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1、marketing S inter n- g - ”., a - - - cea -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-wele power 50 ml in. owat, 116% make Sae in J_g su Pr o-c anke d fist i Ie smecaacy t he sme

2、 y o-b tacked c-linkage polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bc d sgmc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes .on3-, skuabg t he et FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent- .一t C.mp.e the ee -dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- caddes a cn

3、day r_e-e cadrs. mplme nt- id_J-ng systm, 4 sal -l-at -.on. tchni-lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac oryleve profes es nesal sistasaltchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,t01%.Sartem vanebut he. oldiglystmmpement.on, awho e-bu,i ng gas st managgmet T1am revewr r tem.et.Ths e secivey 1 tak, 4 sar_d fies

4、a by it son- ,al cnstucin o hameve aycnst uu on ade,ede nt C.mms.n a - ins c caeandpscolgi -l cunnelng teeerprie -.re wetepri- 3e s futul Companes -he ,f crporae -.re _l u. of eto s - y - a -,re of la cuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m as_e_ trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, ti s g - ”., a - - - cea -,

5、eecrciy -pply s gua-nt-d. I ay h cal iventy, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma adbiatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin ki t,111%make Sae in J-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e

6、 ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bcd sg mc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes aon , skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent- effec. C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- cnday -e-d - . mp - e nt- in-. n gang sys-,4 sf .on. t

7、chni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 facoryleve profes es nesal sistasal tchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I01%.arte. vanefut he. oldig on ade,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, c caeandpscolgi-l cunnelng feerprie -.re wetepri - 3e s Companes -he .f crporae -.re _l u. of eto saey -e, a-,re of dcuue, cs

8、 cuutuueculuue sse m as_e_ trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, tis g -”., a- - - cea -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal iventy, getrewadsof -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a t -el ciy 1615 bjkl -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin H t, 111%make Sae in J-g su Pr ov-

9、 ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y tacked c-linkage polce s onJuy 1 and - res pet- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof.b*hic- d sg mc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes aon ,skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent- .一t C.mp.e the e

10、e - dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- caddes a cnday r_e-e cadrs. .p_e nt id_J. n gang sys-,4 sal esion. tchni -lea -s, see ctd coveae 913 fac oryle-e profes es nesal sistasal hnicasLaor cnt t awcm .e contrcs ,I 01%.arte. -acebut he. oldigys-mpement. on, awho ebu,i ng gas st managgmet T1am reve r temdet.Ths e

11、secivey 1 2,4 sa r_d fie sa by -,al cnstucin o hameve aycnst de,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, c caeandpscolgi-l cunnelng feerprie -.re wetepri - 3e s Companes -he .f crporae -.re_lu. of eto s-y - a -,re of cutur, cs cuutuueculuue sse m _ed, trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, tis g - ”., a - - - ce

12、a -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin ki t, 111% make Sae in J-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy

13、1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bc d sg mc.tl y * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes a on , skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1 on* .cent- effec. C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- cnday -e-d - . mp - e nt- id_J. n gang

14、sys-,4 sf -l-at onatchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 fac oryleve profes esnesal sistasaltchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I 01%.arte. vane fut he. ol dig on ade,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, ccaeandpscolgi -l cunnelng teeer prie -.re wetepri - 3e s Companes -he .f crporae -.re _l u. of eto sae

15、y -e, a -,re of d cuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m a_e_ trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, ti s g - ”., a - - - cea -, eecrciy -pply s g ua-nt- d. I ay h cal ive nty, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma ad biatea trade a t -el ciy 1615 bjkl -ekingremovalcmpe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin H t, 11

16、1% make Sae inJ-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkage polce s onJuy 1 and - res pet- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b*h ic- d sg mc.tl y * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrctwokesa on - , st* -t he sal. FurtI- ss ma nage met. F.1 appr_al r.g

17、U.1 on* .cent- .一t C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se 0 prmay e- caddes a cnday r_e-e ca drs. .p_e nt id,J. ,4s. on.tchni-lea -s, see ctd coveae 913 fac oryle-e profes es nef sista hnicasLaorcnttaw cm .e contrcs ,f ut 01%.arte.-ace ut he. Esa ol dig lys-mpement. on, awho e bu,i ng gas naggmetT1am reve r

18、temdet.Ths-esecivey12,4 sar_d fie sa by s onsx -,al cnstucin o hameve aycnstde ,ede nt C.mmsOn a - i ns c caeandpscolgi cal cun_l ng teeer prie -.re w etepri-cUUesfutul Companes-he .f crporae -.re _l u. of e to s - y cUUe a -,re of cutur, cs cUtuecJue sse m _ed, troogh vai .us _lual bu-e ss cente, t

19、i s g - ”., a - - - cea -, eecrciy -pply s gua-nt-d. I ay h cal iventy, getrewads of -gove to.6 m. on kW. Thr ouggt he ma adbiatea trade a toeecri ciy 1615 b.nkW, -eking removal cm pe_in-We Ie powe 50 milin ki t,111%make Sae in J-g su Pr ov- ranked fist ithe smecaacy t he sme y o-y ta cked c-li nkag

20、e polce s onJuy 1 and - r-e ctiv- ice- pri - 208 miutes a nd 25 point s prof. b bcd sg mc.tly * .Jb gradng, r_ u.e-n of a bour agreement cntrct w okes aon , skuabg t he et I FurtI- ss ma nage met. Ful appr_al r.gU.1on* .cent- effec. C.mp.e the e e - dde一 .ona.se 0prmay e- cnday -e-d - . mp - e nt- i

21、n-. n gang sys-,4 sf .on. tchni -lea -s, see ctd cove_ 913 facoryleve profes es nesal sistasal tchni c-sLaor cnt - t aw cm .e contrcs ,I01%.arte. vanefut he. oldig on ade,ede nt C.mms.n a - i ns c.uin, c caeandpscolgi-l cunnelng feerprie -.re wetepri - 3e s Companes -he .f crporae -.re _l u. of eto

22、saey -e, a-,re of dcuue, cs cuutuueculuue sse m as_e_ trough vai .us _lual bu_e ss cente, tis ea has w -lualmanget ad-nc uni, Nainal a a aay T he culuuesvig ofc”-e c.ue proje c nainal *i c powe ete ,rie -lue acieement -rd of enne.Ie aci det eay wa onsystm r_das nti- nmangemet of -cr c powe ener prie

23、 i.ja Prov nce Pary a mm-in-ais cruptincnti nues to . h. Ws ca-d out to、0-i同等条件下,年龄大的、进线时间长的教师优先。6、如果参评教师晋升为上一级教师,必须承诺:服从学校安排,完成工作职责,否则学校将执行高 评低聘的原则。二、建立学校职称评定三级评审制1、民主测评;2、职称评审领导小组商议;3、校级领导评议。最后根据三级评审的结果公示最终高级教师和一级教师的上报名单。三、职称评定的程序1、2011年7月20日,上午召开学校领导班子工作会;2、2011年7月20日,上午成立学校职称评审领导小组;3 2011年7月20日,下午13:30分召开第一次职评领导小组会议 ,内容:讨论学校职称评定方案、 公布上级给学校高级教师和一级教师的指标、成立监票小组;学校职称三级评审制:民主测评、评审领导小组、校级领导班子。4、2011年7月


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