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1、Unit5 Being helpful第一课时预习提纲一、 请翻看单词表、全解或者查找词典,写出以下词组的中文意思。turn on the light_ turn off the TV _take out the trash _ take out your notebook _ put away your books _ put on your jacket _hang up your clothes _ clean up the room _二、 请根据中文提示写出以下词组。1. 扫地 _ 2. 擦窗户_3. 洗碗碟 _ 4.折衣服_ 5. 擦桌子 _ 6. 洗衣服_ 7. 洗车 _ 8.

2、整理床铺_三、 请说一说你能做以上哪些家务活,并用I can _ 写下来。(至少4句) I can do some housework. I can_Unit5 Being helpful第二课时预习提纲一、请熟读并背诵下列单词或词组,并写出来。 关灯_ 开电视_ 收好书本_ 倒垃圾_ 拿出笔记本_ 穿上外套_ 挂好衣服_ 打扫房间_ 当然可以 _二、大声朗读下列句子并写出中文:1. Ill hang them up later. _ 2. Im hanging them up for you now. _3. The room is very clean and tidy. _ 4. Sor

3、ry, we didnt do it. _ 5. Were proud of you. _三、请根据左边的情况说明,选择恰当的回复: 1. 妈妈叫你帮忙倒垃圾,你即刻可以去做( ): A. Sorry, Im busy now. 2. 爸爸叫你挂好衣服,你要过一会才能做( ): B. Sure, Ill do it now. 3. 同学叫你出去玩,你还有事忙不能去了( ): C. Sure, Ill do it in a minute.Unit5 Being helpful第三课时预习提纲一、将58页Practice 2的内容依照例句写对话: A例句:-Can you put away you

4、r books? - Sure, Ill do it right now. B _ _ C _ _ D _ _E _ _ 二、请用“it” 或者“them”来代替问句中出现的物品或事情,并作答: 1. -Can you take out the pen? -Sure, Ill take _ out. 2. -Will you turn on the computer? -OK, _ _ _ _. 3. -Can you put away the toys? -Sure, Ill _ _ _. 4. -Could you hang up your pants ? -Yes, _ _ _ _.三、

5、看图完成对话: 1. -Its cold outside. Can you _ _ _ _ ? -Sure. 2. - Why cant you _ _ _ _ now? - Because Im doing my homework. 3. - Help me _ _ _ _. - No problem. 4. -Did you _ _ _ _ yesterday? - Yes. Its tidy now.四、阅读理解: Yesterday was Saturday. Peter called his friends to his house. They played games happil

6、y. They watched a basketball match, too. They had a really good time. Peters parents got home at 10:00 in the evening. Peter was asleep in the bedroom. Peters parents left (留下) a note(纸条) to him. “Please clean up the house today. Clean the table. Wash the cups. Put away the books. Hang up your clothes. Dont forget to sweep the floor and then take out the trash. I hope you can keep the house clean and tidy.” 1. What day is it today in the story? _ 2. What was the house like yesterday? _ 3. What is Peter going to do today? _ 4. Is Peter going to wash the car today? _


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