 Post office. 这只猫在图书馆和邮局的中间。,next to,and,between,across from,hospital,TV station,Airport,Fire station,Post office,Library,Bus station,Church,Chinese restaurant,supermarket,Park,Hotel,Department store,Park street,River s treet,hospital,supermarket,M a i n s t r e e t,C e n t e r s t r e e t,Hospital,

9、TV station,Airport,Fire station,Post office,Library,Bus station,Church,Chinese restaurant,Supermarket,Park,Hotel,Department store,Parkstreet,Riverstreet,Library,Library,zoo,M a i n s t r e e t,C e n t e r s t r e e t,A: Excuse me. Do you know where I can borrow some books?B: Yes. The library is on M

10、ain Street. Its just next to the bus station.A: Could you please tell me how to get there?B: Sure. Go along the River Street and turn right on the Main Street. Then go past the bus station. The library is on your right.A: Thanks a lot.,Hospital,TV station,Airport,bookstore,Post office,Library,Bus station,Bank,Chinese restaurant,Supermarket,Park,Hotel,Cinema,Parkstreet,Riverstreet,zoo,M a i n s t r e e t,C e n t e r s t r e e t,Pairwork,Homework,Listen to the listening materials again and read after them.,Thank You!,


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