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1、大鼠行为学实验评价汇总大鼠行为学评定方法比拟大鼠进行行为学评定(behavior test)的十分重要,对其评定的方法也颇多,但究竟那种方法更适用,目前未有人进行过比拟.为了合理选择MCAO后的评定方法,如下对目前常用的几种行为学评定方法进行比拟.行为学检查方法:由3位参加试验的人员分别以单盲法对试验的大鼠进行打分和记录.然后将3组的记分结果进行平均后的得分进行统计计算.(国内)由一个对试验实施过程不了解的观察者对大鼠进行行为学评测.评测续贯进行.如果大鼠在一次评测中出现恰当的行为,而以后却未出现,按前者记分.(国外)1 .神经行为学检查Longa评分法2 . Berderson 评分法 姿势

2、反射测验(postural reflex test )3 .攀绳实验4 .网屏测验(screen test )5 .肢体放置测验(limb-placement test ) Elicited Forelimb Placing6 .开野试验(Open Field法)测定行为7 . MNSS8 .转动杆测验(rotating pole test )9 . Rotation10 .肢体对称试验评分法11 . rotarod test12 . adhesive-removal somatosensory test13 Spontaneous Activity14 . Symmetry in the M

3、ovement of Four Limbs15 . Forepaw Outstretching16 . Climbing17 . Body Proprioception18 . Response to Vibrissae Touch改善记忆作用1 .跳台试验2 .避暗试验3 .穿梭箱试验4 .水迷宫试验Motor behavior(1) observation of spontaneous ipsilateral circling,(2) contralateral hindlimb retraction, beam walking ability,平衡木测验(balance beam tes

4、t )(4) bilateral forepaw grasp,Skilled forelimb function(1)staircase feeding apparatusnociception1 1) plantar test2 .神经行为学检查Longa 评分法神经学本查分5个等级:0分:正常,无神经功能缺损;1分:左侧前爪不能完全伸展,轻度神经功能缺损;2分:行走时,大鼠向左侧瘫痪侧转圈,中度神经功能缺损;3分:行走时,大鼠身体向左侧瘫痪侧倾倒.重度神经功能缺损;4分:不能自发行走,有意识丧失.3 . Berderson 评分法 姿势反射测验postural reflex test 提尾

5、悬空试验大鼠提尾悬空一米,观察前肢屈曲情况.正常大鼠向地面伸展双上肢.可伸展双上肢向地面并无其它神经缺陷大鼠得0分.梗死后大鼠持续屈曲损伤半球对测患肢;各种不同姿势,从轻度腕屈曲、肩内收、肘伸展到严重姿势,完全腕、肘屈曲,肩内旋转并内收.有任何持续前肢屈曲和其它不正常得1分.大鼠被放于大的软垫子上,外表有大鼠可用爪子牢牢抓住的塑料压膜纸.用手抓其尾巴,缓慢在鼠肩后给予侧压直至前肢滑动几英寸.此手法在每个方向重复几次.正常或轻度功能损伤大鼠两侧反抗滑动力相同.严重功能损伤大鼠瘫痪侧始终反抗力下降,得 2分.然后让大鼠自由活动,观察转圈行为.大鼠持续向瘫痪侧转圈得3分.前肢屈曲带有侧推反抗力下降经

6、常见到;双上肢屈曲并侧推反抗力下降大鼠经常有转圈行为.神经检查在 3-5分钟内完成.正常0分未见行为缺陷中度1分 前肢屈曲即提尾悬空实验阳性 重度2分侧推反抗力下降即侧向推力实验阳性.伴前肢屈曲.无转圈行为3分同2级行为.伴自发性旋转.提起鼠尾.使其离地0. 33 m高.观察前肢情况.正常大鼠两前肢对称向前伸开 如果有肩部内 旋、前肢内收现象发生者.根据其严重程度.最高评分为4分.正常评分为0分.将动物置于平 滑地板上.分别推其左、右肩向对侧移动,此时检查动物反抗推动时的阻力,正常大鼠两侧推动的阻力明显对称.如一侧阻力下降者.可根据下降程度评 1-3分.正常评分为0分.观察两前肢肌力.将动物两

7、前肢置于一金属网上.然后轻提起大鼠.检查两前肢肌力.正常左右对称.如有一侧前肢肌力下降者.根据下降程度评为1 -3分.正常评分为0分.根据上述行为 检查的情况.积分值为0 10分.积分越高说明动物行为障碍越严重.此测验对皮层和纹状体的损伤较敏感.3攀绳实验:本实验主要检查大鼠双前肢和双后肢的协调配合水平.取直径1.5 cm的麻绳从高1 m、长和宽分别为15、50 cm的平台上垂下,手术前 1d练习每只大鼠.使之能够爬到绳子的上 1/ 3.每个测试日测试 3次.评分的标准如下:0分.不需任何刺激在10s内爬上平台;1分.不需 任何刺激在15 s内爬上平台;2分.刺激次数小于5次.在30 s内爬上

8、平台;3分.刺激次数小于 5次.在60 s内爬上平台;4分.刺激次数大于5次.在60 s内爬上平台或是刺激小于 5次.但爬 上平台时间超过60 s; 5分.大鼠不能爬上平台.4 .网屏测验screen test 网屏练习:网屏为50cm X 40cm 网带.网眼为lcm X lcm.网板的左右和上方都用 25cm高的 木板框边.网屏距地面高度为 80cm.下方铺以12cm厚的海绵.先将网屏水平放置.将老鼠放 在其上.然后缓缓地将其一端抬高.在2s内将此屏风变成垂直位.保持5s.观察大鼠是否会从网 屏上下来或用前爪抓握住网屏,从而评价前爪抓握水平及肌力情况.网屏实验评分标准分为4个等级.0分:前

9、爪握住网屏达 5s之久,不会掉下来;1分:暂时握 住网屏,滑落一段距离,但没有掉下来;2分:在5s内掉下来;3分:网屏转动时,鼠即刻掉下来.5 .肢体放置测验limb-placement test Elicited Forelimb Placing肢体放置于三种独立刺激视觉、触觉、本体感觉以评测运动感觉完整性.参照Kawa ma t a等2采用的动物行为测试评分方法.具体实验有:前肢放置实验,包括1视觉亚实验即前方刺激实验者将动物握于手中,使其前爪悬空,自桌面上方10 cm处向桌面缓慢斜线靠近此时桌子位于大鼠前方,大鼠正常反响为前肢即刻抓向桌面,损伤大鼠那么表现为肢 体反响延迟.0分动物肢体放

10、置反响正常;1分反响延迟但不超过2 s ;2分反响延迟且超过 2 s.侧方刺激,此时桌子位于动物侧方,其余实验方法及评分标准同 前方刺激.2触觉亚实验,将动物置于桶状凹陷实验器内,使其前爪悬空,此时大鼠应该既看不 见,也不能用胡须触及桌面,用其前爪背侧轻触桌面,刺激深度仅达皮肤和毛发,动物反响及评 分同视觉亚实验,触觉刺激同样分前方及侧方刺激.3本体觉亚实验,操作及评分同触觉亚实验,仅刺激深度不同,本体觉亚实验给予前爪较大压力,刺激深达肌肉及关节. 该亚实验只有前方刺激.动物前肢放置实验总分范围为010分,功能损伤越重,得分越高.6 .开野试验Open Field法测定行为方法:本实验所用敞箱

11、为正方形,长、宽各80cm,高40cm,底面由面积相等边长 16cm的正方形25块组成,以动物穿越底面的块数为水平活动crossing得分,以直立次数为垂直活动(rearing)得分,每只动物共进行7次测定,每次3minOpen2Field 法是测定抑郁症大鼠行为学的经典方法,分水平运动和垂直运动2个观察面,以观察得分为评分计算单位,记各组大鼠的水平运动评分及垂直运动评分.Elevated open field activity is characteristic of hippocampally damaged animals1920 21 22 and has been observed

12、in animals with striatal/cortical damage as well.23Rats are placed in a novel environment (3x3 ft) with 3-inch-square grid markings onthe base. The number of times a rat crosses a grid line is recorded for a 5-minute period.7 .肢体对称试验评分法将大鼠置于网中,网眼大小为2.3 x2.3cm,当大鼠在网络中行走时,计数在2分钟内其前爪漏到网眼中的次数.计算公式为:(脑病变

13、对侧前爪的错步数一病变同侧前爪的错步数)/总步数.其分值如为正数说明脑病变对侧功能缺损;如为负数说明脑病变同侧功能缺损.8 . mNSSmNSS体系的设计原理,评分越低表示功能越健全,0分表示功能完全健全的大鼠.modified Neurological Severity Scores见附件19 .转动杆测验(rotating pole test )转棒上行走测评:评分标准分为4个等级.0分:转动过程中.鼠可在棒上行走;1分:转动过程中.60s以上时间.鼠不会掉下来;2分转动开始后.鼠从棒上掉下来;3分:转动开始前.鼠从棒上 掉下来.10 . The detection was operate

14、d at 1 week after surgery by injecting 0. 5 mg/kg ofapomorphine into abdominal cavity for observation of the changes in The behaviours for once a week and continuous detected for 6 weeks. If constant right-side rotation occurred and The numbers of The circles rotated were more than210 r per 30 minut

15、es, those rats were considered as successful models: if no rotation occurred or The direction of rotation was not constantor constantright-side or lell-side rotation but The speed was slower than 210 r per 30 minutes, those animals were considered as unsuccessful models. In additional to rotation, o

16、ther companioned abnormal behaviours also should be observed, such as, tremor, sluggish, grab, and smell exploring, etc.11 . rotarod testrats were placed on an accelerating rotarod cylinder, and the time the animals remained on the rotarod was measured. The speed was slowly increased from 4 to40 rpm

17、 within 5 minutes. A trial ended if the animal fell off the rungs or gripped thedevice and spun around for 2 consecutive revolutions without attempting to walkon the rungs. The animals were trained 3 days before MCAO. The mean duration (inseconds) on the device was recorded with 3 rotarod measuremen

18、ts 1 day beforesurgery. Motor test data are presented as percentage of mean duration (3 trials) onthe rotarod compared with the internal baseline control (before surgery).12 . adhesive-removal somatosensory testsomatosensory deficit was measured both before and after surgery. All rats werefamiliariz

19、ed with the testing environment. In the initial test, 2 small pieces of adhesive-backed paper dots (of equal size, 113.1 mm2) were used as bilateral tactile stimuli occupying the distal-radial region on the wrist of each forelimb. Therat was then returned to its cage. The time to remove each stimulu

20、s from forelimbs was recorded on 5 trials per day. Individual trials were separated by at least 5 minutes. Before surgery, the animals were trained for 3 days. Once the rats wereable to remove the dots within 10 seconds, they were subjected to MCAO.13 . Spontaneous ActivityThe animal was observed fo

21、r 5 minutes in its normal environment (cage). The ratsactivity was assessed by its ability to approach all four walls of the cage. Scores indicate the following: 3, rat moved around, explored the environment, and approached at least three walls of the cage; 2, slightly affected rat moved about inthe

22、 cage but did not approach all sides and hesitated to move, although it eventually reached at least one upper rim of the cage; 1, severely affected rat didnot rise up at all and barely moved in the cage; and 0, rat did not move at all.14 . Symmetry in the Movement of Four LimbsThe rat was held in th

23、e air by the tail to observe symmetry in the movement of thefour limbs. Scores indicate the following: 3, all four limbs extended symmetrically; 2,limbs on left side extended less or more slowly than those on the right; 1, limbs onleft side showed minimal movement; and 0, forelimb on left side did n

24、ot move at all.Julio H. Garcia, MD; Simone Wagner, MD; Kai-Feng Liu, MD; Xiao-jiang Hu, MD, PhD. Neurological Deficit and Extent of Neuronal Necrosis Attributable to MiddleCerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats . Stroke. 1995;26:627-635.15 . Forepaw OutstretchingThe rat was brought up to the edge of the

25、table and made to walk on forelimbswhile being held by the tail. Symmetry in the outstretching of both forelimbs was observed while the rat reached the table and the hindlimbs were kept in the air.Scores indicate the following: 3, both forelimbs were outstretched,andtheratwalked symmetrically on for

26、epaws; 2, left side outstretched less than the right, andforepaw walking was impaired; 1, left forelimb moved minimally;and0,leftforelimb did not move.Julio H. Garcia, MD; Simone Wagner, MD; Kai-Feng Liu, MD; Xiao-jiang Hu, MD, PhD. Neurological Deficit and Extent of Neuronal Necrosis Attributable t

27、o MiddleCerebral Artery Occlusion in Rats . Stroke. 1995;26:627-635.16 . ClimbingThe rat was placed on the wall of a wire cage. Normally the rat uses all four limbs toclimb up the wall. When the rat was removed from the wire cage by pulling it off bythe tail, the strength of attachment was noted. Sc

28、ores indicate the following: 3, ratclimbed easily and gripped tightly to the wire; 2, left side was impaired while climbing or did not grip as hard as the right side; and 1, rat failed to climb or tended to circle instead of climbing17 . Body ProprioceptionThe rat was touched with a blunt stick on e

29、ach side of the body, and the reaction tothe stimulus was observed. Scores indicate the following: 3, rat reacted by turninghead and was equally startled by the stimulus on both sides; 2, rat reacted slowly tostimulus on left side; and 1, rat did not respond to the stimulus placed on the left side.1

30、8 . Response to Vibrissae TouchA blunt stick was brushed against the vibrissae on each side; the stick was movedtoward the whiskers from the rear of the animal to avoid entering the visual fields.Scores indicate the following: 3, rat reacted by turning head or was equally startledby the stimulus on

31、both sides; 2, rat reacted slowly to stimulus on left side; and 1, rat did not respond to stimulus on the left side.改善记忆作用1 .跳台试验跳台装置为lOcm X 15cm X 60cm的被动条件反射箱,四周用黑色塑料板、底面铺可通电的铜栅,每间内放置一高4 .5cm ,直径4.5cm的橡皮垫作为动物回避电击的平安区,先将动物放在反响箱内的橡皮台上适应3min,然后立即通以40 V交流电,动物受到电击后逃避反响为跳上橡皮台.记录5min内大鼠受到电击次数,称为错误次数.24h后

32、在底部铜栅通 电情况下,直接将动物置于平台上,记录第 1次跳下的潜伏期和 5 min内的错误次数.2 .避暗实验 Avoidance response根据大鼠有嗜暗习性分设明暗两室.明室上方20cm处悬一个60 W日光灯,在暗室的中后局部底部铜栅加 40 V电压,两室之间设有一直径为3cm大小的圆洞.实验时将大鼠背对洞口放入明室,同时启动计时表,动物自放入明室至进入暗室遭电击所需时间为潜伏期, 鼠受电击后可自行逃出暗室.记录潜伏期及5min内动物受电击次数,24h后复测.3 .穿梭箱试验4 .水迷宫试验(Morris )4.1 Morris 水迷宫为圆形水池.直径100 cm.深50 cm.水

33、深30 cm.水温(24 2) C .水而覆一层塑料泡沫屑.池壁上4个等距离点分水池为 4个象限.在第三象限中央放置平台.平台无色 透明.直径6 cm.高28 cm,平台没于水而下 2 cm,水池周围参照物保持不变.试验包括:定位航行试验(place navigation test):实验历时7d.将大鼠从入水面向池壁置入水才t中,记录大鼠从入水到爬上平台所需的时间,即逃避潜伏期.每只大鼠每人从 4个不同象限入水点入水进行练习各1次,取其平均值为其每人逃避潜伏期.练习中,假设大鼠在60 s内找到平台,让其于平台上站立lOs;假设未找到用棒将其引上平台,并让其站立10 s,潜伏期限 记为60 s

34、.将大鼠从平台上拿卜来休息 60 s之后再按序由下一入水点入水进行下一次实验.空间探索试验(spatial probe test) 第8天撤去平台,将大鼠从第二象限入水点放入水槽,记录60 s内其在平台象限的滞留时间.4.2 水迷宫试验主要用于测试大鼠对空间位置觉和方位觉的学习记忆水平5水迷宫试验测试的一个重要指标是大鼠的平均逃避潜伏期平均逃避潜伏期指的是大鼠在放入迷宫后学会在5中内找到平台所需要的平均时间,主要与海马功能有关,与大脑皮层也有一定的关系.Morris Water MazeThis is a task that measures learning and memory in an

35、 aqueous environment,Briefly, the rat was placed in a 4-ft-diameter water tank that is visually separatedinto four quadrants, In the center of one quadrant, the goal quadrant, a platform ishidden 1 inch below the waterline, The rat was placed in the tank at one of fourstart locations (north, south,

36、east, west) and swam for up to 60 seconds until itfound the platform, Once the animal located the platform, it remained on it for 20seconds, In the event that an animal did not locate the platform,the observerpositioned the animal on the platform at the end of the 60-second swim period, During a 2-

37、to 4-minute intertrial interval, the animals were kept warm by infraredheating lamps, The temperature of t he water maze was 200,5 C, The latency andpath length of the rat were measured by a video tracking system interfaced to a computer.Nancy E. Alexis, MS; W. Dalton Dietrich, PhD; Edward J. Green,

38、 PhD; Ricardo Prado,MD; Brant D. Watson, PhD. Nonocclusive Common Carotid Artery Thrombosis in the Rat Results in Reversible Sensorimotor and Cognitive Behavioral Deficits. Stroke.1995;26:2338-2346.4.3 Y迷宫学习记忆练习及测试 :Y型电迷宫臂长 30cm.高15cm.宽15cm.每臂末端有15W 信号灯示平安区.箱底铜栅间隔4 mm.电流强度0. 7 mA.选用电压38 V.电击延时2s.设 一

39、臂为起步区.按I- II- III-I臂顺序轮流作为平安区.大鼠在起步区静置3 m in.予以电击致其逃至平安区.灯光才I续15 s.然后熄灯体急45 s.开始下一次操作.以到达连续学习练习及测试:规定大鼠受电击后从起步区直接逃至平安区为“正确反响10次电击均为正确反响(即10/10)前所需的电击次数(即尝试次数)表示其学习获得水平(acquisition).假设尝试次数超过 30次那么不再测试.并以30次为最大值计数.记忆再现(retrieval)测试:选上述到达10/ 10标准的大鼠.休息24 h后再次同法测试 以达 10/10标准前的尝试次数表示记忆再现水平.Motor behavior

40、(1) observation of spontaneous ipsilateral circling, graded from 0 (no circling) to 3 (continuous circling);(2) contralateral hindlimb retraction, which measured the ability of the animal to replace the hindlimb after it was displaced laterally by 2 to 3 cm, graded from 0 (immediate replacement) to

41、3 (replacement after minutes or no replacement);(3) beam walking ability, graded 0 for a rat that readily traverses a 2.4-cm-wide,80-cm-long beam to 3 for a rat unable to stay on the beam for 10 seconds;平衡木测验(balance beam test )平衡木长80cm ,宽2. 5 cm的方木棒,平放在距离地面10cm处,让大鼠在其上行走.评分标准为6.个等级.0分:能跳上平衡木,在上面行走不

42、会跌倒;T分:能跳上平衡木,在上面行走跌倒时机小于 50%; 2分:能跳上平衡木,在上面行走跌倒时机大于50%; 3分:在健侧后肢帮助下能跳上平衡木,但受累瘫痪侧后肢不能帮助向前移动;4分:在平衡木上不能行走,但可坐在上面;5分:将大鼠放在平衡木上会掉下来.Beam balance performance of animals was assessed on a 6-point scale17: 0=balances with steady posture; 1=grasps side of beam; 2=hugs beam and 1 limb, falls down from beam;

43、 3=hugs beam and 2 limbs, falls down from beam, or spins on beam 60 seconds; 4=attempts to balance on beam but falls off 40 seconds;5=attempts to balance on beam but falls off 20 seconds; and 6=falls off, no attempt to balance or hang onto beam 20 secondsThis is a test of sensorimotor integration sp

44、ecifically examining hindlimb function.The testing apparatus and rating procedures were adaptedfrom Feeney andcolleagues.16 A 1-inch-wide beam, 4 ft in length, is suspended 3 ft above the floor in a dimly lit room. At the far end of the beam is a darkened goal box with a narrowentryway. At equal dis

45、tances along the beam, four 3-inch metal screws are positioned, angling away from the beams center. A white noise generator and bright light source at the start of the beam motivate the animal to traverse the beam and enter the goal box. Once inside the goal box, the stimuli are terminated.The rats

46、latency to reach the goal box (in seconds) and hindlimb performance as hetraversed the beam (based on a 1 to 7 rating scale) are recorded. A score of 7indicates normal beam walking with less than 2 foot slips, and a score of 1 indicates that the rat is unable to traverse the beam in less than 80 sec

47、onds.Each rat istrained for 3 daysbeforesurgeryto acquirethe taskandto achievenormalperformance (a score of 7) on three consecutive trials. Three baseline trials are collected 24 hoursbeforesurgery,and threetestingtrialsare recorded dailythereafter. Mean values of latency and score for each day were

48、 computed. Beam BalanceBeam balance is sensitive to motor cortical insults.16 17 This task is used to assess gross vestibulomotor function by requiring a rat to balance steadily on a narrow beam. The test involves three 60-second training trials 24 hours before surgery to acquire baseline data. The apparatus consists of a 3/4-inch-wide beam, 10 inches in length, suspended 1 ft above a table


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