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1、Unit 4 Then and now 第一课时教学目标( 1) .学生能理解对话大意,并能正确朗读对话。( 2) 能在情境中运用 There be 句型。( 3) 解 one day,looked it up,in my time,Internet的意思并能正确发音。教学重点There was.和. There were.创设情境,小组合作。教学难点在情境中运用上述句型,描述某个地方的今昔变化。兴趣引导,练习口语表达和语言组织能力。教学准备:课件 录音带 本课时的挂图教学过程一、热身导入1 .Let s sing.2 .Free talk 用 “there is /there cOTei教室

2、。二、任务呈现二、课文学习1.由新事物图片和旧事物图片的对比让学生感悟There be 句型。并揭示课题。3 .出示同一所学校的以前和现在的图片,让学生用 There is /Thereare 和 There was /There were 进行描述。4 .让生观看动画,整体感知课文大意,并提出问题: What was grandpa scshool like?5 .听录音,让生圈出自己不懂生词,小组合作解决,最后师生共同解决。6 .操练生词 :老师领读,全体学生读,开火车读,英汉互读。7 .再次听录音,让生回答下列问题:( 1.) Was there a library in grandpa

3、 s school?(2) .Was grandpa s school on the hill?(3) .Can you guess what grandpa often did at night at school?6 .老师核对答案。7 .由最后一个问题引出人类首次登月信息。四、训练巩固一)、巩固课文内容1 .跟读录音。2 .全体读课文。3 .分组读课文。4 .分角色读课文。5 .个别学生分角色读课文。二)、判断对(T) 错 (F) 。1 .There was a library in Grandpas old school.( )2 .There was a building on a

4、hill.( )3 .There were no computers or Internet in old time.( )三).读一读,将下列句子翻译成汉语:Tell us about your school ,please.2.Could you see stars at night?4.I looked it up on the Internet.The Americans took about five days to get there in 1969.四)、招聘校史解说员,选出最佳校史解说员。五、课堂小结今天,我们学会的的词汇和句型有:easy internet .easy . i

5、n my time ,took about ,star.There was no library in my old school.There were no computers or Internet in my time1、Thank you very much for taking me with you on that splendid outing to London. It was the first time that I had seenthe Tower or any of the other famous sights. If Id gone alone, I couldn

6、t have seen nearly as much, because I wouldnthave known my way about.The weather was splendid on that day, which I thought was rare. I still remember some peopletold me that in Britain there was weather and no climate. During thesqmeday,1dl might-snow in the morning, rainat noon, shine in the aftern

7、oon andiwndybefore , the night falls. So I think I was lucky 。20757.5.202009:0509:05:25Jul-2009:052、最困难的事情就是认识自己。二O二O年七月五日 2020年7月5日星期日3、有勇气花箭桃嬲目簌氏07豳2镰就氏典人009痣颤4、与肝胆4却荔阑建机 蹴蕤0幅20嬴盂疏善58温2心情像桃花一5、阅读使人充实,会谈使人敏捷,写作载京副日,感魏好腺观020July 20Sunday, July 5, 20207/5/20206、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。9时5分9时5分5-Jul-207.5.20207、志气这东西是能传染的,你能感染着笼罩在你的环境中的精神。那些在你周围不断向上奋发的人的胜利,会鼓励激发你作更艰苦的奋斗,以求达到如象他们所做的样子。20.7.520.7.520.7.5。 2020年7月5日星期日二O二O年七月五日8、时间是一位可爱的恋人,对你是多么的爱慕倾心,每分每秒都在叮嘱:劳动,创造!别虚度了一生!09:0509:05:257.5.2020Sunday, July 5, 2020


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