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1、I. 将下列单词分类。(15%)Cool cucumber potato canteen jacketHen goat cloudy TV room shorts1. 天气:_2. 蔬菜:_3. 动物:_4. 地点:_5. 服装:_II. 根据图片填空。(15%)1. This is our _ room. 2. Its time for _ class. 3. I usually go to _ at 7:40. 4. They are _. 5. Its _ in Beijing. 6. Put on your _. III. 将问句与其相对应的答语连起来。(15%)1. What tim

2、e do you usually get up? A. Toms. 2. What color is your skirt? B. Yes, they are. 3. Where is the library? C. Its blue. 4. Whose socks are they? D. Its windy. 5. Whats the weather like today? E. On the second floor. 6. Are these onions? F. I usually get up at 7:00. IV. 将下列句子重新排序, 使之成为完整的对话。(15%)( )Si

3、ze 6. ( )One hundred yuan.( )How about this one? Its only seventy-five yuan.( )Look! This one is very nice.( )Yes. I want a pair of boots.( )Good morning! Can I help you?( )What size do you want?( ) How much?( )Oh, its expensive!( )OK, Ill take it. Here is the money.参考答案:I. Read and sort. 将下列单词分类。天气:cool cloudy蔬菜:cucumber potato动物:hen goat地点:canteen TV room服装:jacket shortsII. 根据图片填空。1. computer 2. music 3. school 4. cows 5. snowy 6. sweaterIII. 连线。1 F e 2 C c 3 E a 4 A f 5 D b 6 B dIV.重新排列下面对话的顺序。先后顺序为:6、 5 、7 、1、 4 、8、 2、 9、 3 、10


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