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1、Common Progress Please CriticizeUnit3 SectionB知识巩固训练一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子1. My home is close to the Supermarket. It,s Ve使的).2. There is a police station at the(角落)of the street,3. Could you tell me your email a? I can send the photos to you.4. What does your mother do? She is a bank c.5. Where can I pa

2、rk my car?There is an u parking 10t(?车场)over there.二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. She is a(fascinate) girl. All of us like her.2. The Summer Palace is very(crowd) during the holidays,3. The woman bought some clothes in the store because they(eXp史esive).4. She answered all the questions(correct) and her teacher fel

3、t very happy.5. You should look both sides before(cross) the street.6. Can you give me some( suggest) on how to learn English?7. It s not polite to ask (direct).8. Cars were coming from all( direction). You should be careful of them.9. Mike is a good(speak) and often goes to different places to make

4、 speeches.10. “Can I help y?u he asked me(polite).三、根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子1 .我期待着再次见.I,myou again.2 .它取决于你愿意为它付多少钱It how much money you will pay for it.3 .有礼貌地说话好像比直接说更困难。It seemsthan.4 .学会在不同的场合如何使用恰当的语言很重要。It is important to learn the right language in5 .为了互相理解,你最好和你的父母沟通一下。Youd better your parents to und

5、erstand each other.四、单项选择()1. Excuse me. Is there bank near here?Yes. Go straight, and turn to left at the first crossing. You ll see it.A. the; the B. the; a C. a; the D. a; a()2. Our teacher told us in class that the earth around the sun.A. goB. went C. goes D. will go()3. Can you tell me where so

6、mething I m hungry.A. get; eatB. to get; eatingC. to get; to eatD. getting; eat()4. There are millions of websites on the Internet and there a lot of usefulon the websites.A. are; informationsB. are; informationC. is; informationsD. is; information()5. Why did Tom to school?Because he was late for c

7、lassA. rushB. requestC. acceptD. repeat()6. Try to guess its meaning when you meet a new word in reading. Donthe dictionary all the time.A. keep on B. go onC. depend on D. work on()7. Do you know where I can get a T-shirt for my daughter?I Sunshine Clothes Store. fe very suitable for teenagers.A. su

8、ggest B. wantC. preferD. admire()8. It is to enter other people s rooms without knockidoort filrst.A. wiseB. patientC. impoliteD. active()9. Did you enjoy yourself at yesterday?Yes. We sang and danced, and also there was lots of delicious food.A. Mr. Green s B. Mr. GreenC. Mr. GreensD. Mr. Greens()1

9、0. May I come in? I m sorry Im late. Come in, please. But could you please tell me?A. how did you come to schoolB. what were you doing thenC. who you talked withD. why you are late again五、词语运用阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确式填空,使短文通顺意思完整。每空一词,每词限一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。hold, other, cover, public, with, follow, right, pu

10、ll, excuse, in, allow, callHere are some rules of behavior in 1 .When you cough or sneeze, you d better turn your head away from others and 2 your mouth with your hand. And then, you should say, “ 3 me.”If you come to a door and someone is 4 you, hold the door. If the door opens by 5_, pull it, stan

11、d to the side, and 6 the other person to pass through first, and then you can walk through. If the door opens by pushing, 7 the door alter you pass through.When we have to go up moving stairs, we should stand to the 8 . That will give people who are 9 a hurry a choice of walking up the left side of

12、the moving stairs. When we are going into a lift? the underground, or a doorway we should wait for 10 to go out first.金戈铁骑制作参考答案及解析一、根据首字母或汉语提示完成下列句子1. convenient 2. corner 3. address 4. clerk 5. underground二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. fascinating 2. crowded 3. Expensive 4. correctly 5. cros

13、sing6. suggestions?. directly 8. directions 9. speaker 10. politely三、根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子1. looking forward t0 seeing2. depends on3. more difficult to speak politely; directly4. how to use; different situations5. communicate with四、单项选择1. C 考查冠词。泛指某人/物时用不定冠词a/an,第一空表泛指,由此对先排 除A、B项;在方位前可用定冠词 the, turn to th

14、e left意“向左转”。2. C 考查宾语从句。宾语从句讲述的是客观真理时,应用一般现在时。3. C 句意:你能告诉我在哪里能买到吃的吗?我饿了。此处是“疑问词+不定式”结构作宾语;something to eat意为“一些吃的东西”。4. D 考查主谓一致和不可数名词。information为不可数名词,故谓语动词用 单数。5. A 考查动词辨析。rush仓促,匆忙;request请求;accept接受;repeat重复。上 句意为“Tom为什么匆忙去学校?”。故选A。6. C 考查动词短语辨析。keep on一直;go on继续;depend orft靠,依赖;work on从事。此处表

15、“不要一直依赖字典”。7. A 考查动词辨析。suggest建议;want想要;prefer宁愿欣赏。句意为“我建 议阳光服装店”故选suggest8. C 考查形容词辨析。句意:“不先敲门就进入别人的房间是不礼貌的”,故 选 impolite o9. A 指“在某人家里”时,用名词的所有格形式。10. D 考查宾语从句。宾语从句应用陈述语序,故排除 A、B两项;could在此 表委婉语气,故从句不使用一般过去时。五、词语运用1. public 2. cover 3. Excuse 4. following 5. pulling6. allow 7. hold 8. right 9. in 10. others


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