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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to yourparents?Section A (1a-2d)一、教学目标1. 听懂并掌握下列词汇及常用表达:allow, wrong, look through, guess, a great deal, work out2. 能听懂并问答有关别人困难或麻烦的表达方式。3. 能掌握使用情态动词表达建议的用法。4. 培养学生良好的合作意识,鼓励学生大胆表达自己的想法和意愿。5. 正确认识生活中的一些困难,能采用正确的方式解决生活中的问题。二、教学重点及难点重点:1. 掌握核心词汇及常用表达。2. 能听懂并问答有关别人困难或麻烦的表达方式。难点

2、:掌握使用情态动词表达建议的用法。三、教学准备1. 教学课件、词汇图片。2. 学生课前预习。四、教学过程Task 1Step 1 Warming -upLook and talkT: Hello, everyone. Today we ll learn Unit 4. Why don t you talk to your parents? At first, pleaselook at the picture. What s it about? Have too much homework? Do you think it is a problem?Could you give some ad

3、vice? So, today we ll learn something about problems and advice.设计意图:培养学生仔细观察图片的习惯,激活学生的思维模式,引出本单元的学习话题。Step 2 Pre-listeningLook, read and learn1. T: Now please look at this picture. I don t get enough sleep. Can you guess why? I have to studytoo much.2. T: Of course, this picture is about too much

4、homework. I have too much homework every day,so I don t have any free time to do things I like.3. T: Do you have any friends? Do you often go out to play with your friends? If your parentsdon t allow you to hang out with friends, how do you feel and how can you do?hang out = go out to play?allow sb.

5、 to do sth. = let sb. do sth.4. T: Do you do any after -school classes? Are you interested in your after -school classes? Do youthink they re useful for you or not?5. T: I think everyone of you has your best friend. Did you ever fight each other? I got into fightwith my best friend. It s really a ba

6、d thing.get into fight with = fight with6. T: There re some phrases of too many and too much in the five sentences. Can you say moresuch phrases?too many + countable nounstoo much + uncountable nouns设计意图: 结合图片,引导学生学习有关压力和困境的目标语言以及带有较强感情色彩的短Work on 1aRead, think and writeT: Now you can read the five

7、problems and think whether they are serious or not? Please writed better tell us why you think so.them in the appropriate box. And then you设计意图:感知句意,同时激活学生的思维模式,引发学生对身边问题的思考。Step 3 While -listeningWork on 1bListen and thinkT: Now that we ve known these problems well, now please listen to a conversat

8、ion between two girls and think about the question “ What problem do the two girls talk about?”设计意图:感知语音,根据设定的问题有目的地初步了解对话内容。Listen and circleT: Some of you have gotten the main information about the conversation. Now please listen againand circle the problems you hear.设计意图:进行听力训练,强化单元目标语言的运用。Listen

9、 and findT: One of the girls doesnt get enough sleep and has too -mscahnoyoal fctelarsses. How can the other girl give her advice? These two sentence patterns are used in the conversation. Why don tyou ? You should Now listen again and pay much attention to the patterns.设计意图:进一步熟悉听力内容,重点突出单元目标句型。Ste

10、p 4 Post -listeningLook and learnT: When we give advice, we always use not only the two sentence patterns, but also others. Now let s look and learn.设计意图:集中学习单元目标句型。Work on 1cMake conversationsT: When sb. has problems, before we give him advice, we dbetter know what happens. Here,“ wrong ” means “ h

11、aving problems ” . What s wrong? What problems do you have? Now you make new conversations according to the problems in 1a and the following sample.A: What s wrong?B: I m really tired because I studied until midnight last night.A: Why don t you go to sleep earlier this evening?设计意图:针对话题词汇和句型进行简单的口头操

12、练,完成最基本的语言输出。Task 2Step 1 Pre-listeningLook and learnT: Well, next you ll do so-mlisetepnrieng activities before listening to 2a.1. Look at the pictures and match them with the correct phrases.A. write sb. a letter B. call sb. up C. talk to sb.D. go to sb. s homE. take sb. to the ball game2. Work in

13、 groups. Discuss if you have a fight with your best friend, which of the things in 1 you wouldn t like do? Why? The following expressions may help you.a. It s not easy.b. I don t want to wait that long.c. I don t want to surprise him.d. I m not good at writing letters.e. I don t want to talk about i

14、t on the phone.设计意图:借用图片,帮助学生了解听力材料的背景,从而预测对话内容,为 Section A 2a 中的听力活动做准备。Step 2 While -listeningWork on 2aListen and fill in the blanksT: Listen to 2a. Peter s friend is giving him advice. Fill in the blarcsiwitlor should.设计意图:训练学生对情态动词 could和should的辨音能力。Compare and learnT: In the conversation, we c

15、an hear Peter fFiesd using could and should to give Peter advice.Then, are there any differences between them? Could can be used for a possible action. Should” can be used for a right action to do.设计意图:对比学习情态动词could 和 should 的不同使用功能。Work on 2bRead and thinkT: Peter s friend gives him five pieces of

16、advice for his problem. But Peter doesn t like tWhy?设计意图:感知句意,为后面的建议匹配活动做好准备。Listen and writeT: Now listen again and write the letters(a -e) next to the advice in 2a.设计意图:培养学生关注细节,有选择性地听。Step 3 Post -listeningWork on 2cRole-playT: It s time for you to ro-lpelay. Here s the conversation between Peter

17、 and his friend as well as some sentence patterns you can use. You can role-play in pairs.设计意图:在听的基础上进行初步的口语操练,强化目标语言的运用。Work on 2dWatch and learnT: Now let s watch a short video about the conversation between Kim and Dave and finish the tasks.1. What are Dave and Kim talking about?A. Dave s problem

18、.B. Kim s problem.C. The problem of Dave s sister.2. Mark T(True) or F(False).(1) Kim s sister didn t give back her magazines and CDs.(2) Dave thought Kim s sister is bad and it s a big deal.设计意图:通过看动画吸引学生注意力,在感知对话内容以及目标语言的语用环境的同时,通过回答问题培养学生获取对话大意和细节信息的能力。Read and answer1. T: Have you gotten what s

19、wrong with Kim? How about Dave s advice? Now please read the conversation and have a try to answer the questions.? Why is Kim sad? What advice does Dave give?looked through = look at sth. quickly, not carefullya big deal = an important thing2. T: At last Dave hope things work out. What does“ work ou

20、t ” mean? work out = go or develop successfully设计意图:从细节了解对话内容,同时学习新的短语,扩充词汇量。Watch and role -playT: Maybe you have gotten the whole conversation. Now you can role-play the conversation inpairs.设计意图:提高学生的口语表达能力和课文复述能力,综合输出目标语言。TestT: Now it s time for you to take a test.单项选择。1. Sam s father doesn t a

21、llow him swimming alone.A. goesB. to go C. comes D. to come2. give Eric a watch? Good idea.A. What about B. Let s C. Why don t D. Why don t you3. This math question is too difficult. Can you help me ? No problem.A. work on itB. work out it C. work it out D. work it on4. Alice didn t go to school. I

22、am worried about h er.Maybe you should call tonight.A. up her B. her up C. back her D. her back5. You could save some money you can buy a gift for your mother.A. in order to B. because C. soD. so that设计意图:随堂检测学生对本课时内容的掌握程度。Step 4 SummaryT: At last, let s summarize the key points of this lesson.Words

23、 & Phrases:allow, wrong, look through, guess, a great deal, work outSentence patterns:What s wrong?What s the matter?Why don t you ?You should/could设计意图:通过总结,从宏观角度进一步巩固复习本课时所学的内容。Step 5 Homework1. Recite the key words and phrases.2. Read Section A 2d aloud.设计意图:复习巩固本课时的内容。五、板书设计Unit 4 Why don t you talk to your parents?Section A (1a-2d)allow, wrong, look through, guess, a great deal, work outWhat s wrong? / What s the matter?I.Why don t you ?2. You should/could


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