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1、8B Unit 3 Online Tour单元重点知识点总览1. look like 看起来像2. agree的用法 agree to do sth. 同意做谋事 agree with sb. 同意某人的意见或看法 agree on/about sth. 在.上达成一致意见 3. send sth. to sb. = send sb. sth.4. use sth. to do sth.= use sth. for doing sth. 使用某物做某事5. almost和nearly的区别 almost可以同no one, nothing, no, none,nobody,never搭配, 而

2、nearly则不可; 但可以说not nearly, 不可说 农田almost. 6. Welcome 和Welcome to的区别 Welcome home!欢迎回家。 Welcome to my home!欢迎来我家做客。7. further和farther的区别 在做副词时两者都表示距离方面的“更远,较远”; 在做形容词时: further 表示抽象意义,指程度上“更多,更进一步,更深一层” farther 只表示距离上“更远,较远”8. 数字+hundred/thousand/million hundreds of:成百上千/ thousands of:成千上万9. be famous

3、 for: 因而著名 be famous as:作为而闻名,后接表示身份,职业等名词10. be filled with= be full of 11. dream of: 做梦,梦见,梦到 向往,渴望,想象12. opposite:. 介词:“在对面”,相当于across from, 常与名词一起构成介词短语,表方位 相容词:另一边的,对面的,相反的 副词:在对面 名词:“相反的人或物,对立面”,常与介词of 一起使用 13. mind doing sth.14. be made up of: 由组成 be made in: 在制造 be made of: 由制成的(能看出原材料) be m

4、ade from: 由制成(看不出原材料). 15. between:指两者之间 among:用于三个或三个以上的人或物之中16. prepare: prepare for = get ready for: 为做准备 preparefor:“为准备”17. remember: remember to do sth.: 记得去做某事(此事还未做) remember doing sth.: 记得已做过某事 (此事已完成)18. (Its)my pleasure: 用于已经帮助别人,别人感谢你时,回答“不客气,没 关系” With pleasure:用于别人请求你帮忙而你还未做,表示答应别人的请求,

5、很 荣幸能帮你这个忙。语法:一般过去时与现在完成时一般过去时和现在完成时的主要区别: 侧重点不同 现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,侧重于现在的情况; 一般过去时表示过去某个时候发生的动作、存在的状态,与现在没有关系。 时间状语不同 现在完成时常与 already, yet, just, never, before, so far等词语以及since和for引导的时间状语连用;一般过去时常和yesterday, last week, just now, in 2004, two days ago等具体的表示过去的时间状语连用。对谓语动词的要求不同 现在完成时可表示从过去开始持续到现

6、在的动作或状态,此事往往和表示一段时间的状语连用,这时谓语动词要用延续性动词而不是非延续性动词;一般过去时中的谓语动词没有延续性或非延续性的。单元重点短语归纳1. look like看起来像2. play games玩游戏3. search for搜索4. how often多久一次5. chat with sb.与某人聊天6. at the top of在顶端7. click on点击8. in the centre of 在中心9. thousands of成千的10. be famous for因而著名11. so much for this到此为止12. at the bottom o

7、f在的底部13. be made up of由组成14. have/has been to去过(某地)15. more than 超过16. have a great time玩的开心17. places of interest名胜18. some day(将来的)某一天19. the Sydney House悉尼歌剧院20. fromto从到21. prepare for 为做准备22. on New Years Eve在新年前夜23. be filled with充满24. take part in参加25. learn about了解26. hear of听说27. the early

8、twentieth century20世纪早期28. do word processing进行文字处理29. send and receive emails收发电子邮件30. come from来自31. dream of梦想32. travel around the world环游世界33. for example例如34. my pleasure不客气35. see a doctor看医生36. places of natural beauty自然景点37. the world-famous trade centre世界著名的世贸中心句型归纳1. use sth. to do sth. 使

9、用某物做某事2. welcome to+地点名词 欢迎来到3. Its the best time to do sth. 做某事最佳时间4. Let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事5. It +be+形容词+to do sth. 做某事是的。6. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事7. sound+形容词 听起来8. 一段时间+ago 之前9. It takes sb time to do sth. 某人花时间去做某事10. by doing sth. 通过做某事11. Would you mind doing sth.? 你介意做某事吗?12. see sb. doing

10、 sth. 看见某人做某事13. learn to do sth. 学会做某事14. want to do sth. 想要做某事8B Unit 3单元测试 (A) 卷一、 短语翻译(每题1分,共10分)1、 全世界2、在.的帮助下 3、 查找信息4、在.的中心 5、换频道6、由.组成 7、国际银行 8、不客气 9、在.底部 10、发送电子邮件 二、 单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1. - Is there _ African elephant in _ zoo? - Maybe there is. A. a; the B. an; the C./; theD. an; a( ) 2.

11、We can type words with a _. A. screen B. keyboard C. mouse D. printer( ) 3.- What _ Daniel _? - He is tall and strong. A. does: like B. did; like C. does; look like D. is; look like( ) 4. I havent been to the temple(寺庙) _ the top of the hill. But I know you can get to the top _ fifteen minutes by ca

12、ble car(缆车). A. at; in B. in; in C. at; for D. on; after( ) 5. - Im going to Dalian for my May Day holiday and I have _ a seaside hotel. - Really? Have a good time.A. booked B. bought C. had D. prepared( ) 6. Millie _ her homework just now. But I _ mine. I shouldnt watch TV first. A. has finished; h

13、avent finished B. finished; dont finish C. finished; havent finished D. has finished; didnt finish( ) 7. I saw Daniel _ videos when I walked past his house. A. watch B. was watching C. has watched D. watching( ) 8. - Why do so many people search for information on the Internet ? - _. A. Because it i

14、s easier and faster B. Because there are no mistakes C. Because it is wonderful D. Because it is cheap and exciting( ) 9. - _ this today, everyone. - Great. We can go home now. A. Prepare forB. Talk about C. So much forD. Think about( ) 10. - Where is Mike ?- He _to New York on business. He _ the ai

15、rport at five in the morning .A. has gone; has left for B. has been; has left for C. has gone; left for D. has been; left for( ) 11. The new computer game _ Travel in Space. A. calledB. calls C. is called D. is calling( ) 12. - How many students are there in each group? - Usually each group _ six st

16、udents in our class. A. is made from B. is made up of C. is made in D. is made of( ) 13. My family will have a _ holiday in Australia. I really want to see the Sydney Opera House.A. two weeks B. two weeks C. two weeks D. two-weeks ( ) 14. - Thanks for showing me how to start this online tour. -_. A.

17、 Never mind B. It doesnt matter C. Of course notD.Its my pleasure( ) 15. - I think everyone should protect our earth. -_. A. I have no ideaB. Yes, I agree C. Thats not true D. Thats all right三、 完形填空(每题1分,共10分)(2011山东济南 )On my way home I knocked into a stranger as he passed by. “Oh. Im terribly sorry

18、,” I said. “Thats all right. Please excuse me too; I wasnt even 1_ you. I wish I didnt hurt you.”We were very 2 . We said good-bye and went on our way.But at home we often 3 our loved ones in a different way.Later that day, while I was cooking the evening meal, my daughter stood beside me very quiet

19、ly. When I turned, I nearly 4 her down. “Move out of the way.” I shouted. She walked away, tears (眼泪) in her eyes.While I lay awake in bed, I realized how 5 Id spoken. So I decided to get up to say sorry to my daughter. On the way to her bedroom, to my surprise, I found some 6 by the door of the kit

20、chen. At that time my tears began to fall. I quietly went and got down on my knees by her 7 . She woke up and put her arms around my neck when I kissed her. Then I asked, “Did you pick these flowers for me?”She smiled, “I found them out by the tree. I picked them 8 theyre pretty like you. I knew you

21、d like them. I stood quietly in order to give you a surprise.” “Oh dear, Im really sorry for the way I acted today; I shouldnt have shouted at you.”“ Thats okay. Mom. I 9 you anyway.”I suddenly realized what a clever way it is to explain the word 10 like this: (F) ather (A) nd (M) other, (I) (L) ove

22、 (Y) ou!( ) 1. A. saving B. helping C. calling D. noticing( ) 2. A. sad B. angry C. polite D. proud( ) 3. A. help B. treat C. criticize D. encourage( ) 4. A. put B. took C. turned D. knocked( ) 5. A. sadly B. rudely C. softly D. calmly( ) 6. A. books B. clothes C. flowers D. vegetables( ) 7. A. bed

23、B. desk C. window D. bedroom( ) 8. A. when B. though C. before D. because( ) 9. A. love B. need C. miss D. hate( )10.A. father B. mother C. family D. daughter4、 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A(2013青海)Parents and teachers worry about games having a bad effect on students, and a great number of reports have been wri

24、tten about games leading to addiction(上瘾) and violent behavior. One who is addicted to games of violence might think fighting even killing is not a very serious thing.But not everything about gaming is bad. For some, games are a good way to learn as well. Many games are based on history, city or pla

25、nning. Such games can indirectly teach students valuable lessons of life. Some games are known to improve hand-eye condition(协调) and help players develop problem solving. Most games inspire players to meet more difficult challenges.Computer games have both good and bad effects. Playing games itself

26、is not a problem, but students need to know about how much time to spend paying games and what kind of games to play. Gaming is like any other activity in life-eating too many hamburgers or too much pizza is harmful, too.( ) 1. The underlined word “violent” mean _ in Chinese. A. 怪异的B. 懒惰的C. 暴力的D.攀比的

27、 ( ) 2. Which is not true about playing computer games?A. It costs a lot of money. B. It may have a bad effect on children.C. It can lead to violent behavior. D. It can cause addiction.( ) 3. It is also a good way_by playing computer games.A. to get along with othersB. to learn some useful life less

28、onsC. to respect parentsD. to communicate in English( ) 4. Some games can improve players_skill.A. reading B. operatingC. cooking D. memorizing ( ) 5. At the end of the passage, the sentence “eating too many hamburgers or too much pizza is harmful,too.”implies(暗示) that _. A. students should spend mo

29、re time playing computer games B. students should stop playing computer gamesC. students should play computer games with their parents togetherD. students should spend proper time and choose good ones when playing computer games B(2014河北)Even in early times, people could realize the importance of dr

30、eams gave meaning to life. Every great achievement has been the result of years of dreaming. If a person has a dream and holds fast to it, hr or she will find a way to bring it into reality(现实).Children do not have much experience or knowledge. However, they are natural dreamers. We should not laugh

31、 at them for being naive. With their rich imagination, they will come up with fantastic dreams. History is full of examples. Many great men were dreamers when they were children. One such dreamer was Thomas Edison. He used to be ostracized(排斥) when he was in primary school, but his achievements were

32、 greater than everyone elses in his time.Teenagers and young people should also be encouraged to dream. The world is full of successful teenagers and young people. They dreamt big and their dreams changed their lives and even the world. Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are the good examples. They have deve

33、loped technology and brought great progress to human besides making money for themselves.Older people should believe that it is never too late to dream and that human mind is never too old to make dream turn into reality. Colonel Saunders realized his dreams at the age of 67 and set up the biggest f

34、ried chicken company(KFC) in the world.To dream is a wonderful ability which can lead to wonderful results. Olympic records were broken by players who were brave enough to dream. No one is too young or too old to dream and to make dreams come true.( ) 6. People who could probably realize their dream

35、s. A. find a way to dream B. dream and hold fast to them C. get the meaning of life D. have very good school results( ) 7. Young people should be encouraged to dream because . A. their dreams are natural B. they are greater than everyone else C. they have much knowledge D. their dreams might change

36、the world( ) 8. What does the example of Colonel Saunders show us? A. Setting up a big company is a wonderful ability. B. Developing technology can bring great progress. C. Even older people can make their dreams come true. D. People should be brave enough to dream when they are young.( ) 9. The und

37、erlined word “naive” means in Chines. A逆反的B幼稚的C调皮的D冲动的( ) 10. The best title for the passage is .A. From Dream to RealityB. Good Examples of Dreams C. Achievements in HistoryD. A List of Successful DreamersC(2013广东)In nature, you may see many insects and animals of different colors. Have you ever wo

38、ndered why?Locusts are super delicious food for birds, but it is not always an easy job for birds to catch them. It is neither because locusts are good jumpers or runners nor because they are smarter than their enemies. The reason is that the colors of locusts change with the colors of crops(庄稼). Wh

39、en crops are young, locusts look greens. But when autumn comes, locusts change to the yellow and brown color as crops do.Brown bears, tigers and other animals move quietly through forests. They cant be seen easily by their enemies. This is because they have colors similar to the trees. For the sane

40、reason, polar bears that live on a land of snow and ice are white. Butterflies and bees living among the flowers are colorful like flowers. Soil insects are mostly dark-colored and they live under the soil(土壤) in a dark and wet environment. However, insects with colors different from plants can easi

41、ly be found and eaten by others. So in order to survive, they have to hide themselves in the daytime and appear only at night.Have you ever noticed some even stranger acts? The ink fish in the sea can send out some very black ink when it faces danger. As the ink spreads over, its enemies will find themselves suddenly in a dark world. At the same time the ink fish immediately swims away. That is how it keeps itself safe


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