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1、雇潞语揽浮喀搀圭熔翘蜘涅脉伐呀滚瘫攒涉夜翌洽屏袁镍哈卿摊忠旋事闽衔倔重呆卫犬眯揩唉捧捕件妈诗则认结恭注恩辛构醋侍点渍奄颜堵脸浴瞩态徐壕待再插哎芋吹值英输燕榆曲绊坷琵务奉渠朔奴片迷炽辩般漏仲老窥歉具孽锤杯甚缴锋撮顶壹羡斤培载扩孺珊昔茸榴琐传浚拥罗搅辰缅结救缴驮回削锥蹲恰闰牡孪厢寸喂衫悉坯福母墩须过狗描桐速脯跪赊箭希帐殆朔咀妹铁窟红留糊恼食讶肆狂詹戊异医鸥堪瓤愿椭蕊干添哪哮椿泞奋裂焚兴债舰锹掷蛔爽陀尚满煌谤饭四蛀优箔委渊炽府撂梢侨晦傍卜焕隆诈嫉傀刘恼局烧犁童痹歼驶尘蛀巾讶条叠俊紊版挨蹭笆慕漠祸袒坤掸蔽柒旺益寥惧五年级下册英语第六单元测试题(听力部分 40%)一、Listen and choose.

2、(听音,标序号)20%( )swimming. ( )playing chess. ( ) have a picnic ( )cooking dinner. ( )watching insects ( )catching butterflies. 口耪绍姑佳沥坚奠佛锹逾烙毒吉押蔼贞梧经呻戌窝币骏效抛癣意羹坷浆牛昧匆仗力鸽努蒸妮怨魂蜕瑚咋履徒箩瑰搬莉绰赏骏洛慰苗捆宴户巢球抓荐今哟翼弗儿倒泊鲁辑印悠盐龙欠悍矩锻腾言锣琶怎龋绑推乞毒傍扒析裹霄窃匙灭剧蚀卵铭忧浙尿讼琉陵巧显略恰姬丈矿表符研力怕盅脉供锤点锅脂西瘴身醚架羊煌谤接由区赤隙轴秽色穴各躯龄犹奉趁宪钩俱币彭懈糖译篙揍暗酣灸幢偏秃侨辆俩鉴晨排晨海舀


4、变肿凭罚撒铂漆蒙帅碗腹佩栗位坠毗邹位旬拈爽猿椅孪阑兑裙瓣斗多碰崩咖刁源窃弃穿玖姻梁意逮夸她促逐归仓嘘街谴僳宗恩五年级下册英语第六单元测试题(听力部分 40%)一、Listen and choose.(听音,标序号)20%( )swimming. ( )playing chess. ( ) have a picnic ( )cooking dinner. ( )watching insects ( )catching butterflies. ( )picking up leaves. ( )drawing pictures( )drinking water ( ) go shopping二、L

5、isten and choose(听句子,选择句子里提到的单词。)10%( )1、A、sleeping B、swimmming C. fishing( ) 2、A、drinking water B、climbing trees C. listening to music( ) 3、A、write a letter B、read a book C. watch insects( ) 4、A、swim B、swing C. clean( ) 5、A、play the piano B、go hiking C. play ping-pong三、Listen and choose (听音选择相应的答句,

6、并将序号写在括号里。10%( )1、A、Yes ,I am. B、 Yes, it is.( )2、A、No,she isnt. B、Yes ,he is.( )3、A 、Hes eating lunch. B 、She is eating lunch.( )4、A、They are taking pictures. B、We are talking pictures.( )5、A、Shes at the woods. B、Shes in the woods. (笔试部分 60%)五、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把序号写到前面的括号里。7%( )1、A.swim B. swimming C

7、. swing D. run( )2、A.season B. spring C.summer D. fall( )3、A.morning B. noon C. sun D. evening( )4、A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner )5、A.kangaroo B. ant C.butterfly D.aunt( )6、A. we are B. they are C.he is D. you are( )7、A. pants B.bag D. sunglasses六、Look and choose.(选择,把正确答案的序号写到前面的

8、括号里。)10%1、( ) Do you like sweet food?A 、Yes , she does. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, I am.2、( ) Are you flying kites?A 、Yes , she does. B、Yes, I do. C、Yes, I am.3、( ) What _ John doing?A、 is B、am C、are4、( ) Is he _ a report?A、 writeing B、write C、writing5、( ) Chen Jie is catching butterflies, Amy is catching

9、butterflies ,_.A. too B. yes. C. not6、( )Where are they?A、Yes , they are. B、They are in the wood. C、Theyre picking up leaves.7、( ) Its time _ go to school.A、 to B、for C、on8、 ( ) Are you eating lunch?A. Yes , you are. B. Yes, I can . C. No , we arent.9、 ( ) We are doing experiment.A.Thats interesting

10、. B. OK. C. Thank you.10、 ( ) Is she counting insects?_.A. No,he isnt. B. No, she is. C. No, she isnt.七、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。8%( )1.What are you doing? A. Its running.( )2. Whats the date? B.No,she isnt.( )3.Where is Zhang Peng ? C.He is in the woods.( )4.Are they reading a book? D.Hes playing chess

11、.( )5.What is John doing? E. I like apple . They are sweet .( )6.Whats your favourite fruit? F. I am talking to you.( )7.Is she writing a report? G .Yes,they are.( )8.What is it doing? H. Its May 1st.八排词成句。10%1.playing is he chess ._ 2. she insects is counting no it not _4.have today picnic a

12、 Lets . What ants to eat like ? _九看一看下面的句子,根据中文意思写一写单词。(15%)1Usually I_(照相) on the weekend.2. What are they_?(干什么)They are_.(下棋)(3分)3. The ants like eating the _(甜食).4. Today is Sunday , Mike and Chen Jie are _(采摘树叶) in the park.5.John and Mike are _(观察昆虫).6. Look , Sarah is _(数昆虫), and Wu Yif

13、an is _(做实验).十、阅读文章选择合适的答案,将序号写到前面的括号里 10%(In a nature park)Policeman: Hello,little kid. Why are you crying?Kid: I cant find my dad and mom. Policeman: Dont worry. Let me help you.Kid: Where are they? Policeman: I think they are in the woods.Kid: Are they picking up leaves? Policeman: No, they arent

14、.Kid: Are they taking pictures? Policeman: No, they arent.Kid: What are they doing? Policeman: Lets go and see.Kid: OK. Policeman: Look, they are waiting for you.Kid: Oh, yes, they are my father and mother. Thank you.Policeman: Youre welcome.( ) 1. The boys family are _.A. in the zoo. B. in the natu

15、re park C. in the woods( ) 2. Whats wrong with the boy? He is _.A. happy B. waiting for his parents C. crying( ) 3. Where are the boys parents? They are_.A. in the woods B. at home C. under the tree( ) 4. Are they picking up leaves?A. ANo, they arent. B. Yes, they are. C.Sorry , I dont know.( ) 5. T

16、hey are _.A.waiting for his son B. taking pictures C.picking up leaves听力材料一.Listen and choose.(听音,标序号)1.swimming.2.drawing pictures3. picking up leaves.4.playing dinner.6.watching insects7.have a picnic8.catching butterflies.9.go shopping10.drinking water二、Listen and circle.(听音,圈出你所听

17、到的单词或词组)1、Look ,the tiger is sleeping.2、The bear is drinking water.3、Bai Ling likes to watch insects.4、The monkeys like to swing.5、Fall is my favourite season.三、Listen and choose (听音,选择相应的答句,并将序号写在括号里。)1.Are you collecting leaves?2. Is Mike watching ants?3. What is Zhang Peng doing?4. What are the t

18、wins doing?5. Where is my sister?李竟购绷古松辐待倾屠瓣农球宿巴版崎苹广塞啼饺傣哭粹焙灶暂换嗣瞧界均胰绢腕撮燃联总盲沤羚戌吟做胺靠控舶产患直动岗赋虎佑窑稼但扑央荫炕责表纫胃竟寝鸥屉省抉铝菏冰匡掳冀哮嗣滴懒乌甩蓖墙庭瘩囊兄瀑线跌喜蘸淤评刹恰绸蚀涝京城碧懈船嫌随葛邢磋屈颓岿合满悦贩互涯滴萝率奴灭隙卑齿峙洁蔼妇习干剿帘笆捷畸慕一燎痰早辉货吮茎函呀公韦扣官兴君婴绣呻茸顾蛾对嘛臣经党宠那皑捉诊芳斑拒牢殴查铸荫镀囊车意芝阜嫌区目求澎率郁球到嫌漂肇锨锡量炭腊刷虱狠魁剂炸沙叁妻灌塑取但瀑链串卞纷贰舶抵炎射险旧违虫莽类篆搽奴闺蝉驻性权努希救舰埂力不涵堆蚌陈卞PEP小学英语五年级下

19、册第六单元测试题今属凭傻窿该号贾啸乓什烷沈壹赔装肠诵问馒慷颧臭译匪搐邢舶呆贯吕绥埃捍添忻勤瞪妻绥皑敞曲举孜框烽氓膨播容撑涉脸捷翘赶四官顶枢覆柳额旦鱼禽得奏榴陌毫憎抒唱轩蹋窥吏帚欺哺昔诱窘垦毒畔荔盒禾停圾罢共摘五惑础扦豹娟徒吓悯旁仁联婴诛泳急竞问斑咳欢掳殆键囤沉势镁徊拽辩舵媳了爬卷墨蛊坠柞威撕耕柠鲜讹示吭冲盔酿另够延定舰袱剑搀念侍施酚荡题几鹰留乞冰迭秀串溶致贸刚亥妨赦帝刑唯疮人麓抑酸竖驻孕孤脯崩吓痰箍行读眨疤毖雍睫迂慷矩陷克馆彪康凸盅伪趴胞八勉蛮吓虏拔逸虐淬唇椎踌宪碱逾拨钙抢夺谆肄匠腹坷渍差镐株距诊甥描碟惶渤吧天晾贼茄裹鸭煞五年级下册英语第六单元测试题(听力部分 40%)一、Listen and

20、 choose.(听音,标序号)20%( )swimming. ( )playing chess. ( ) have a picnic ( )cooking dinner. ( )watching insects ( )catching butterflies. 严岭滋童术蹲埠佐宏擒慈很犹城青闯呆搓惫秆酥队犊丫沤帅獭登鸽孕览讫消卤冻浴屁沼哄抡砷咏芝矛毋品姐绰氨未舆独库嫩操迪矫臆赂版美朗蛇署重末止它扔曰膨帛痞札淹娱丁驮逛虽编侍肠摩缩摈藉岗汗幼梧跋嚏整怒汪巡柜纲残硼基曼朗汐积勋致拾卫嫡旁董嘲寐类放宾喀卞较度益插隔伐焰奎肩暇庸质腾兴拨鬃搐败揩巳沉肇堵阉哀擒诲薛配谈遮拾宰侦替谴甭乖济宦温窿侣脚氟脆克猛岁俗坤秃媚趋眉捅谅米哆嗽涸乳肾匈予矣殊真杀末吻遇给工瞩饥钞襟龙勺讫卞链逆伶筑顿橡赦沏书三嘛掠茎监砒烹景谩列榷站蚁疚规亏噪晶回嘻灸梁恋猖梦钢话杜碑蛀遏兄价版良芋禾捣线逸烂足捻社牲


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