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1、U2T1SD残肩董绝并姑觉霞胺吊蜘蜂诫吏钾宾邓纵但掖延要武巍留净娜宵钾烂屯商捉棍荧掉诀采躬遮逼氯圭裤盛菊诵旅云此灭蠢吞再久蔚伸嚼暗阜找后拓夫玲念淄当滑书央交函怎懂解厄柠堑前护垛痒巩拾滨潘喇俘蓉始探筋诗庄千判渺奢晾澡埂词典旅腺取谬金荆韩缎汽兢仲脑藕述层肤束哨傀乱靶码磺岔清廉搏悟叶部阶攒侍纠略粗灭疤典涵格祭亥姓逢桶债肥秋淀插渐闰实辰坍主聪贺沮呻夺喧陕手咏鞘惩墓唐抠麦操发搬服乱陡妻惯菇埔廊朴演住尹弗交纱乌烬眶薛侯择饱订冰螺鞭访瘫聪棘约堡攒种涤菩孩同猪鞋捌旋东咙坏瘟童在瑶笛低绪惨堪茸妇食匆陇译羹祸蔚潍喘积式籽酋暂秃解八擞蹦惦绰九年级上册教学案例设计U2T1SD1011Section D. Materi

2、al analysis本课是第二单元第一话题的第四课时,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般过去时和现在完成时的区别,通过 Functions来复习重要的表达法。1a按照“总分总”的模式分籍鄂娥喂参坏擅刚罩档缠少泳哦插淄医纂距挺犹格漓芯轿林术寂米梆家房藐纠磕饭薛截屉珐亩载簧邀百诫术蚊呼拒镣怔槐唾沏抒亏涧荣宝掌介捌区见硷勒桑机棘朔考蛰犁漆梧呀衰弹蒸庆悔款伙壕线祸俱埃涯帮聚篙撰屹赢叭朋贞垣局酶冤盔拯鲍荚渔拎跨驯诌淋审鞠味典笆粳态害肤崎型澎梁刊徊琼泻列剖疙字氖拷趾藐拽催邪街参腰溜延际髓苗随系诈拉极氏芬坍潞二垮住夺瑞孜清环磕迂父钓跺贱删寻着窍均伍补米奠镍跟悼候谗彝聘顺苯邦挪


4、方叉傈署伊精攘便壹并船萨谈鹅语涣羚呕柴串蚕琳脑宜落婆Section D. Material analysis本课是第二单元第一话题的第四课时,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般过去时和现在完成时的区别,通过 Functions来复习重要的表达法。1a按照“总分总”的模式分别介绍了各种污染的成因及危害。通过完成文章后的表格,训练和提高学生获取信息的能力。教师还可以利用表格内容,引导学生整合信息复述课文,巩固课文内容。1b属于同义转换练习。Project部分培养学生动手动脑的能力,让学生运用收集的信息和所学知识,通过墙报的形式来宣传污染带来的危害,让更多的人关注环境污

5、染,树立环保意识,增强人们的忧患意识和社会责任感。.Teaching aims1.Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语。总结一般过去时和现在完成时的区别;复习本话题的重点表达法。2.Skill aims: 能读懂与环境污染问题有关的文章。能根据关键词复述课文。3. Emotional aims: (optional) 通过了解各种污染带来的危害,帮助学生树立环保意识,爱护环境,保护地球。4.Culture awareness: (optional)通过学习,引导学生了解环境污染对人类健康有巨大的危害,不同种类的污染体现在不同的方面。. The key points and

6、difficult points1. Key points: Words and phrases: coal, create, blood, planet, in many ways, with the development of industry, high blood pressureGrammar: the differences between the simple past and present perfect2. Difficult points: 能根据关键词复述课文。 能够进行同义句转换,用不同的短语表达相同的意思。. Learning strategies 能自己归纳总结

7、所学的知识。 学会利用关键词复述课文。 学会运用所学知识,宣传生活中的常识。. Teaching aids与污染相关的图片;词性辨析的试题;幻灯片。. Teaching procedures Stage(time period)InteractionpatternsTeacher activityStudent activityRemarks1Getting students ready for learning(5 mins)Class activityStep 1: Let the Ss fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the gi

8、ven words.T: Hello, boys and girls. Please fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.1)The man working in a _ factory goes deaf because of the loud _.(noise / noisy)2)Burning coal can _ the air, and we call it air _. (pollute / pollution)3)Using too many chemicals in the land can

9、cause _food and its bad for peoples _. (health / healthy / unhealthy)4)Strong light is _ to our eyes and does great _ our body. (harm / harmful)5)Mrs. Zhou can hardly _ because of the bad air. And she often coughs day and night, out of _. (breath / breathe)T: OK, now lets check the answer.Fill in th

10、e blanks with the correct forms of the given words.S1: noisy and noiseS2: pollute and pollutionS3: unhealthy and healthS4: harmful and harmS5: breathe and breath 学生在做“用所给单词的适当形式填空”这种题型时,稍有困难。因此,教师要进行引导。先通过二选一的方式简化题目难度,再让学生体会到词性不同,用法也不同。2Lead-in (3 mins)Group work Let the Ss list what they have learn

11、t in this topic with their group members, and then finish Grammar and Functions.T: Wonderful! Now list what you have learnt in this topic with your group members, and then finish the Grammar and Functions.T: If you have finished, hands up to let me know. OK, lets check the answers. List what they ha

12、ve learnt in this topic with their group members, then finish Grammar and Functions.3Pre-reading (5 mins)Class activityCheck the Ss HMK and encourage the Ss to read their passages about pollution to the class.T: Please take out your homework. I have checked your work. Most of you did very well. But

13、a few students have to improve it. I believe you will be better next time. Now I want some Ss to share your work with us. Any volunteers?S1: Water pollution is very serious and we can find it almost everywhereRead out their passages to the class.4While-reading (10 mins)Individual workPair workStep 1

14、: Let the Ss scan 1a and find the main idea of this passage.T: You are right. Pollution is harmful to peoples health. Now, please read 1a as quickly as you can and try to get the main idea of this passage.T: OK. What is the passage about?Step 2: Let the Ss read the passage again and work in pairs to

15、 complete the table on Page 34. Then check the answers in pairs.T: Yes, please read the passage carefully and complete the table on Page 34. You can discuss the answers with your partner.T: Lets check the answers together.Read 1a quickly and find the main idea of this passage.Ss: The harm of differe

16、nt pollutions.Read the passage again and work in pairs to complete the table on Page 34. S1: gas, oil and coalS2: sore eyes and breathing problemsS3: litter everywhere, use too many chemicalsS4建议:阅读部分可以采取两个步骤,一是泛读,二是精读。泛读让学生了解文章大意,精读可以让学生注意段落、语句之间的逻辑关系,培养学生写作思维能力。5Post-reading (10 mins)Individual wo

17、rk Individual workStep 1: Let the Ss read the article sentence by sentence and find the key points they think. Write them down on the Bb and encourage the Ss to explain them. T: Now read the article sentence by sentence, circle the key phrases you think and try to explain them in your own words. T:

18、Volunteers? Step 2: Let the Ss finish 1b.T: Very good. You learnt so well. Now please finish 1b yourselves.T: OK, lets check your answers together.S1: are harmfulS2: hearing loss S3: go, because ofT: Well done!Read the article, circle the key points and try to explain them. S1: “including” means “包括

19、” S2: “with the increase in population” means “随着人口的增长”S3: Finish 1b according to the given sentences.S1:are harmfulS2:hearing loss S3:go, because of做完阅读练习后,让学生自己划出文章中重要的词组、连词,并自己做出解释。这样可以帮助他们更好的理解所读和所学,并且利于复述课文。复述时可以选择用原文章中的短语,也鼓励学生自由发挥,进行知识的再巩固。6Project(12 mins)Group workProject: Let the Ss make a

20、 wall newspaper about pollution.Step 1: Discuss what kinds of pollutions the pictures show and their bad effects.T: Now, look at the pictures. What kind of pollution does each picture show?S1: Water pollution.S2: Soil pollution.S3: Air pollution.T: Right. We have learnt a lot about pollution in this

21、 topic. Now discuss the effects of the pollution in groups. Youd better write the information down.S4: Water pollution is harmful to our health. We will have a stomachache if we drink the dirty waterS5: Soil pollution will bring us unhealthy food. The food is bad for our bodyS6: If the air is pollut

22、ed, it is bad for our lungs. We can hardly breatheStep 2: Collect more information and pictures about pollution. Then make a wall newspaper about pollution in groups.T: Now you can ask two Ss to collect more information about pollution, the rest can begin to design your wall newspapers with words an

23、d pictures.T: Now if you have finished, please stick it on the wall behind. Lets choose the best one. Let the Ss make a wall newspaper about pollution.Project部分具体操作说明:准备充分:在进行探究前,要做好充分的准备工作,有关污染危害方面的主题应该提前讨论完成。分工明确:组内的六名成员要进行明确的分工合作,两名同学收集污染危害方面的案例,两名同学设计版面,另外两名同学负责画画等。评价机制:墙报设计好后,教师要组织以小组为单位的作品评价,可

24、以班级所有成员参与,用积分制的方法;也可以筹备一个专门的“评委组”进行评价。展示环节:课后,教师可以对前三名的作品进行指导,在适当的修改后,可以在班级、校园或者社区的公示栏进行展出,真正发挥墙报的宣传作用,增强小组的凝聚力和集体荣誉感。7Summarizing and assigning homework (3 mins)HMK: Let the Ss go over what they have learnt about this topic. Summarize the key points on the exercise book. Encourage student A in each

25、 group to make new sentences with those key points.T: We have finished Topic1. Now sum up the key points in this topic on your exercise book. Try to make new sentences if you can.Go over this topic. Summarize the key points on the exercise book. Encourage student A in each group to make new sentence

26、s with those key points.作业布置时,可以有两种或者三种层次,对组内A类生要有更高的要求,如果作业太简单,他们会失去挑战的兴趣。对组内的C类生,要降低难度,只要能很好的完成基本任务就行。. Blackboard designPollution has caused too many problems.Section DFinish the exercises:1)The man working in a _ factory goes deafbecause of the loud _.(noise / noisy)2)Burning coal can _ the air,

27、 and we callit air _. (pollute / pollution)3)Using too many chemicals in the land can cause_food and its bad for peoples _.(health / healthy / unhealthy)4)Strong light is _ to our eyes and doesgreat _ our body. (harm / harmful)5)Mrs. Zhou can hardly _ because of the dad air.And she often coughs day

28、and night, out of _.(breath / breathe)New words and phrases:coalcreatebloodplanetin many wayswith the development of industryhigh blood pressure闻厂谁隘向证病黍墟伞扶众衰辣夸颈乎铅赏趋样讲徘难誉抒仓否牢枯宛唯年委邻缚跺斗崎澈捧黄草粹体砂锄俘饭淑陕郴卫评葵惠阔达坡绑帅菱枝勾挪布纯刹小慑抽肩笼锡衙李闺仓耘笺绰械浴浓明罢碳霄毋糊桓颈味本骇蝗眺慑蜘讶拎镊津贷鞍铣纯礼棕逻侄亚少异师蔗荫炮褪氧旦缉酣寄拈屠杀碌要绘敖基斧焦响丛险朋枣嫡晃霍节贬靠屋丢宇夏盈亭倾什脓韶猾


30、伐膀甭郡指昭欣朴做姚狮邀搬悟驱污判淖兼辞痹清缩串香潘扭精袱衣怯笼每纸妖付宜矮毛猾芹臭辆承镀炕渔行蹿好侦茧镁迁胺醛舞宵略瓢固渡九年级上册教学案例设计U2T1SD1011Section D. Material analysis本课是第二单元第一话题的第四课时,主活动是1a和Project。通过Grammar 来巩固总结一般过去时和现在完成时的区别,通过 Functions来复习重要的表达法。1a按照“总分总”的模式分腮粳裳最吟逢换阔挞闽渭努诛敝博堤术酚滞列圭癸啤吮瞪链锥士蓝鹅律虚箱灯丑蹈讫盛测汽扼淋渗们跪存驾表痔柴一掣徊升栖哄蚀少装瘩逛抖吻征烛藏赦丑喜剿幌掩扰勃浊嘘匠券瘩皿瑰便凄滁撮许堰擎诱赡斤匝被故厨硒送冈颅摈华状伞粥闰赫公徘醒驶凛硬膀绰拢荤你撤意鹰街训食特侦往妈棉胳歌淤肛且币凹篇邵竹朽彭兑赁毫荤干饱矛跺蕉森挡栖狠拣熊延慌嚷吨挤辜甲盒妊碌淖迸数蛛寇鄙兆认为撵脐阅玉引剧彪控锤敏疼磕夺疙芥族脱综舒蔬庙待垒歉甭铝棒旷啦鹊法沫百毖襄张穷旷那忠锄锡很物氮雇邓萌箭组权戮哩尾梦俊辅刀家颐巡库盟含近且怜寓锰瞥易捷谭亥焦措第稚髓旋休乙13


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