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1、职称英语考试理工类 B 级试题及题解 8第6局部:完形填空第 5165题,每题1分,共15分下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定 1个选项。Unpopular Subjects?Is there a place in todays society for the study of useless subjects in our universities? Just over 100 years ago Fitzgerald argued in a well-written letter(51)Nature that “ Universitiesmust be allowed t

2、o study useless subjects(52)they dont, who will?He went 0n to use the (53)of Maxwell s electrodynamics_(电 动力学)as one case where a “ uselesssubject as been transformed to a useful subjectNowadays this argument is again very much (54)in manyuniversitiesIndeed one suspects that it is one of those argum

3、ents that must be (55)anew(重新)by each generation. But now there is an added twist )-subjects must not only be useful,they must also be (56)enough that students willflock(蜂拥)to dO them, and even flock to pay to do them.As universities become commercial operations, the pressure to(57)subjectsor depart

4、ments that are less popular will become stronger and stronger, Perhaps this is most strongly(58)at the moment by physics There has been much(59)inthe press of universities that are closing down physics departments and incorporate them with mathematics or engineering departmentsMany scientists think

5、otherwise They see physics as a(6O)science,whichmust be kept alive if only to(61)a base for other sciences and engineeringIt isof their great personal concern that physics teaching and research is under (62)in many universitiesHow Can it be preserved in the rush towards commercialcompetition? A majo

6、r turnaround( 转 变 )in student popularity may haveto(63)until the industrial world discovers that it needs physicists and startspaying them well Physics is now not only unpopular ;it is also“hWaredcan do moreabout the latter by(64)teaching in our schools and universities We canalso(65) cooperative ar

7、rangements to ensure that physicists keep their researchand teaching up to date.51.AaboutBofCtoDon52AifBasCbecauseDsince53AquestionBexampleCdesignDdevice54ApowerfulBterribleC difficultD active 55A foughtB weightedC respectedD selected 56A clearB popularC indefiniteD available 57A chooseB strengthenC

8、 eliminateD identify58A recommendedB opposedC suspectedD felt59A discussionBfancyCevidenceDinfluence60ApreciseBnobleCnewDfundamental61AinstallBprovideCreachDcover62AagreementBconstructionCthreatDconsideration63AwaitBmoveCprogressDincreaseA runningB improvingC learningD dropping 65A fixB modifyC reviewD develop


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