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1、高中必备英语词组a big house ?,?,a bit cheaper ,?,a boy in a dirty T-shirt ?,T,5,a department store ,a famous play ,a few ,a good idea ,a good lake for skating ,?,a good place ?,?,a good player ?,a good rest ,a great deal of ,?,?a great many ,a list of? ?,a little better ,?,a lot of ,a map of Beijing (China

2、, the world) ?,?,a map of China ?,a new student ?,a nice school ?,?a number of ,?a pair of shoes ?,a piece of bread ?,a piece of cake ?,鵰a post office ,a quarter past ten ,?,a series of ?l,?,?,?,?a team from a country school ?,4,?,(,)a telephone booth ,a telephone number ,a ticket for Shanghai ?,?,?

3、,a variety of? ,abandon? vt.,?Abel Tasman ,ability? n.,f,aboard? adv.,?,?abolish? vt.,?aboriginal? adj.,Aborigines? n.,?,?,?,?about school life in England ,?Abraham Lincoln? ,-,?,9,16,absence? n.,;,;,absolutely adv ,?,absorb? vt.,absurd? adj.,;,;,abundant? adj.,?,academy n ,?accent n ,?, ,accept vt

4、,access? n.,;,;,(,),?,;,(,?,),(,)accessible? adj.,?,accompany? vt.,accomplish? vt.,?according adv ,according to ,account? n.,?,accumulate? vt., vi.,accurate? adj.,?,accuse? vt.,?棻,accuse? vt.?,?,?,accustomed? adj.,;,achieve? vt.,achievement n ,?,act as? ,;,;,act out ,4,?act vt,vi ,act? n.,action n ,

5、activist n ,?actor n ,actress n ?,actually adv , ,AD (=Anno Doimni,adapt to,?,?adapt vt ,?,?add n ,?add up? (,),4?addict? vt. ,;,;,adj ,?,?,adj ,?,?,adj ,?,adj -,?,?,-,adj ,?,adj ,?,adj ,?,?,?,?,f,adj ,?,adj ,?,?,?,adj ,#,adj ,?,?,adj ,?adj ,?,?,adj ,?,adj ,?,?,adjust? vt., vi.,?administration? n.,?

6、,?admire vt ,壻admit? vt.,?,? vi.,adult n , , ,advance vt, vi ,advantage n ,?,adventure n,vt,vi ,adventurous adj ,?,advertise? vi., 棻vt.?,棻,advertiser? n.,advice n ,?, ,advise sb not to do sth? ,?,?,advise sb to do sth? ,?,?,advise? vt.,;, vi.,;,;,?aferwards? adv.,4,affair? n. ,;,;(,),affect? vt.,;,;

7、(,),?African? n., adj.,?,?,after all? ,again and again ?,?,agency? n.,agent n ,?, ,agree with sb.,?,agreement n ?,?,agricultural adj ?,?,?,?agriculture? n.?;?ahead adj&adv ,ahead of ,?,?,?aid? n.,;,;,? vt.,;,;,?AIDS? n., (,)aIl the children ,?,aim (sth) at ?,aim? vt.& vi.,air conditioner? ,aircraft?

8、 n.,?airline? n.,airplane n ,?airway? n.,; ,;(,),Alabama? n.,-,9,Alaska? n.,-,9,Albert Einstein? ,),20, ,?,),?alcohol? n.,;,;,?Alexander Graham Bell? ,?,?,9,?,Alexander Pope? ,(,)?Alfred North Whitehead? ,?,?,?,(,)?alien n ,all kinds of ,?,all kinds of,?,all of a sudden? ,;,;,all over the world ,=,a

9、ll the way? ?,?,allow for? ,?,almost a year ,?,aloud adv. ,;,Alps? n.,?,?,alternative? adj.,(,),?,;,/n.,?;,?(,)altitude? n.,altogether? adv.,?,ambassador? n.,ambition? n.,?,?,?,ambulance? n.,(,);? ,?amount n ,?amuse vt ,amusement n ,Amy ,?,?,an American boy ?,9,an hour and a half ?,analyse? vt.,anal

10、ysis? n. (,analyses),;,?,ancestor n ,Anchorage? n.,(,9,)ancient adj ,?,?,?and so on ,and so on ,Andersen ,?Andrew ,?,anger n ?, ,?Annie ,?,anniversary? n,(,).announce? vt.,announcement n ,棻棻,annoy? vt.,? vi.,annoying? adj.,?,Antarctica n ,antelope n ,Antonio Gaudi? ,?, (,=,)?Antonio? ,?,anxiety? n.,

11、;,;,anyway? adv.,Aotearoa ,apart from? ,apart? adv.,; ,;,;,5,apartment? n.,;?,apo1ogise vi ,=apologize,#,?apology n ,appeal to? ,f,appeal? vi.,f, n.,f,appearance? n.,appetite? n.,applaud vi ,?,application n , , ,;?applied? adj.,?,?apply for? ,?apply? vt., vi.,?,apply(,)to ,? ,;,?appoint vt.,?,appoin

12、tment n ,?,appreciate vt ,approach? vt.,;,;,?;,?,(,)? n.,;,;,;,; (,),approximately? adv.,Arab? n.,-, adj.,-,?,-,Arabic adj ,-,?,?,?arable adj ,?,?,?,archaeological? adj.,?archaeologist? n.,?archaeology? n.,?architect? n.,;,?architecture? n.,;,; ?,;,Arctic? adj.,?,?,argue vt ,argument n ,arise? vi.(a

13、rose,arisen),4,arm? vt.,?,;?,? n.(,),;,Aronnax? ,?around the corner n ,4,?,around the house ,arrange? vt.,?,arrangement? n.,?,arrest? vt.,arrival? n.,;,?,arrow? n.,artefact? n.,?,?,?,?,article n ,?,artist n ,as a consequence (of) ,?,?,as a result of ,?,?,as a result? ,as far as I know? ,as follows?

14、,as if? ,;,?,as soon as ?.,.as though? ,;,?,as well as ,as well as ?,as,as ,?,ash? n.,;,?Asian? adj.,?, n.,aside? adv.,; ,?,;,(,),ask sb to do sth,?,?,?ask sb. some questions ,?,?,?ask sb,not to do sth,?,?,?ask sb,to do sth,?,?,?aspiration? n.,?,assessment? n.,;,6,assist? vt.,associate? vt.,j,?,?,j,

15、4 vi.,j,?astronomer? n.,?astronomy? n.,?at a quarter past seven ,?,at about seven this morning ,at eight ,at first sight? ,?,at hand? ,?,;,at home ,at home ,at most ,v,at present , ?,at the age of ,at the bus stop ,at the end of this class ,at the end ,at the headmasters office ,?at the market ,at t

16、he mercy of? ,at the party ,at this moment ,at weekends ,?at? stake? ,Athens n ,?,0,athlete n ,?athletic? adj.,?,?,Atlanta? n.,9,Atlantic? adj.,(,?,),? n.the ,atmosphere? n.,;,;,;,atom? n.,attach? vt.,?,?attempt? vt.,?f n.,attend vt ,?attention? n.?;,?,;,attitude? n.,;,;,attraction n,fattractive adj

17、 ,?,f,Auckland ,?,:?,because of ,?,become a doctor ,?,?become a teacher ,?, want to be a doctor ,?,?bedding? n.,begin to do sth. ,begin to do sth,?,begin to school when I was seven ,?,?behave vt,vi ,?,?,behavior n ,?,?,Bejing is capital of the Peoples Republic of Republic of China.,belief? n.,?,beli

18、eve in ,Bellario? ,-,?,belong to? ,;,belong? vi.,(,);,bend vt&vi ,?,benefit from? ,?benefit? vi., 棻n.,Benjamin Franklin ,9,?,?besides adv ,beyond? prep.,(,) ,;,;,? adv.,;,Bicentennial Man ,?bicycle n ,bid? n., vt.& vi.(bid,bid),bill? n.,billabong? n.,?,:,?,?biochemistry? n.,??biologist? n.,?Birmingh

19、am n ,?biscuit? n.,;,bishop? n.,bison? n.,?bite? n.;,;,(,),;,vt.&vi.(bit,bitten);,?bitter adj ,?,?blame? vt., n.,?,?,blank n.,?, adj.,?,blanket? n.,;,;,?,bleed? vi.(bled,bled),;,?bless? vt.(blest,blest)?,block? n.,; ?,?,;,; ,(?,)blockbuster n ,?,?blood? n.?;,; ,?blues n ,?,?,board n ,?board? n.,;?,;

20、,Bob? Cratchit? ,-,boil vt,vt ,bold adj ,?,?bond? n.,bone n ,bonus? n.,?,boom n ?,bore? vt.,boss n ,壻,botanical? adj.?,?botany? n.?,?both her parents ,?,?,both of them ,bother vt ,?,bottom n ,?,boundary? n.,?,;,;,bow n&vi ,boycott? n., vt.j,?brain ,brainstorm? vt.,?, n.,籩,?,brake vt,vi ,?branch? n.(

21、,)?,?,;,;,; ,;,brand? n.,Brasilia ,brave adj ,?,?Brazil n ,9,?,break away from? ,?break down ,?break out? ,?,?,breakthrough? n.,?,breast n ,?,breath n ,brewery? n.?,brick n ?,?,bridegroom? n.,brief adj ,?, ?brilliant? adj.,?,?,?,bring back ,4,?,bring in ,4bring sb back ,?,bring up? ,bring,back to li

22、fe ,?broad adj ,broadband adj ,broadcast? vt.(broadcast,broadcast), vi.,?,?,?bronze n ,brush ones teeth ,Buddha n , , ,budget? n.,Buenos Aires ,?,bulb? n.,?,Bulgaria ,?,?,bullet? n.,?bunch? n.,bungee jumping ,?,bungee n ,?bunny n ,burden? n.,;,burial n ,burn away ,burn down? (,),;,burn vt ,burst int

23、o sth? ,?,?,burst? vt.(burst,burst),bury? vt.,;,bush? n.,?,the,?,?,?,?,?,bushy? adj.,?,?,butcher? n.,7,?butterfly n ,buy sth. for sb. ?,by boat ,by sea, by ship ,by the way ,by this time tomorrow ,byte? n.,?,cackle vi ,Cairo ,calcium n ,?,calculate? vt.,calendar n ,call again and again (,),call for

24、,?call in? ,call on ,?,call out to sb. ,?,?,call up? ,;,; ,(f,); ,(,?,);(,) ,calm down? ,;,;,calm sb down? ,?,;,?,; ,?,calm? adj.,;,? vt.&vi.(,),;(,),calorie (,calory,?,?camp vt,vi ,?campaign? n., vi.,?Canberra? n.,-,?,candy? n.,capacity? n.,?capsule n , ,capture? vt.,?,f,carbohydrate n ,carbon diox

25、ide ?,carbon n ,care about ,?,care? for? ,career n ,?caring? adj.,?,cariocas? n.,?,Carl Lewis ,9,Carl Linnaeus? ,?,?,?Carnival? n.,car-pooling? n.,carry these boxes into the classroom ,?cartoon n ,carve vt,vi ,case n ,?,cash? n.,?,;,?,; ,?,(,)cast vt,vi ,#,castle n ,catastrophe? n.,catch a cold ,cat

26、ch a glimpse of? ,catch fire? ,?,;,catch the ball ,?,catchy? adj.,?,?Cate Capshaw ,?,category? n.,;,;,cathedral? n.,;,Catherine n ,?,?cattle n ?,cautious? adj.,?,cave n ,?celebration n ,?,cell? n.,;,;,cellphone n ,?,centigrade? adj.,?,centimetree? n.,central adj ,?,?,centre on/upon? ,?,?,?,?,ceremony? n.,certain adj ,?,?,?,?,certificate? n.,Ceylon? n.,?,?chain? n.t,l,?l,chairman? n.,?,chairwoman? n.?,?,?,chalk n ,?,champion n ,?,change ones mind? ,?,chant n ,?,


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