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1、Unit Three A taste of English humorPart One 单元重点知识点I. 重点单词和词组P. 17Words: comedyP.18Words: performer, astonishing, unfortunately, ordinary, bored, entertaining, throughout, failure, overcome, convincing,Phrases: up to now, in between, feel content with, badly off, cut off, pick outP.20Words: particul

2、arly, occasionPhrases: at no extra chargeP.21Words: budget, slidePhrases: keep to, slide on a banana peelP.22Words: amuse, whisper, vastPhrases: in a mountainous area, in the open air, bring out the humourP.23Words: mess, drunkPhrases: react to, what funIII. 重点语法动词 -ing 形式:通过各种练习进行发现式学习,体验并归纳动词 -ing

3、 形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语,同时复习动词 -ing 形式的其他用法。Part Two 单元目标检测1. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空(1X20=20)2. They heard the little girl give a loud shout of (astonish).3. Barbecue is a favourtie way of (entertain) friends.4. We should never be( 满足的)with book knowledge only.5. Some students are giving a wonderful(perfo

4、rm) on the stage.6. What was the cause of his(fail)?7. His(convince) argument made all the people present believe him.8. He set about helping(无家可归的)women and children to safety.9. (fortunate), the train was late so we didn t miss it.10. She went off in the opposite(direct).11. We were amused by his(

5、humour) gesture.12. The painting is an(杰出的)example of the artist s style.13. Pollution is a serious problem in major cities(遍及)the world.14. As Sir Francis Bacon once said, some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed and some few to be( 咀嚼)and digested.15. I have a( 特殊的)responsibility to mak

6、e sure that I make the right decision.16. The girl is(低语)to her boyfriend.17. The naughty boy(amuse) himself by playing jokes on his father.18. He gave no(explain) for what he was doing that evening.19. You will be put in prison if you drive when you are(醉的).20. The room is in a( 脏乱的状态).Let s clean

7、it up.21. How did he( 做出反应)to your suggestion?II.用所给词的词组适当形式填空(1X10=10 )1. (now), doctors have been able to do very little to treat this disease.2. Let s go to the department store and you can(pick) what you like.3. After the snowstorm, the village(cut) from the outside world.4. Even now some univer

8、sities are(badly) for English teachers.5. Children(particular) love seeing cartoon films.6. All the audience(laughter) at the speaker s joke.7. When he found out his own mistake, he (overcome) shame and couldn t say a word.8. If you want to lose weight, you have to(cut) fat in your diet.9. Jason(pic

9、k) manyspoken expressions whenhe watched American TV series.10. Alcohol has the ability to(bring) the worst in people.III .语法填空 (2X10=20 )阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(每空 1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Charlie Chaplin, one of the most famous comedy actors, was born in a poorfamily. Famous for his 1一 (particularly) forms of a

10、cting, he broughtlaughter to the whole world. His 2(entertain) silent movies are stillliked by people today. He played the role of a poor and homeless person, 3 wore large trousers, worn-out shoes and carried a walking stick. The character一4 (call) the little tramp. Though the character was 5 social

11、failure, he was loved by the audience and had a strong will 6(overcome)difficulties. In the film The Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friend cameto California, hoping to pick 7 gold, but they are not fortunate enough to find any.Instead they came across a snow storm. They have nothing to eat 8 a pairof le

12、ather shoes. No one was ever bored watching him performing.9 time_went by, he grew more popular for his charming character, and became known throughout the world. 10 is loved and rememberedas a great actor whocould inspire people with great confidence.完成句子(2X5=10 )1. Laughter

13、is the sun winter from the human face. (drive)笑容如阳光,驱走人们脸上的冬天。2. Although I soon myinnocence, I think he still has seriousdoubts about my sanity. (convince)虽然我很快便让他相信我是清白的、但是我想他仍然非常怀疑我是否神志正常。3. I went to his home and found he was even than me. (badly)我去他家一看,发现他比我更穷。4. The ship with more than 400 peo

14、ple aboard sank,to death. (leave, drown)那艘载有四百多人的船沉了,致使大多数乘客溺水死亡。5. , English has hurt mea thousand times, but I still regard it as my first love. (as)正如你所看到的,英语虐我千百遍,我待英语如初恋。I.Unit Three1. astonishment 2. entertaining 3. content failure4. performance 5.6. convincing humorous11. outstanding whisperi

15、ng16. amused7. homeless12. throughout17. explanation8. Fortunately 9. direction10.13. chewed 14. particular15.18. drunk 19. mess20. reactII.1. Up to now 2. pick out3. was cut off4. badly off 5. inparticular6. burst into laughter7. was overcome 8. cut down (on) 9. picked up 10.bring outIII.1. particu

16、lar 2. entertaining3. who6. to overcome 7. out8. but 9. AsIV. 1. smoking fto smoke4. inspired finspiringentertained fentertaining2. missed fmissing5. gone fgoing7. that fwhen8. astonished fastonishing4. was called 5. a10. He3. burn fburning6.9. in -with 10. for -asV. Queen Elizabeth II, born in Lond

17、on in Apri121st 1926, is not only the queen onof United Kingdom. She is also the queen of 16 another countries, Australia,thlew otherZealand and Canada including. When she was young, she was interested in all sorts r、 weres, but her favourites was horse riding and swimming. And she also likedacting,

18、 art and music. She married with Philip Mountbatten in 1946 and the couplehad four child. It was after her facher r died in 1953 whenshe becameQueenElizabeth enc r has八II. So far she had been the queen for more than 60 years. Queen Elizabeth II isstill one of the most famously women in the world.famousVI1. that drives2. convinced him of3. worse off4. leaving most passengers drowned5. As you (can) see


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