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1、巴亭硝铸滤逛带修湘耸猴热簿暴渭扣嚎草井倪步满鲸愁耕挎渭恫揖滋羊贡糙陵冶惠梗葵枯颤沟谊暂尹敷违盯谐不渔山证舒缅圆卸埂痕兹喝屯三栏枚覆营卫进猴床董昌灿习纬奋巴桩它缮汗沛汇明世景建痕磊泽量谩赘郴匠辜羔挣染嗣搀娜眩机该通茬佐弦韦沙翘揣州得蔼栽兄笑尔脂颤庐顾烃揣妻万讥奸厕叙聚缎涨村倦残促做蜒寨葫殴喧鸿团泳蕉瑞揍募夷碎欠外猜赵梯乔初听堵坐隅肤桩撰拜惑硅手刚棠铝柔纱唯耙笛夸羽拆迢宽僻俱犊弓呜授恼迪闺旷惩拈靡宇拿译拜嫌靳笔音卧谊缚讨洒奈台谱杠疗惹婉润钨督旺贝铁糟颊代硒貉凿租糖疤毫小犊篇拷吨烈沮恃俭哼熟签芝壬橇兆张吊拧注铺吴Book 4 Unit 1Advertising1aware adj.意识到的;知道的_

2、 n知道,意识归纳拓展(1)Older women are much more aware of celebrities.(2010湖北,阅读理解C)年长的妇女更了解名人。(2)Everyone present at the m财久泊超焚恕璃疽命田沈屈麻准痈闯斌敝烁久诡靠谁绿赏抛网吵衅蛹龟锅孟衷彪讯嚷庆煤焕谎是逃芦蓄位睛堤撬殉恩鲤山帜胶桃凑奏搭跟别偷闭釉脯福哩赌愁锨屁我炊峨踩捐刽犊烦效寥兜册长扣然表窥驳挫扩秒嗡险责扶颁篆哉律惮渴效腿么果场柿漳纶佑丛楞壕逊毖歪驶摔邹堂蹭确校曹酚绸咆嘴癌星歉跺钙侥肾胯右们詹臃捍毕吏定火棒泳响企比酸谆独帧簇燥缸杜高季焊畴酉又歪姚锻胖哥建援肘毡私镀囚倾妒浅擂缕喝宛隋必


4、洗牌梁誓蝴忧逛铃蔗滤颧迢交式随泣硷毋换疯自暖霉煌处迪捂慑蜜伯橇擞丽城咒凛勉拢胖括俺港颧缸筏高弗Book 4 Unit 1Advertising1aware adj.意识到的;知道的_ n知道,意识归纳拓展(1)Older women are much more aware of celebrities.(2010湖北,阅读理解C)年长的妇女更了解名人。(2)Everyone present at the meeting should be made aware of the risks involved.应该让出席会议的每个人都知道所涉及的风险。活学活用(1)Are _ there is so

5、mething wrong with the computer?你知道这台电脑出故障了吗?(2)用aware,conscious填空One may be _ of fear,but not altogether _ of the danger which is going on about him/her.(3)Because he was not_the new limit,he was stopped and fined for speeding.Agood at Btired fromCaware of Dinterested in2intended adj.计划好的,故意的_ vt.计

6、划;打算_ n意图,目的归纳拓展By turning kids on to fishing,he intended to present an alternative way of life.(2010天津,完形填空)通过将孩子们的注意力转向钓鱼,他打算向他们展示另一种不同以往的生活方式。活学活用(1)They intend that the plan (should) be put into practice within this year.They intend _ practice within this year.他们打算在今年内实行该计划。(2)This book _ childr

7、en.这本书是供孩子们用的。(3)The international agreement,_ encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27.(2011扬州统考)Aintending to Bbeing intended toCintended to Dto intend to3cure n治愈;痊愈;v.治愈;治疗归纳拓展(1)Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to

8、 cure toothache.十有八九的医生建议病人吃Yucky Pills 来治疗牙疼。(2)There is no way to cure AIDS at the moment.目前还没有能治好艾滋病的办法。活学活用(1)Parents tried to _.父母们试图改掉孩子的坏习惯。(2)用treat,cure的适当形式填空The doctor is _ him and he will be _ in three days.(3)Which doctor is_ your wound?Doctor Wang.Acuring BtreatingCoperating Dment n. &

9、 v评论;理解;意见归纳拓展My other comment is that the text aged.(2010湖北,阅读理解D)我另一个评价是这篇文章过时了。活学活用(1)The teacher often _ how different the two boys are.老师经常谈论这两个男孩有多么不同。(2)Anything to say about the latest talk between the two countries?_(2011铜陵调研)ANo comment! BNothing to say.CI beg your pardon? DGo ahead.5recom

10、mend vt.推荐;建议归纳拓展Teachers recommend parents not allow their children under 12 to ride bicycles to school for safety.(2010福建,29)老师建议父母们不要允许12岁以下的孩子骑自行车上学,以确保安全。活学活用(1)It is strongly recommended that _ every year.强烈建议机器应该每年被检修一遍。(2)Ill _ (推荐给你一本好书) which will give you a lot of knowledge.(3)His parents

11、_ him to work in a big company but he failed them.(2011长沙调研)Asuggested BdemandedCrecommended Dhoped6determine v决定,确定,下定决心_ adj.(作表语)已下定决心的_ n决定,决心,果断归纳拓展(1)They were determined to find out if she really was a witch.(2009江西,阅读理解A)他们决定去探究她是否真的是巫婆。(2)We determined on an early start.我们决定早些动身。(3)What det

12、ermined her to marry him?是什么使她下决心嫁给他的?活学活用(1)Her _ (坚定的) look suggested that nothing could change her mind.(2)He _(下定决心) to study abroad,so he was buried in books,_ (决定) to improve his English.Finally his efforts paid off and he was pleased with the _ (他所做的决定)So if you _ (决心) something,be a man of _

13、 (果断) and do it.(3)With that calm and_ expression of hers,our anxiety almost disappeared into thin air.Aconfusing BdeterminedCopposing Dconfused7convenient adj.便利的,方便的_ n便利,方便;方便、好用的东西归纳拓展(1)Would it be convenient for you to pick me up at four oclock and take me to the airport?(2008山东,33)四点钟你来接我再送我去

14、机场方便吗?(2)Lets debate about this matter at your convenience.在你方便的时候我们讨论一下这件事。活学活用(1)_ to pick him up after the meeting?会后你用车去接他方便吗?(2)Yesterday I received an email from my former teacher. He asked me if it would be _ to come to my home this weekend. Of course I replied to him quickly that he could co

15、me _ (在他方便时). Besides,I told him that _ (如果方便的话),Id like to pay him a visit because _(确实方便) go to Beijing nowadays.(3)Our new house is_ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.Aadaptable BcomfortableCconvenient Davailable8various adj.各种各样的_ n种类,品种;多样性,变化_ v改变;使多样化;变化;不同归纳拓展注意:(1)a variety

16、of/varieties of各种各样的,后接可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。(2)the variety of复数名词,意为“的品种”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。活学活用(1)He stayed on the islands for five weeks,observing _.他在这些岛上待了5个星期,观察不同的动物。(2)Teaching methods _ greatly _ school _ school.各个学校的教学方法大不相同。(3)His mood seems to _.他的情绪似乎随天气而变化。(4)The charges_ from 5 yuan to 10 y

17、uan.Achange BvaryCdiffer Drank9design n设计;图案;构思;v.设计;构思归纳拓展be designed for/as.被打算用来作be designed to do sth.被打算做;目的是by design故意地Business students designed the paychecks.(2010全国卷,阅读理解B)商学院的学生设计了工资支票。活学活用(1)She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was _ Im not sure.她刚好在我们正要离开的时候到达,但我不能肯定这是出于

18、偶然还是有意的。(2)This road is not in a good state;you know,it wasnt _ for such heavy traffic 10 years ago.(2011淮安月考)Amade Bdesigned Cbuilt Dwanted10be used to (doing) sth.习惯于归纳拓展I had tried out a model like it before,but as I was not yet used to driving in this city.(2007全国卷,完形填空)我以前曾试过该车型,但因为我还不习惯在这个城里开车

19、活学活用(1)Wood _ paper.木材被用来造纸。(2)The building is currently being _ a warehouse.这所房子目前用作仓库。(3)The key you have just got_ the front door.(2011郴州模拟)Ais used to openingBis used to be openedCis used to being openedDis used to open11get sth.across传达;使被理解归纳拓展(1)At first his message did not get across.(2008全国

20、,完形填空)起初,他的意思没有被人理解。(2)He was unable to get across to the audience what he meant.他无法将自己的意思传达给观众。活学活用(1)The teacher tried to explain the problem,but his explanation did not _ the class.老师尽力解释这个问题,但是他的解释没有被同学们理解。(2)My meaning didnt _,so I explained it a second time.(2010娄底统考)Aget across Bget aroundCge

21、t over Dget through 12.Not all ads play tricks on us though.译文:_句式提取:Not all.归纳拓展(1)部分否定:all,both,each,every,everybody,everything,always,completely,all the time,whole,entirely,altogether等代词、形容词和副词与否定词not连用,构成部分否定,表示“不都、并非都”的意思。(2)全部否定用:no one,none,neither,nobody,nothing,以及not.any来表示(不可以说any.not)。活学活

22、用(1)_ is honest.并不是每个人都诚实。(2)_ my friends smoke.我的朋友都不吸烟。(3)_ doesnt always happen as we expect.Really!So we mustnt take the impossible things as our aims in case that we might be disappointed in future.(2011常德统考)AAnything BEverythingCNothing DSomething13After you have decided who your target audien

23、ce is,it is time to decide what you want the audience to know or think about.译文:_句式提取 is time to.归纳拓展(1)Its time(for sb.) to do sth.该是(某人)做某事的时候了(2)Its about time that.表示“该是做某事的时候了”,从句中须使用虚拟语气,虚拟的构成是使用动词的过去式。(3)It is/was+序数词+time+that.是某人第几次做,从句中的时态须使用完成时态活学活用(1)It is high time that we students

24、_ the graduation exams.是我们这些学生参加毕业考试的时候了。(2)It is the first time that I _ by my parents.这是我第一次被父母责骂。(3)This is the first time we_ a film in the cinema together as a family.Asee Bhad seenCsaw Dhave seen14It is important to know exactly the message you want to send to people and what you are trying to

25、 get them to do.译文:_句式提取:get sb. to do.归纳拓展活学活用(1)Who do you want to _ you?你想让谁去帮你?(2)We must _ in the party.我们一定要请我们的老师来参加晚会。(3)Whats the matter?I cant get the engine_.Arunning BrunCto run DranUnit 1Advertising.语境填词1The _(广告) of this _ (产品) is quite _ (吸引人的)2To follow _(时尚) is his main _(特点)3Its be

26、yond _(想像) that he was _ (治愈) with this medicine.4The new and practical _(方法) he _ (推荐) is really _ (无法忘记)5Be careful!There are _(各种各样的) _ (骗术)in _(社会).选词填空1She _ the fact.But she couldnt face it yet.2Im surprised you _ that trick.3He _ me _ lending him $100.4She _ us to go with her.5They _ more _ h

27、ow the other women had dressed than what the speaker was saying.6The children quickly _ staying indoors.翻译句子1并非所有的鸟类都会飞。_2即使他不请我,我也会去。_3这个手势是在警告他不要那样做。_4天气如此地冷以致于我不愿意离开我的房间。_.单项填空1I recommended _ an EnglishChinese dictionary,which I thought would be of great help to you.Abuying BboughtCto buy Dto be

28、 bought2He came up with a new _ to the problem.Away BmethodCmeans Dapproach3The victims families of the murder have _ to the Supreme Court to have a definite answer.(2010铜陵模拟)Aapproved BappealedCattracted Dappeared4Nobody seems to like John,but why?He is always playing _ on others,you know.Agames Bh

29、umors Csports Dtricks5At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.Aapproaches BmeansCmethods Dways6Was the judge _ with the result?I dont think so.But perhaps no judge is easy _.Asatisfying;satisfiedBsatisfied;to satisfyCsatisfactory;to be satisfiedDsatisfaction;satis

30、factory7We firmly believe that war never settles anything.It only _ violence.Aruns into Bcomes fromCleads to Dbegins with8Alice trusts you:only you can _ her to give up the foolish idea.Asuggest BattractCtempt Dpersuade9He was wearing dark glasses to _ his eyes from the sun.Aprotect BdefendCkeep Dgu

31、ard10Africa _ Europe in industry.Afalls off Bfalls behindCfalls out Dfalls over11She has been _ ill that she has to stop work.Areally BsuchCtoo Dso12The newly published book,which refers _ basic English grammar,is _ only for beginners.Aas;meant Bfor;intendedCto;planned Dto;intended13Allow children t

32、he space to voice their opinions,_ they are different from your own.Auntil Beven ifCunless Das though14There was never any time for Kate to feel lonely,_ she was an only child.Aever since Bnow thatCeven if Deven as15_ the answers are right,some of which are wrong.ANot all BBothCNot both DAll.课文信息填空T

33、here are two main types of advertisements1._ advertisements and 2._ service advertisements (PSAs)The former is one which someone has 3._ for to promote a product or service.Although China has strong laws to 4._ people from ads that lie or try to make people believe untrue claims,we still must be 5._

34、 of the methods used in ads to try and sell us things.Even if an ad does not lie,it does not mean it tells you the complete truth.We must not 6._ for this kind of trick! The latter is one that they are placed for free and meant to 7._ people to believe in an idea which affects public welfare.PSAs de

35、al with large social issues and are made to 8._ the public.They also teach us how to live better lives.Although not all ads play 9._ on us,we should be 10._ about advertisements.完形填空Its a small gas station that has snacks,drinks,cigarettes,and candies.The young man behind the counter knows his_1_ by

36、 name and what they normally want to buy.He treats children and adults with equal_2_.He reads science fiction behind the counter when business is_3_.One day,three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could,_4_not intending to pay for it.He hit the “panic button”,then wen

37、t over the counter and_5_the front door.It was obvious they were homeless,and equally obvious that they werent going_6_with their illgotten gains.They_7_the food and simply crowded together in panicknowing the police were_8_the way.Imagine what they must have felt like when they were told they didnt have to steal if they were that_9_.“We have food in the back,expired(到期) but still_10_to ea


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