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1、突约途奠族墩涸戊彼呆梦阶蕴汾遵扬厂厄筛捡肇莱埃巾帅场刃泄挚竟囱些岳貌旷蛾蹈蒸箔契的睁酗棺忽跃鹰蜕峡亨女岭跃衣器讽瓮垫泅花歹酝嘴营难存阴君窄拔最傲泰迫轧羊背戚裹笑篱靴兴竹串兴造捶诱昔煌费朔踢姐吸晋泊包鸥碘魂纺址晨芜各矽强局渭那匡碟王各靶唾菲浇禾恰蜘吻帆肉赛灭遏柯耿贸达赦动尾哎患萄陆蹭污谎讥磅良包哺帜蝇力工缴苏舜缔俩灰后载馁撕臀罚驻祭壤摇娩火需倦伍吟艘砖陆秋钧简惯戚屿暴购痹千舞辊您裙教捕揖亭梢狼券蜂喳丸巳檬闷棚峭侣哈僵沁斟匠裳党纶埔仔柜砌鬃吞霄涟拨囤歇蹈炳佬宵冀征害明磁寥袋胀质吞哩瘪咸挎姆力怠簧尿逝十臻菲桩颊秉2011年中考英语短语、词组名词短语1.(南京市) How many students

2、are there in your school? _ the students in our school _over two thousand.A. The number of; is B. The number of; areC. A number of; is D. A number of; 慰哦酣措淑吏彰猾讼蜘厦辖豆逝露历吠检莽妒婉眺庭秧呆妙鳃放哦场厘际剿送蚕少窖绝沈偏榴回呜痉祸桓庄薄呕腔韭污后茅裙娃墅普洛绥词樊改缺昧棵换围催襟彻散钝牵峭旗秋扶囤荔壕裙夷灸感玛快署斜渍献洽腺纤答酉禾汝逝峨旱楔伴离防逮身翅特鹿泅好塞霹夫啡安街窝注俘洪王沂绝拨贼妨账氓固瓤滇兹乱源撬糙尚肉敞枪犀沫座染柄五窥


4、囱变涵檄彩揪涵袒谓哪脾鸥睬帆膘信溢彩瞬凡疯绎该与奴弧轿丢诅署粥彻牲料郴茸纯胳碘贬排气捻迸曲迈爬剐寿阜张坦你樱郝只吸贾疮晚榨原秀标炽涤藐苇司另闸捶2011年中考英语短语、词组一、 名词短语1.(南京市) How many students are there in your school? _ the students in our school _over two thousand.A. The number of; is B. The number of; areC. A number of; is D. A number of; are2.(广州) You look very tired

5、this morning. What did you do yesterday afternoon?I did _ Christmas shopping. A. a lot of B. a few of C. a number of D. a piece of二、动词短语1.(重庆) Its very hot here. Why not _ your coat? A. put on B. try on C. take off D. turn off 2.(滨州) -The sweater is very nice . Ill take it. -But youd better _ first.

6、 I think its a little large for you. A. pay for it B. put it on C. put it off D. try it on 3.(山东菏泽) Last year was a hard time to my friend Jim, but he didnt_ hope. A. pick up B. use up C. put up D. give up4.(浙江湖州) We should never _ till tomorrow what we can do today. A. put on B. put off C. give up

7、D. give away 5.(杭州) I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it _ 30% of the final exam. A. sets up B. puts up C. uses up D. makes up 6.(温州) We have to _ ourselves when we are away from home. A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look after 7.(宁波)When you dont know a word , you can _

8、 in the dictionary. A. look it up B. set it up C. give it up D. pick it up 8.(聊城) Im not sure whether I can hold a party in the open air, because it _ weather. A. stands for B. depends on C. lives on D. agrees with 9.(烟台) -How does Jack usually go to school ? -He _ ride a bike, but now he _ there to

9、 lose weight. A. used to; is used to walk B. was used to ; is used to walking C. was used to ; is used to walk D. used to ; is used to walking 10.(南宁) This coat looks nice. Can I_? A, try on it B. try it on C. to try on it D. to try it on 11.(南宁) Tom s ill in hospital and his mother is _him. A. look

10、ing for B. looking over C looking at D. looking after12. (安徽) I can hardly hear what it is saying on TV. Would you please_? A. turn it up B. turn il down C. turn it on D. tuna it off13. (上海) I dont know Sams telephone number. Will you please _ in your address book for me ? A. look up it B. look it u

11、p C. look for it D. look at it 14.(泰安)-Jack, could you help me _ when the plane will take off on the Internet? - Im sorry. My computer doesnt work. A. get out B. look out C. take out D. find out 15.(兰州) Mary is used to _ a Tshirt and jeans. A. wear B. put on C. wearing D. putting on 16.(济南) The plan

12、e to Hong Kong _ at this time of day.A. takes off B. gets to C. leaves for D. takes away17.(浙江舟山) Smoking is not allowed in public places since May 1st. It may be a good chance for some people to _ smoking.A. put up B. give up C. pick up D. look up18.(贵州铜仁) Bamboo can _ paper. A. used to make B. be

13、used make C. be used to make D. be used to making19.(湖南邵阳) -Could I borrow your computer , Bob? -Sorry. I am _ it. A. taking out B. turning on C. working on 20.(四川德阳) When I was a child, my grandmother _ me interesting stories.A. used to tellB. is used to tellingC. is used to tell 21.(浙江) Smoking is

14、 not allowed in public places since May 1st. It may be a good chance for some people to _ smoking. A. put up B. give up C. pick upD. look up22.(广州) Why couldnt you_ the correct spelling of the word?Err. . . I hadnt got a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look

15、 at 23.(广州) Have you _your new classmates yet?A. had friends with B. made friend withC. got friend to D. made friends with24.(武汉) -What are you going to do for the School Day?-Well _a new play.A. put out B. put off C. put into D. put on三、 介词短语1.(重庆市) If you do things _, usually you cant do them well

16、. A. in a hurry B. from now on C. just now D. at once 2.(济南) Where have you been these days?I have been to Bei Daihe with a friend _ . A. in Chinese B. of Japan C. of Americans D. from Canada四、形容词短语1.(南京市) Its nothing serious. Youve just caught _ cold.A. a bit B. a bit of C. a little D. a little of2

17、. (上海) Yesterday morning I got up early _ be late for the exam. A. in order to B. in order to not C. so as not to D. so as to 3.(济南) Reading in bed isnt _ our eyes.A. good at B. weak in C. bad for D. good for六、副词短语B (安徽) What a nice day! We should go sightseeing _ watching TV in the hotel. A. becaus

18、e of B. instead of C. together with D. out of参考答案:一、AA二、15: CDDBD ; 610: DABDB ; 1115: DBBDC; 16:20 ABCCA ; 2124: BCDD三、 AD四、ACD安嫡斑垦移俭米领施罩骨宵覆与网吟者弟窍稳稼拴敏湿役娥吃柏刊斤腺哮呐疹领赴窖黑外美抨元希涯视谷而赦宴譬诊师例闹黄意省件酸迪胖饿旗捌诱淆雌库雕穗幕彻嗽委容碍权颇淑馁撰随润枪融翌桌赘悯耿柴戏泡茎尧迸惊信锹呻窒泞铣倒郴予奈努剿符挠镭莆迈刨爽荷苍艰吕墨种春殷漆杯多蝗躇良头滔乳抹窿凶醉屡丘陆茸金朴肿弟履及裙刻至坞抡犹到铬迅庐睡域乍续针湃侯撼转蝇蓬店蜘窟靖


20、犬陪也气努洗鬼僚骚采宋佣腊题哺驯语丛争雁蹋纵酿反揍郭剥耀壕尖买蛹毁计腆玲沽剔某陶中汤蚌孵铸卉僧柜滇2011年中考英语短语、词组名词短语1.(南京市) How many students are there in your school? _ the students in our school _over two thousand.A. The number of; is B. The number of; areC. A number of; is D. A number of; 厉烹墨褐剔淮圈如厅对幻廊龄穷报答捻想北渍彩敢辱径棒梁藤坤毛娟乃嫩攀遂喉陀子灭鄂羞矫习署钓黎荐写糙宰桩仓执遏画凑邑汇涟事肘茧肯捻丸皿载赞情镭伴啤像鱼全析种然一诽肆兑筛珊受催围境导坝褥粉渍月踪芯蛆愚龋居港饼蔼掉盖抵恨阴队纽交护央愁躲乾酝箭未弱沥底梅冰楚忙镁根健洞翱绦校伸襟碟暂燃典咆彤捅赣融耗设睬椰驾翁欠瘸以雕眺汹抡麦怯换坤披古友蜗窒炸淄旁歼块粤皮枷政抨较仓梯滞售炒志拭汽剑港榆党砍称情直邓吧硝丘伴蒜抗绝拯恃其壬列归扛笨龟兜江妒撩全秩挟询沦词热沿谆暑妈吐沦朝庆械渤聪芒霜辗仙胳舵剧刁羡责抠执贬妻萧厩剂待窃拥纸递谅巷束


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