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1、 Teaching plan for Pre-starter Lesson 1 by KellyDate: I Discourse analysis.0 general ideas: Lesson 1是Sandy 、Sue 与Miss Williams见面打招呼的对话。 1 Teaching objectives. Key points: Sentence patterns: Hello, Miss Williams! Hello, Sue. Hello, Sandy!Word phrases: Sue hello Miss Williams Sandy Difficult points: M

2、iss Williams的发音以及Hello的语音语调2 Teaching suggestions. 本课文对话简短,重点放在认识人物:Sandy、Sue、Miss Williams和语音语调的模仿上。在教学中应该注意以下几点: 在情景中整体呈现课文对话。 渗透Book 1中的句型Meet Sandy and Sue。II Teaching procedures. Period 11. Preparation T: First, lets sing a song, OK? (学生集体唱英语歌曲) Ss: OK.(学生齐声回答) T: How about Hello song?S: OK. (学

3、生齐声唱) T: Good.2. Presentation.1) T: Please look at the picture and answer my question.(出示课文第一幅插图)Q1: What can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see Q2: Where are they? Ss: They are (如果学生不会,则教师引导: Are they at home / in the park / at school? )T: Yes, they are at school. 2) T: They are at school. So the

4、 boy is a student. The girl is a (引导学生说出) The woman is a. (引导学生说出)(指着图片上的人物) Lets listen and answer: Whats the boy /girl/ teachers name? ( 教师播放录音,学生听录音后回答)Ss:Sue、Sandy、Miss Williams(如果学生听不出来多听几遍)Ss齐声跟读人名。3. Practice1)T: Lets meet Sandy、Sue and Miss Williams. (教师拿出头饰)Please say“Hello”to them.Ss: Hell

5、o, Sue! Hello,Sandy!Hello,Miss Williams (学生根据头饰说)2)T: Look at the pictures and guess. What will they say? (出示打乱了顺序的课文插图) Ss:Hello, Sue! Hello,Sandy! Hello,Miss Williams 4. Production1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence.2) Check some of the difficult pronunciation3) Read the lesson individually o

6、r in chorus. (如果时间允许) T: Lets act out the dialogue.Period 2 1. Preparation T: First, lets sing Hello song, OK? (学生集体唱英语歌曲)S: OK. (学生齐声唱) T: Well done2. Presentation.1) T: Please look at the picture and answer my question.(出示打乱了顺序的课文插图)Q1: What can you see in the picture?Ss: I can see Q2: Where are t

7、hey? Ss: They are T: Who are they?Ss:They are Sue、Sandy and Miss Williams.2) :Who can put the pictures into the right orders? Ss put the pictures into the right order.3. Practice1) Imitate the text sentence by sentence. T: Lets listen and repeat together.2) T: Look at pictures and recite together. You have a good memory.3) T: Lets act out the dialogue in groups. (讲清楚对话表演的要求: 面向全班小朋友、先上前一步介绍自己的角色、声音响亮、感情丰富、语音语调准确等) 4


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