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1、体育单招英语考试第一卷(三大题,共100分)I 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)从A B、C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1 .一 What does the person look like一 A tall young ladyA . colorBC . material D, wearing a long black dress made of some silky.clothes.model2. What an in teresti ng talk!一 But it s not just a talk . I think you

2、d call it a lecturea talk.A . rather than B . more or less C . as well as D . other than3. My camera doesn t work properly . I must have itbefore we go to Italy.A . fix ing B . fix C . to fix D . fixed4 . My gran dfather to talk about himself.A . enjoys B . in terests C . loves D . favors5. 一 How ab

3、out the boys Do they fight each other一 Yes, they do , but they well most of the time.A . get on B. get up C . get back D . get through6 . If a shop sellssomething , it has nomore of that particular thing lefttosell .A. in to B . out of C . on top of D . up7 . It is likely that a new pair of shoesmor

4、e happ in ess to a child tha n a new car to a grow n man.A . brings B . bring C . to bring D . bringing8 . I suggested that she careful before she made the final decisi onA . thought B . thinks C . would thi nk D . thi nk9 . You should save energy . Don t forget to the lightswhen you leave the room

5、.A . tur n over B . turn off C . turn back D . tur n away10 . One of her classmates kept laughing at her, made Jane very angryA . thus B . and C . which D . so11. understand how the human body works , you need to have some knowledgeof chemistry.A . In order to B . Havi ng to C. Ought to D . So as to

6、12 . “ What do you want ” said the manager , withouther.A . watch ing B . see ing C . 1ookj ng at D . atte nding13 . 一 what s that noiseTherebe someth ing wrong with the wheelA . would B . will C . can D . must14 . I kepther not to eat so much ice cream,but she wouldnt liste n!.told D . tellll be ba

7、ck quite lateA . telli ng B . to tell C15 . 一 We should tell him that weThat s easywe ll do is leave a note for him.A . How B . That C . what D. When,and their namesin a16. Five lucky winners will each receive a signed book week.A . win announce B . will be announcedC . have announced D . are announ

8、ced17. Taste the soup and add some salt and peppernecessary.A. though B . howC. since D. if18. When hehome , his wife was sitting in the sofa watching TVA. cameB . comesC. was comingD . had come19 . 一 Mom can I go out and play now一 No. Not until youyour homework.A , do B . have done C . are doing D

9、, will do20 . An o1d couple , names are kept secret , will get a prize of 25, 000 dollars.A. whose B. their C. those D. whichn.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面两篇短文,掌握其大意,然后从2l 一 40各题所给的A B、C、D四个选项中。选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ABuying a Christmas tree is a holiday traditi on for many America ns. One 21found t

10、hat almost eighty perce nt of America n 22 had a Christmas tree last year.Many people 23 that Christmas trees comefrom forests . 24, most trees arecarefullygrown on farms . Farmers plant and harvest Christmas trees as a crop, 25fruits or vegetables . There are about 15, 000 Christmas tree 26 in Nort

11、hAmerica . The industry employs more than100, 000 people .Farmers 27 evergree n trees for Christmas trees. They remove seeds from the trees and plant them . Farmers care for the young trees 28 they are about three t0 five years old . Then farmers replant them in fields, cut the tops of the treesto 2

12、9 how fast they grow,and cut other parts of the trees while they areTheUnited Nationssays more than I ,000 millionpeople in the world do not havesafe , clean water to 31This is about one-sixthof the world s 32About 6,growing . This givesthe trees the 30 that people will like2l. AbookB.articleC.holid

13、ayD.study22. A .farmersB.homesC.statesD.stores23. A .believeB.seeC.point outD.work out24.A.Before 1ongB.In the endC.In factD.Now and the n25.A.the same asB.similar toC.close t0D.differe nt from26.A.marketsBforests C.farmsD .factories27.A.collectBcutC.remove D .grow28.A.forBafter C.asD.un til29.A.con

14、trolBknowC.seeD.study30.A.colorB1eaves C.shapeD .sizeMost of them000 people died each day from 33 directly caused by unclean water are childre nOttawa is an electronics( also draws many tourists want to visit the museum 41. The word canal A . bridge B . river cship D . trainThe UN has started an int

15、ernationalmovement to help 34 deaths caused by uncleanwater. One 35 of the movement is to teach schoolchildrenabout 36cleanliness . The UN will help the people in 25 countries, mostly in Asia andAfrica . Governments and organizationsthere need to help people 37 water problems .A person in a 38 count

16、ry usually uses about 10 liters of water a day. Yet ,a person in an in dustrialcountry ,39 Brita in , usually uses 135 liters Of water a day. UNofficials say this must change. 40 the next 25 years , they hope all people willhave safe , clean water .31 .A.eatB.drinkC.andD.make32 .A.coun triesB.proble

17、msC.populati onD.water33 .A.diseaseB.weaknessC .disadva ntages D.difficulties34 .A.escapeB.fightCkillD.preve nt35 .A.measureB .meadsC.goalD.period36 .A.historicalB. intern atio nalC.pers onalD. tech nical37 .A.an swerB.deal withC.face toD.experie nee38 .A.advaneedB .develop ingC .foreig nD.small39 .

18、A.as inBas well asC.for example D.such as40 .A.ForBOverC.With inD.Throughout川.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2 f分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的A、B、C D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIt s about 200 km fromMontrealto Ottawa , about a two-hour trainride . Passengers can buy their train tickets at Central Station in downtown Montre

19、al ; no booking is necessary for bus travel . The return ticket is $ 30. The railway runs along the Ottawa River though the Ottawa Valley, a farming area of small town andvillages . The land is flat and the View is Very restful.The Capital of Can ada, Ottawa is in the prov ince of On tario. 1t is no

20、t a very oldcity . Its history began in tile nineteenth Century , when it was a camp for workers buildi ng the Rideau Canal .Con struct ion on the Rideau canal bega n in 1826. The purpose of the canal was to allow watertransportationbetween Lake Ontario and the OttawaRiver . The first ship made that

21、 trip in 1832. The present population of Ottawa isabout 300 , 000, mostly civil servants and their families.It may interest you to know that in addition to its role as the national capital电子)research and product ioncentre . The city , of course ,.Parliament Hill is the key attraction. But many peopl

22、e,the parks and the National Arts Center.is closest in meaning to42 . Ottawa was once a place whereA . workers buildi ng the can al livedB . the railway ran acrossC . a 1ot of villages were foundD . the first sailing ship was made43 The best title for the passage would be A A tourist Attraction B A

23、Research and Production CenterC A Brief Introduction to 0ttawa D From Montreal to 0ttawaB Every learn worker will have a cottage for his family And every cottage will have all acre( 英亩 )of land The words are not new They are Daniel 0 Connell s words ; and Daniel O Connell died in 1 847 They were tru

24、e words for many country people in Ireland They will never forget the man In Dublin you can go across the river Liffey on 0Connell Bridge ;and then you are in 0 Connell Street Ireland is a country of cottages :many thousands of cottages They are all the same,or nearlythe same Each cottage has one bi

25、g living-room and three small bedrooms Outside ,there is an acre of land a small field Where are you, Da Mary calls from the living-room window Her father answers ,In the acre Your father might sayInthe garden 0r In the field ;but Mary s father says In the acre The word acre is near to the hearts of

26、 Irish people There is a lot of rain in Ireland It isnot heavy rain ,but it comes very often The land is rich and sweet The grass is very green and thick Irish people say, Ours is the greenest grass in the world Perhaps it is ,too Irish milk ,butter ,eggs and meat are very ,very good And this is tru

27、e : Irish potatoes are the biggest in the world !A family call easily grow enoughfor a year A good acre is a wonderful bit of land44 A bridge and a street in Dublin are named after O Connell becauseA it was a popular name thereB he made the bridge and lived in the streetC he did not want his country

28、men to forget himD the people wanted to remember him45 In Ireland the wordDa means A Daniel B Sir C Dad D man46 Farmland in Ireland is A very wet B good and rich Cunplanted D dry and unused47 The best title for the passage would be A Ireland :A Cottage and all AcreB Ireland :A Farm Worker and his Co

29、ttageC Ireland :A Land of GrassD Ireland A Wonderful Bit of LandCStephen Leacock s humorous( 幽默的 )writings earned him internationalfame Hewas born in England and arrived in 0ntario as a boy of six in 1876 His father ,Peter Leacock , was an unsuccessful farmer and a selfish man.Stephen Leacock s yout

30、h was spent working very hard on the struggling family farm As his farming problems grew ,his father , Peter Leacock , sank deeper into debt .When Stephen was seven 一 teen , the father got on a train and left his wife and eleven children foreverUnable t0 go directly into university , Stephen Leacock

31、 took a job as a school teacher to help support the deserted family For the next few years he studied at the University of Toronto at night and in 1891 he got the degree The next few yearswere seen as a school master To increase his small teaching salary ,he began writing humorous story for magazine

32、s Leacock managedto save the income from his writings. Before long he met a young woman and they were married in1900 Leacock continuedwith his studies and become a special lecturer in history and political scienceat McGill Uni versity .In 1904 he graduated with a Ph .D .(博士)degree ., a text that was

33、 translatedThe next four years were spent writing his first book into eighteen languages He 1oved teaching but was obliged to retire from the University in 1934,nine years after the death of his wife Leacock , who found his greatest satisfaction in teaching and being among young people ,died in i944

34、 at the age of75 48 Stephen Leacock was famous for hisA humorous writingsB books on translationC teaching at McGill UniversityD、 stories of farmers life49 Stephen Leacock didnot godirectlyinto universitymost probablybecauseA he lived in a deserted familyBhis father disagreed with his ideasC he had g

35、ot a well paid jobD he couldn t afford to pay for it50 The word obliged suggests that LeacockA was not willing to give up his teaching job B was grateful to the UniversityC was ready to retire from the UniversityD was satisfied with his work at the University51 Obviously this passage is fromA a spee

36、ch by Stephen LeacockB. a lecture on Stephen LeacockCa letter to Stephen Leacock D 。 a diary Stephen LeacockTELEVISl0NEvening Programme GuideBBC 1700 THE ROCKFORD) FILESwelcome re-run of classic detective series(经典侦探系列 ) 750 FOOTBALLEngland v Brazil. Live broadcast9 30 NEWS945 MURDER AT THE VICARAGE

37、 Agatha Christie s well-1oved story made for TV 1100 THE ROADRINGTWENTIES(1939) Hollywood film starring Humphrey Bogart and James Cagney BBC 2700 NEWS AND WEATHER 715 THE PRIVATE LIFE OF THE BEE A wonderful nature film800 MADAM BUTIERFLY Starting Placido Domingo and IIeana Cotrubas1000 MATCH OF THE

38、DAYA wonderful collection of todays Mens Singles fromWimbledon1045 KRAMER VERSUS KRAMER(1979) Dustin Hotffman and Meryl Streep starringTTV700 LOVE STORY Jeff and Sharon 830 M15 Documentary about Britains secret service 930 WORLD IN ACTION studies international companies.1000 NEWS AT TEN1030 HIGH PLA

39、INS DRIFTER(1972) Clint Eastwood directs and stars in exciting Western Channel 4700 WATCH YOUR STEP Two teams try to live in the wild for 24 hours and reach safety 730 STRANGER THAN F1CTION Film about unbelievable events815 SCIENCE NOWThe latest developments from the world of science and technology

40、900 HAMLET by William Shakespeare Special TV production 1100 PSYCHO(1960) Hitchcock film 52 You Call watch news from all the channels EXCEPT A BBC 1 B BBC 2 C TTV D Channel 453We call infer from the text that Agatha Christie Is A a writer B a director Ca 6lm star D detective54If you are very interes

41、ted in business , which programme will you watchA THE ROCKFORD FILES B SCIENCE NOWC MATCH OF THE DAYD WORLD IN ACTION55.ln which film was the director also an actorA THE ROADRING TWENTIESB STRANGER THAN FICTIONC HIGH PLAINS DRIFTER(1972)D KRAMER VERSUS KRAMER(1979)56 Which of the following has been

42、shown beforeA MADAM BUTTERFLY BTHE ROCKFORD FILESCM15D PSYCHO(1960)EEngland football captain David Beckham admitted that he was baffled( 使困惑 )when his six-year-old son Brooklyn recently asked for help with a school homework and had to turn to his wife Victoria to help out“ Their homework is so hard

43、these days I sat down with Brooklyn the other day 一 and I was like , Victoria , maybe you should do the homework tonightIt s done totally differently that what 1 was taught when at school,and youknow, I was like ,Oh my God,I can t do this Brooklyn was like , Please do it with me , and I m like ,I ll

44、 read your book with you”The Real Madrid midfielder s son attends the Runnymede College in the Spanish capital , which follows the British n ati onal curriculum(课程、.The Mail on Sun daygave examples of some n ati onalcurriculum mathsquesti onsset forseven year-olds . They include: “What is 12 divided

45、 by three”Beckham also admitted he has no lucky pre match rout in es( 常规训练),with them too being difficult to remember. I find that if I follow a routine it gets to the stage where you are thinking , Right , was it the left side the left boot I put on first , 0r the right side ”Beckham is set to lead En gla nd on Wedn esday.57. Beckham was baffled because.A . he had no time to help his son with his homeworkB . his son was too young to read the maths questionsC . his wife refused to do the m


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