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1、英语语法五大句型实用练习题5 / 4I 请根据汉语意思连词成句。一、主谓结构1.太阳升起。sun, rises, the2.3.4.红太阳升起。sun, rises, the, red红太阳在东方升起。sun, rises, the, red, in the east你要努力学习。study, should, you, hard5. 他很晚才回家。he, home, very, went, late6. 在月球上是没有生命的。on, can, moon, the, live, nothing7. 他去国外做些研究工作。went, do, he, abroad, to, some, resear

2、ch8. 那个小孩唱歌的嗓子很好。child, little, sang, the, with, voice, a, beautiful9. 时间过得真快。passes, time, quickly, very10. 每天下午有很多学生到图书馆来借书。come, to borrow, to the library, books, a lot of, every, students, afternoon二、主系表结构1. 我妈妈是护士。a, my, mother, is, nurse2. 老师生气了。got, angry, teacher, the3. 这是关于一位音乐家的故事。musician

3、, is, a, about, story, this4. 他们看起来对我们很友好。appeared, with, they, to be friendly, us5. 身体感到很冷。feels, cold, very, body, the6. 布莱克的脸慢慢变红了。Mr. Black s, slowly, face, red, turned7. 这个计划听起来很实际。practical, plan, the, sounds, very8. 十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家。he, at the age of, fifteen, pianist, famous, a, became9. 那个大垃圾堆

4、散发出臭味。big, dump, rubbish, the, terrible, smells10. 他的实验证明是成功的。proved, experiment, his, to be successful三、主谓宾结构1. 他两年前就不教书了。he, his, teaching, two, gave, up, years, ago2. 大雪使我们不能动身。snow, the, going, from, prevented, us3. 怀特夫人照看着我的孩子。looked, my, children, after, Mrs. White4. 学生上课时应注意听老师讲课。pay attentio

5、n to, students, the, teacher, should5. 他们顺利的完成了计划。successfully, they, carried out, plan, the6. 人们谈论过那次音乐会。concert, talked, people, the, about7. 你们必须在课后把练习本交来。must, you, your, hand in, exercise-books, after class8. 长江把汉口和武昌分隔开来。Hankou, Wuchang, separates, the Yangtze River, from9. 五分钟之内我们是不可能解出这道题的。w

6、ork out, in five minutes, we, can t, the, problem10. 他买这条项链花了五百美元。he, five hundred, the, necklace, spent, on, dollars四、主谓双宾语结构(间接宾语+直接宾语)1. 他给了我一朵红玫瑰。rose, a, he, me, gave, red2. 这孩子把他的身世告诉了我。told, me, the, story, boy, his3. 这件晚礼服花了他20 美元。twenty dollars, cost, the, him, evening, dress4. 史密斯先生在课堂上问了我

7、们几个问题。Mr. Smith, us, class, questions, asked, some, in, the5. 约翰没有对经理说实话。tell, did, not, John, manager, the, the, truth6. 你必须在星期五之前把书还给图书馆。before, the, library, books, the, to, you, must, return, Friday五、主谓复合宾语结构(宾语+宾补)1. 我们选举杨林当班长。elected, Yangling, monitor, we, our2. 他们给儿子取名为亨利。they, their, son, H

8、enry, named3. 太阳使我们保持温暖。sun, us, keeps, the, warm4. 这个消息使他很不愉快。news, him, makes, the, unhappy.5. 我们大家都认为他是诚实的。us, all, him, of, supposed, honest 划出以下句子的主、谓、宾部分。如: Doing morning exercises benefits our health.(1) I wrote a passage last night.(2) I doubt whether he will join us in the debate.(3) We mis

9、sed going to college for that reasonI wrote a passage last night请判断下列句子的结构类型:1 .He is running.2 .The loud voice from the upstairs made him angry.3 .The little boy is asking the teacher all kinds of questions.4 .She seemed angry.5 .My father bought me a beautiful present.6 .Why do you keep your eyes

10、closed ?7 .Will you tell us an exciting story ?8 .We must keep our classroom tidy and clean.9.I heard the baby crying in the sitting room.10.Can you push the window open ?将下列五种基本句型构成的句子译为汉语。1 Do you know her younger sister?2 I got home after dark yesterday.3 Bill always does very well at school.4 What pet do you keep?5 There were some students reading in the classroom then.6 Amy always helps her mother after school.7 Tom often makes his teacher angry.8 Did you see anyone go into that house?9 Helen looks very happy today.10 I was born in a little town in the south of Taiwan.


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