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1、硕士研究生;毕业证书i研究生性别女一九八八年十二月二十六日生.于二0三年九月至二0六年夭月在专业学习,学制 三年,修完硕士研究生培养计划挽定的全部课程,成绩合格.毕业论文答辩通必雄充券业培养单位校(院、所)长:证书编号:二O六年六月三十日 Q牛人氏知5骁V 4.个历办4; d F冋 hwp /Swu vhy cum.caHUBEI UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYPOSTGRADUATE DIPLOMACertificateNo:This is to certify that *, female, born on December 26988, majoring in* of

2、this university from September 3 to June 6, has successfully fulfilled all curriculums of the three-year postgraduate program of study, and passed the examinations Hereby she is allowed to graduate.President: * *Hubei University of TechnologyIssued Date: June 30,6硕士学位证书,女,1988年12月26日生。在 湖北工业大学:铀完成了

3、g工殍领城須 硕士专业学位培养计划,成绩合格。根据中华人民共和国学位条例的规定,授予 工程硕士学位。i校 长学位评定委员会主爲证书编号:二O六年六月三十日(专业学位证书)CERTIFICATE FOR THE MASTERS DEGREECertificate No: * *This is to certify that *, female, born on December 26,198& majoring in* of this university, has completed a masters degree in Engineering Training Program , qual

4、ified success.Upon the examination and verification in conformity with the Regulations of Ac ade mi c Degrees of the People fs Republic of China, she is thereby granted the Masters Degree of EngineeringPresident of Hubei University of Technology: *Chairman of Degree Evaluation Committee: *0CERTIFICA

5、TE FOR THE MASTER S DEGREECertificate No: * *This is to certify that *, male, born on July 18,1983, majoring in * of this university, has passed all examinations and the oral defense of Master dissertation Upon the examination and verification in conformity with the Regulations of Ac ade mi c Degrees of the Peoples Republic of China, he is thereby granted the Masters Degree of *.President of Hubei University of Technology: * Chairman of Degree Evaluation Committee: *


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